analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 05.25.99

I went on a posting RAMPAGE today! PMSGRRL! NO COOL CAM PIX! I am more verbal today than visual. so here is a sampling of my verbal rampages!
read at your own risk! There have been a TON of anagrams in the last many if u haven't seen them, get caught up! that's an order! just take your cursor and pull up the bar at that bottom and pick which one! go go go! ack! no more coffee for ME!!


in the jennicam forum at

Posted by ANA on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 4:26 p.m., in response to Re: Criticism, posted by Wendy on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 3:11 p.m.
i think that saying some think like "jenni SHOULD write more in her journal" is TOTALLY unreasonable!
because she "should" not do anything just to please the public, because that is not what her cam is about ( i'm pretty sure, correct me if i'm wrong )
her cam is about real life as it unfolds.
to say she should be doing this or that is really missing a big point of her cam, imo
plus saying something like "she should write more in her journal" sounds more like whining 2 me than constructive criticism, imo

Posted by ANA on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 7:01 p.m., in response to Re: Criticism, posted by Scott on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 5:46 p.m.
i think one of the reasons that people get so hostile, is because this is a subject brought up over and over and over again for almost 3 may be a new question to the person just discovering her now...but for those who have heard it over and starts to wear on the nerves..hence the hostileness.
at least that is the way it is 4 ME. it takes great stamina to withstand the SAME barrage of questions and criticisms etc etc repeatedly over and over.
sometimes i have the strength to withstand it with grace, and on other days i'll rip them a new asshole.
i'm just saying this from my experience. i don't even want HINT that i know what is going on with anyone else. i hope that from my experience with some of this, too, i can shed some light on it. hopefully. maybe not!
like, perhaps when jenni first started the age old question "is she doing at for the money" (was for SOME odd reason some sort of issue). one could speak about it with a TAD bit of patience.
but NOW...perhaps someone coming in here would be lit on fire for asking the same question.
it's because tolerance levels get low after a period of time. and for the person who thought that question was original as s/he might wander in here and ask that..seeing her for the first time...that person might be taken quite aback by the hostility they might rile up.
just 'cause it's boring as ##### and really not anyone's business anyway, imo.
again, i'm just going on how i react when i have situations like this on my bbs.
i do not mean to speak for others. i am only speaking for myself and why I feel hostile about these things.
and even the question "why are u hostile about this?" is something i have explained for two years. so i have low tolerance for that question to.
i've also found that RARELY do people making TRUE constructive criticism. they more often than not come off as whiny mean selfish people with very little understanding that there is a real person behind the cam.
bla bla bla.
again , this is just my experience and my opinion, k?

Posted by ANA on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 6:48 p.m., in response to Re: Criticism, posted by Jax on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 5:04 p.m.
u wrote:
"Don't you think that maybe when people say "Jenni should write more in her journal" that's a shorthand (and not particularly tactful) way of saying something to the effect "I think it would be great if Jenni would write more in her journal because she's an interesting writer and I really enjoy reading it" ? "
to me, those are two entirely different sentences with two entirely different meanings. one is a sentence saying that it is her duty ( should ) to write in her journals.
the sentence following is just saying something you WISH she would do.
and it is MUCH more polite :)and totally fine, imo! :)
if the 2nd sentence is what u MEANT, then u ( or whoever ) SHOULD (lol) have worded it that way.
it's very important to become really great communicators and 2 really think out
sentences before they are written to have them specifically comunicate you intent behind the words.
or else all hell breaks loose. it's so difficult 2 be precise in communicating with the written word.
i know i sure have learned A LOT about communication since i've started communicating on the net! :)

in the secret bbs I posted this:
ok, please don't flame me...but i just want 2 point out that i think that comment is sexist and not very fair to men. kind of over generalizing them.
i think men do help each other out a least from my experiences with most men.
i think wanting to help out is a trait that is just as much in men as in women.
although..on the whole i agree that maybe we do things differently on some make a large generalization myself. that is why i think it would be interesting to see how they approached this cam thing than the women do. although..then even THAT statement is an generalization..since each woman deals with her own cam in her own way.
i posed that question partly because i wonder if the things that we, as "camgirls" have 2 deal with are even remotely the same as what the boycams deal with.
i think i understood what u meant 2 please don't take that as an attack. i just think that if some men read that comment that they would feel that wasn't a fair thing to say about them.
each person is an individual case, yes
and there are some generalizations that hold basically true by a large percentage, too
i hope i am coming across as how i wanted 2 say that and please don't take it the wrong way, i hope, k?


I posted this at and
on Tuesday, 25 May 1999, at 7:15 p.m.
now that i have your attention,
a poster at iiiii and lots of other bbs have been discussing that there seems to be a "lull" in the postings lately both here and there.
so i posted this big long thing there and the only reply i got was something about i should go bowling in the nude. not a bad idea....BUT...i was hoping for something i could sink my teeth into a bit! ( yes, i love to bite and get bit! woo hoo! have a beer! *high fives the air* and no u AIN'T gonna see it on my cam any time as soon, as much as i'd like 2 do that :) HOPES of getting just a WEE bit of discussion going here again. here is what i posted "over there" , K?? :)
about this little lull in postings here and on moes...i wouldn't worry about it. everything goes in cycles. lots of people went back to live with their parent's while school is out..etc.
it's a natural thing that there will be different cycles of interest in this "phenomenon"
i'll bet we'll see a BILLION changes in it before we die!
people are still posting like MAD on my bbs at my site. it's like some sort of jerry springer show or slam dance. then i yell at them from my balcony "hey kids get outta my lawn!"
each day brings in a new batch of people and yet another "vibe"
then my private bbs is more like a what we have HERE :)
it's like regulars or best friends..sometimes u don't need 2 talk 'cause we've just reached that nice comfortable stage when u can just hang out in silence and know each other is there :)
i think a big reason i don't post a too much in here is because, yes, i am afraid it might be seen as unwanted advertising. but i cannot help talking about my cam..since it is my LIFE and what i do 24/7 and this is a cam forum.
then all the other stuff i talk about on my bbs from pieccing to astral projection to dr. seuss to anal sex to the new xtc record to music and religion and guns...would not be appropriate here.
but ok, i'll tell u a cool new cam i found, in case u haven't found her's :
and then there's:
which has THREE great cams art, ee, and charity!
in my chatroom a ton of us have cams so we'll tile up everyone's cam and have a big show and tell :)
and i'm sure every cam has there own community, each with it's own individual tastes and "vibe"
like has a nice friendly community :)
so maybe it's more like this used 2 be the start of the community..the epi-center ( sp?)
then a lot of offshoot villages started on the side.
it will keep growing and changing as we grow and change, and i think that's exciting!
the cam "phenomenon" will never die, imo. it will just keep getting bigger and getting more there is the "streaming vid" village, and the "cam as still photography" village and the "i wanna be teased" village, and the "we're all friends just hanging out and nothing sexual" village...etcetc
it'll be more than we could ever DREAM of it being! like right now i am looking into how i can turn anacam into a virtual world! it'll probably be years before i could sfford it...but i'm planning it out anyway! 'cause i can DREAM :)
like i WISH i could afford what does! 1,000 simultaneous connections with streaming vid and sound! cost: around $1,000 a day!
hopefully in the future, the costs of such an operation will go down as people become more competitive.
i would LOVE what they have to do an online kind of call-in radio show rant thang. a spontaneous crazy thing like a cross between art bell, oprah and sandra berhardt (sp?) LOL!
so it's gonna keep going and going and going!
so which cams do YOU watch and why?
do u feel a sense of community any where on the net?
what are u looking for?
what would you REALLY like 2 discuss? :)
i would really like to know what kind of internet community YOU have around u?
what's it like at your end of the net? what do u hope to find? what are your dreams about where you'd like your cam site go..or a cam site u watch?
what are the things that are the most important 2 u in your cam site or what u look for in other people's cams?
do u think there is a drastic difference between women's cams and men's cams?
what do u think is the MOST boring aspect of cams?
what is the most exciting thing?
do u think u will do your cam..or watch cams for the rest or your life?
if yes, why?
if no, why?
is this a hobby for u or is it a lifestyle?
there are some questions that i would find interesting to read people's answers :)


I posted this in the public anarchy:
Posted by ANA on May 25, 1999 at 15:08:30:
In Reply to: rape scenes in movie posted by sj on May 25, 1999 at 11:44:41:
i can't even comment on this very rationally without getting very upset. it bothers me TERRIBLY to see rape scenes. it makes me cringe and cry and cover my face with my hands.
that is my worst nightmare. my worst reality. my biggest reason i fear men.
to tell u the honest truth, if i found out that any make friends of mine were turned on by that, i wouldn't even want 2 be around them anymore, that is how strongly i feel about it. that is how much i fear it and do not understand it.
all real rape is worse than murder, imo.
it would like be getting turned on by snuff movies, imo.
i think it is sick. i am sorry 2 judge it that way..but that is the only way i can deal with it.
it's one thing to be consensually dominated by a person u know and trust. or at least have it be consensual..maybe the trust part would ruin it for some because they like the danger of not knowing if they could truly die.
but it's not my thing. i detest rape scenes more than i can put into words.
i wish i could not fea it so much...but i think it IS a fearful thing. it is so prevalant.
it disgusts me.
i don't know what more i can say.
for those of u who can deal with on a more fun and rational way..then i'm really glad.
just keep it in your mind far away from me!
and btw, i think that S/M and D/s is not the same in a billion years as a rape fantasy..just in case someone tried 2 throw that in there.
i think that people who have rape fantasies have a really unhealthy issue about POWER. and there is a lot of anger, fear, hatred and resentment or wish 2 die in there.
but *i* fully cannot know this at all..since i am not a person who has a rape fantasy.
i'm sorry if i have offended anyone. this is just my opinion. and i know i am a big person for not judging things unless u have stood in that persons shoes.
but this is a big issue for me that i cannot speak about rationally because of my intense fear/not understanding of it.


i don't think that crying about a scene with rape in it is any more irrational than crying at any part of a movie!
i think a strong reaction is a NORMAL reaction.
i mean, if u saw a scene where a kitten was fucked with a pen then gutted in front of u, wouldn't disturb u?
are we so WRONG to be disturbed by one of the most VIOLENT and twisted and wrong things EVER. imo???
would it be weird to get emotional about someone picking the legs off a grasshopper or tearing the wings off a butterfly? no!
would it be overemotional to cry in horror when we are seeing the things we see in the news? NO!
is it wrong to feel that when a violent and horrific act it is normal to BOTHER u? no!
must WE apologize for FEELING?
for being sad when we see torture?
is that irrational or not fair 2 the attacker?
fuck no

because usually, when u see people killed on happens really fast. boom , it's over.
rape is usually this reall prolonged scene with the woman screaming and being tortured and humiliated beyond her worst nightmare.
it a degree of suffering
killing on tv is usually very non-intimate ( an example..with a gun )
rape is as intimate as u can get

ya, i posted that down there.
that S/M and D/s M/s are NOT the same thing as rape. people get a bit confused on that.
i agree that power is sexy.
if everyone is consensual.
if it is against a person's will, i think that person should just be shot right then and there.
that's how angry i am and how much i fear it.
i am not saying my feelings are right or rational.
but that is how i feel.
i totally get off on being overpowered during sex...because i love the feeling of being engulfed.
i feel safe and warm there. but only with my mate/lover who i trust and adore.
raping can be worse than murder, imo

and I posted this to the info list:

hi :) today i didn't do a damn thing except post in every bbs known to man or woman.
i have pms. rgh. so i'm kinda discontented and jumpy..i'm sure drinking coffee today didn't CALM me! :)
i don't know when the heck i'm gonna get my period since i went off the pill 'cause i ran out and now my body is trying 2 readjust itself and my face is breaking out horribly ( thank GOD for filters! )
i'm fixin' ta watch a movie in about 5 minutes.

have u noticed the redesign of anacam? if not yet, please check it out! i think it's the bet design so far!
i'm getting better bit by bit :)
i designed it but jason went through the hell of actually making it workable and did the code for it. god bless 'im!
when i get some xtra $, one of the first things i'm gonna do is start taking html and photoshop classes so i can do all of it myself.

i'm gonna do some revamping of the menu, too , to make it less confusing.
it is a very PRETTY menu..but it is a bit confusing.

please go here if u have a little xtra time and do the "ana poll"
someone put that up for me and i think it's fun!
here is the URL:

what a url, eh?

not much else 2 say...please stop by and say hi in anarchy sometime, k?
click "anarchy" in the menu!

lots of intense discussion going down there today.
i got a lot of feedback about getting nonsexual pix of people's genitals.. about 3/4 were from guys, 1/4 from women. i put a lot of them up in the anagrams on ana2.

i had fun talking in irc today ( u can also now chat more easily by clicking "chat" ). i was using the realencoder 2 talk 2 ana2 members in the chat room
and i was laughing so much 'cause there is a 30 second delay from the time i say it till the time u hear it..and i was listening 2 myself 2 make sure it worked..and it was disconcerting! i really loathe my speaking voice.

i'm gonna try to figure out how people can hear if i make a phone call. like hear the person on the other end. 'cause i'd like 2 be able to call people up or have them call me and people can tune in and listen. if u know of a simple way..please tell me!

first of all i HAVE to get a better microphone!

ok, that's it for now!