analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 06.02.99
postings from anarchy:
hi! it 4am again!
the birds are chirping. i've had a headache since i got up today ( yesterday
but that didn't stop me from trying 2 figure out more tech stuff all day.
i know this is NO big deal 2 most
of's nursery school html...but i am totally new to making a webpage.
it sounds incredibly BIZARRE that i, "queen of the internet" have
not a clue about what is the deal with making a website!
WELL! i THIN i'm FINALLY get the
hang of SOMETHING!
'cause i, yes *I* on this very date, june 2nd.
have put up a 30 second refreshing cam. just a picture that refreshes! i did
it ALL by myself.
looking at people's sources
i tried 2 get a clock in there
but it didn't work. there is no text, and for some reason it only works in
IE, not netscape. :(
so me, one of the most notorious camgrrls, put up her 1st cam by herself today! i think it's hilarious and kind of EMBARRASSING! but better late than never,eh? :))))
i am so pleased :)
i am like a baby that just learned the word "mama" :)
the cam i using is the connectix that broke when it fell in the tub. for some reason it working again. i dunno why. and i'm running it off the old anacam computer..which died..but i guess it has one more life in it..'cause it's working now. but maybe when i wake up everything will b frozen or something.
i was cleaning the thing room
today. the room with all my things. now all the things are in the hallway as
i try 2 organize in year later.
i want 2 turn it into a creating room.
i found this ugly as hell shelf in the dump, and i put all my cassettes in it 'cause it has tiny shelves. the thing is made out of cardboard. but at least i can get 2 my cassettes again!
then i started plugging my two old computers in. i need a hub...then i can run another cam off the 2nd old computer. then i'd have 4 cams!
for now i think i'll mostly have
cam3 pointed at a little tv i have that doesn't get good reception.
then , when i'm actually in the thing room, i'll point it at whatever i'm doing
in that room.
i put my little tv in there. it's on the floor. cam3 is such a makeshift operation made from little crazy reincarnated things.
i would've put it on anacam or ana2, but i don't know how! isn't that STUPID!!!!?????
i'll add cam3 with the rest of ana2 cams soon, i hope..if it still keeps on ticking, that is!
can't wait to get a 4th cam so i can tile them together two on top and two on the bottom 2 make the beginning of my cam mosaic i so much want 2 do! :)
yayayayayayayay. i made a cam i did i did! :)
if u go there and nothing is happening or means something broke, k?
just figuring stuff out :)
ana thee camgirl7
( 'cause i'm gonna put the sevens back up on the wall, too! and i was approximately the 7th camgrrl..or it sounds SPIFFY-like..likes james bond )
oh, thing that could go wrong
are...cam3 is running off a normal that says u can stay on the internet
for unlimited hours..but then if u stay on 24/7 they write u a letter saying
"don't do that!"
so i'll have 2 set up a back-up isp so 12 hours on one then 12 on the other
so they don't get mad.
and i forgot that on normal isps u get disconnected a lot sometimes. so if u wake up and nothing is happening on cam2..that could b the reason.
gadz, now it's 5am! this is the third night i've stayed up until 6 this week, working on tech stuff.
it's starting 2 get light out now. i took some sominex again 2 konk myself out. head still hurts. drinking cherry coke. yummy :)
now it's 8am...i'm getting hallucinatory.
jason's up getting ready 4 werk.
i will have 2 crash soon.
i added text 2 cam3 ( i'm such a genius )
then i got the clock on there, but jason made it werk.
and he got it so it works in netscape, too
brain...slowi n g
no, i had the headache all day, BEFORE i had sominex or cherry coke. i had a headache 'cause i have my period. i almost always have a headache during the beginning ( middle and end ) of my period