analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 05.31.99
I've been waking
up with a normal headache everyday for the last week. and my neck and back muscles
all in knots. perhaps I'm sleeping funny. I don't know. the weather here has
also been strange. super hot one day, then grey and cold the next. today it
is grey and somewhat cold. I was up for 24 hours when most of these pictures
were taken. I was consumed with trying 2 figure out how 2 put up transparent
logos on my campix. I think I mostly understand now. mostly. it's just that
I think paint shop pro really sucks to make them. so I'm going to try photoshop
next. I can't even tell u the technical crap I've been trying 2 figure out and
deal with. I wrote some of it in the bbs, but I'm not honna put it in this anagram
'cause it's far too boring. I found out that my name is mentioned in a prince
biography called "purple reign". jason saw it at the store and looked
in the index. I would've never guessed that I'd have my name mentioned in anything
2 do with prince. but there, on page 95, is my name..misspelled "anna voog".
the only reason I got mentioned is because it's a sentence saying what bobby
z is up 2 these days..since he is my manager and producer. I told him about
it and he said that I might be mentioned in a few others, too, since he's done
about 4 or 5 interviews for books since the time he has known me. I didn't even
know that!
he is kind of a secretive guy :) he always gets up 2 make "mysterious phone
calls" all the time. he is never without a phone! but I love that about
him. it's fun 2 wonder :)
ack. my head hurts which is causing my stomache 2 hurt. I finally started getting
my period today after way over a month of waiting. I'll bet now my period will
last for 10 days 'cause I'm not on the pill. after my period is over I can go
2 planned parenthood and get the pill again. I hate not knowing when my period
is coming. gee, isn't this an exciting anagram? lol. I'm SURE u wanted 2 know
that. how interesting<sarcasm>
ok, as u can see I really don't have much 2 say again! I'm in kind of a technical
mode or something. not a word mode.
I don't know if I mentioned this yet in an anagram, but jason made this great
programme for anacam where it picks for words by random from a pool of words
I selected( about 800 so far ) then it takes those four words and puts them
right above the anacam picture! it's very amusing seeing which four words it'll
pick! so far, I don't think anyone has noticed this or something because no
one has mentioned it to me at all!
and I haven't announced it anywhere accept for here and in the anarchy2 and
to a few people in chat, because i don'' want people going there and hitting
"refresh" over and over 'cause that'll overload my server.
I'm going 2 put that programme on ana2 , as well. :)
things I'm trying 2 figure out how 2 do:
have my own call-in talk radio show on the internet.
how 2 start a tv station on the internet that only plays music videos.
how 2 have a bunch of cams tiled up into a mosaic on a page with ambient livingroom
sound as the "musiq" that goes with the moviong mosaic.
how 2 do all of this and not drive jason crazy :)
how 2 create a virtual world.
how 2 create a simplified understandable menu
how 2 even make a webpage! lol!
and more
then putting all of this stuff in an order 2 do it..if I even can do it at all.
just a bunch of other should I get hair extensions or a
all the musiq stuff, etc etc I can't even list it here.
well, yes, I could..but it's just too much and I have a headache
.more later :)
oh, and in case u didn't know there has been an anagram everyday this month
except for 6!