analog 052702

[26 May 2002|01:03am]
another muffled video...of pupsters! 3.65MB

being a goof (26.10 MB holy cow!)

more pupster fun! (722KB)

a fellow clown :)

thanks shannonkringen fo introducing us :)


[26 May 2002|01:38pm]
jason's computer is screwed and he is totally beyond upset about it, as anyone would be when everything they have is erased :( we were going to zoom around today on the scooter but now he has to work on that and it's a grey day anyway but it is 70 degrees. so i'm waking up now and i'm going to have some coffee with maple syrup. i've decided not to do the atkin's. it's summer now so i should EXCERCISE. atkin's is good for the winter when you can't move around as much. i am going to go for a walk with my new little videocamera. i was wrong that it hold 500 pix, it holds 2000!

first thing tho, i am going to install the sandisk card reader and get the pictures off my nikon so i can use that, too.

i have successfully gotten myself off paxil. so i feel good about that since i was gaining weight on it and also i've heard of bad side effects when you try to get off it. and i didn't want to do long term use with another bad side effecty thing. i still am taking sinequan which also makes me gain weight. i hope i can gte off that, too. because that is making me gain weight, too.

i'll feel good if i go on a walk today. even if it's a short walk, it's a start. gonna go make coffee now!

dad wrote me an email the other day asking me what's up 'cause he hadn't heard from me in awhile. i told him i was depressed about mom and he probably didn't want to hear about it. and i haven't heard from him since, so i guess i was right.

fruit and vogs [26 May 2002|01:43pm]
if anyone with a car wants to go food shopping with me today, let me know. i want to by a TON of fruit!!! and i will take whoever drives out to dinner!

update: gonna go shopping with eebomb :) she is finishing her 2nd crocheted hat just now :)

i'm going to buy cherries and apricots and grapefruit and almonds! yay! and maybe oatmeal and cream :) i'll take pix with my new mini dv!

here's another video i made of the pups. ( i can't help myself, i love my dogs!) the sound is really distorted, so turn the sound down. 1.45MB

[26 May 2002|04:48pm]
i bought so much delicious food! i am in heaven! i wil list it all after i eat some! heaven heaven heaven! tons and tons of fruit! and there's a nice warm little rain out there with occasional thunder.

"Dear Ana, here is your Horoscope for May 26, 2002

There is a carefree, almost childlike atmosphere today. This will suit
you just fine, Ana. You have been working extraordinarily hard lately,
and need to relax and unwind a bit. This is a day for doing cartwheels
across an open field. You are not the only one who feels this way - the
joie de vivre is positively contagious. Make the most of this wonderful
feeling. This is a day for play, not work."


[26 May 2002|05:07pm]

my shopping trip with eebomb
here is a 1.06MB avi of the whole foods store we were in. you can see eebomb and her babyman, august in it, too.

and here is a little video of him smilng and making gurgling sounds (only 512 KB)

things i bought at the whole food store: [26 May 2002|05:35pm]

(most things organic)
a huge bowl of cherries
nice dark green lettuce
balsamic vinegar
ginger jam
this incredible very heavy bread with tons of grains and seeds in it!
6 organic eggs
vanilla yogurt
vanilla soy milk
oat meal
rice and almond hot cereal
cranberry and some sort of flake cereal
a sparkling grapefuit drink
a citrus drink with herbs
healthy doggy treats for the pups
2 cans of white tuna
curry noodle soup
chai tea latte
toasted almonds
raw milk cheese
gruyere cave aged raw milk swiss cheese
italian baiti friuli cheese
sandalwood soap
lavendar lotion

i need these boots! [26 May 2002|06:03pm]

[26 May 2002|06:30pm]
oh shoot, i bought the wrong sandisk! i needed one for compactflash and i bought one for a multimedia card. shoot! i'm glad it was only 20 bucks

[27 May 2002|07:06am]
i had a yucky dream that on of my x boyfriends was trying to steal deiter away from me. i'm so glad to wake up and find this is not true!

ate 5 apricots now i'm going back to sleep

[27 May 2002|12:14pm]
i feel really yucky today again. i don't know what the deal is. i feel extremely dizzy and this is making me nervous. either that or i'm nervous and it's making my dizzy. i don't know which. i feel exactly like a few weeks ago when my dose of buspar was too high and i felt dizzy, so i took way less and then the symptoms went away. but i'm not taking a high dose now, so i have no idea why i'm feeling like this :/ everything is kind of zoomy and sparkly, not in a happy way, but very disconcerting. god, my health has just been awful these past few weeks! i want to be well! it's a GORGEOUS day outside and i have all this yummy fruit and there are so many happy things i could be doing but i feel absolutely horrible! underneath my dizziness , i am in a good mood,it purely chemical feeling, it seems. either that or i'm sick with something else now. i cannot understand what is going on with me.
i so much wanted to clean the house a bit then go outside but i haven't been able to get anything done. i just keep running to the bathroom because my stomache is upset or laying on my bed trying to stop myself from feeling so dizzy and strange.

sebastian just ate a whole mango seed. i hope that he won't get sick from that

[27 May 2002|03:38pm]
i'm feeling mostly better but that dizzy weird feeling comes on in little waves here and there. i can't think of what it could be except for a paxil withdrawal. but i don't know why i still have it after all this time. but...i will say it's that, since nothing else makes sense as to what could be causing me to feel this way.
underlying that, i can feel pms coming on, i think...but basically, despite all of this, i am in a good mood and enjoying the summer weather (from indoors). hopefully i will feel well enough to have a walk when the heat subsides. if not a walk, then i'll at least go sit somewhere outside.
i'm going to have a sparkling pink grapefuit italian soda now to drink with my wasabi peas :)
i can see a man outside, sleeping/baking in the heat. laying on cement with long sleeved shirt and pants. he's been like that for an hour now. i don't know how he can do it. i'd say he must be drunk.

[27 May 2002|06:18pm]
i just ate a delicious organic mixed green salad with balsamic vinegar and toasted sesame oil with dolphin safe white albacore tuna. yum!

tonight is going to be the twin cities biggest fire display EVER. i just found that out so jason and i know what we're going to do tonight :) glad i watched the news! they are going to use 15,000 rockets

i'm still feeling a bit wiggy and i didn't get any cleaning done. but i did eat well, made a few nice cam pix and groomed the wooket a bit. i feel satisfied with that. jason brought home ice cream and donuts and i didn't have any, which is an amazing thing. i actually didn't want it so much. i'm just so happy with my veggies and fruit. there is a warm summer breeze sifting through my house. soon i'll take a bath then go to jason's before we scooter out to see the fireworks. i'm going to take my new mini camcorder thing and film the fireworks!

how has your day been?

fireworks [27 May 2002|10:22pm]
back from fireworks. we were kind of far away from them. stood on a bridge. i took some pix and videos and i'll see what i've got :)
whenever i get in big crowds i feel like slugging people with my metal lunchbox hello kitty purse.

the new vanilla coke kicks ass, btw