analog 052502
another muffled video...of pupsters! 3.65MB (just fuckin' around with this contraption)
[23 May 2002|05:04am]
ooo, i have lots of cool ideas! crocheted dreadlock hats!
ooo, a few
minutes after typed that i found this! talk about synchronicity!!!
i mean what are the chances that would happen like that. it was meant to be!
i got up to pee and now i'm awake. this site here is the motherlode of cool
crochet stuff. FREEFORM. ooo ya
and check
out the links
that site even has a crocheted CAKE!
"'Scrumbling' (that is, making things up as you go along) has always been our word for free-form crochet."
and there must be a way that you could crochet yarn into hair, or other hair into hair, or wire into hair or synthetic dreads instead of braiding? and i'll bet it would be cool if you have reallllllllly long hair and didn't crochet anything INTO you hair, but crocheted just your hair into your hair. or crocheted your hair into numerous small doilies all over your head
i reaaallly
want super long hair to test out this theory!
am i a hippy? [23 May 2002|07:23am]
[23 May 2002|03:21pm]
i had the worst dreams. i think i woke myself up eithe yelling or screaming
3 times. i think they were about my mom. augh.
dark chocolate is good for you [23 May 2002|03:45pm]
ooo, dr weil is on oprah today. i like him :) says that dark chocolate is
good for you, but we knew that already! starts in 10 minutes...'s not dr. weil. i goofed. it's "making it on minumum wage"
been there
done that! gonna watch it
[23 May 2002|04:10pm]
i'm running out of yarn! i need more yarn!
[23 May 2002|05:05pm]
my cold is slowly going away. i don't take cold medicine anymore. but i am
soooooo tired. i have no energy whatsoever. i feel so groggy and limp. i want
[23 May 2002|05:36pm]
jason and i are going to dinner and i'm gonna get some more yarn
[23 May 2002|08:04pm]
the sound should sound better now. i moved the mic.
i bought black, red, white yarn. i'm using black now. it's harder to see where
to put the crochet needle with black yearn. need more light.
jason bought some needles and yarn, too!
[24 May 2002|08:55am]
i stayed overnight at jason's last night 'cause i was scared to sleep alone
because i have been having such awful nightmares. i had horrible nightmares
last night, too. apocalyptic. i woke up sweating and with a massive headache.
i'm at my house. my head still hurts.
[24 May 2002|09:17am]
sorry anacam's been off for awhile, i'm rearranging things in my house and
the computers are getting moved around. and i haven't checked my email for
2 days because i needed a break from email
[24 May 2002|11:14am]
ow. my head still hurts. i feel yucky. i am going to be so happy when i'm
finally well again.
[24 May 2002|12:13pm]
i have to turn my computer off for awhile because the hum of the computer
is hurting my head :(
new streamcam instructions [24 May 2002|02:45pm]
i have decided to have the stream cam every other day instead of everyday.
because when i have the stream, i can't have a cam on anacam very easily and
i miss making pictures with my good camcorder. so today there will be no stream
cam, but tomorrow there will be, then the next day will not be a streamcam,
then next day it will be etc etc.
this way you and i can have the best of both worlds. i'll try out this arrangement
and see how i and you feel about it, ok? :)
psychic attack? [24 May 2002|07:06pm]
i know this sounds absolutely berserk...but do u believe a person can be psychically
attacked? i have never really thought that possible...but i can't shake the
feeling that my mom is thinking such angry thoughts about me that i feel like
part of her is in the room with me just glaring and scorning me. like she
is 5 feet from me all the time. the yucky feeling like someone is right behind
my back. i'm sure if this is possible , she isn't doing this on purpose...but
her angry thoughts have no where to go and she doesn't know what she is's
she has created a negative ball of energy that is in my house. IT'S FREAKING
last night i was just bawling before i went to bed because i was so scared
to have nightmares again. i woke up 3 times screaming from nightmares of her
yelling at me the other night.
i know that sometimes when we were getting along i would hear her say my name
as if she were right in the room with me and i alwaysd wondered if that was
because she was thinking about me very intently at that moment.
my mom is very sensitive and psychic and has a lot of power that way, although she has forsaken that ability because she believes it's of the devil. she would have made a fabulous wiccan or gypsy if she weren't so afraid of her capabilities.
i'm going to burn some sweet grass and frankincense and tell her and tell that energy that i think she made to get out of my house and out of my aura.
i know this sounds weird, but would you say a prayer that my mom leave me alone in all harmful ways? i need that energy transformed to an energy that cannot harm. i need it dissipated into an inert energy. that cannot harm. let it leave here and get sent into space for the good of all and no harm to anyone.
i know this
sounds very strange.
dog porn [24 May 2002|10:31pm]
punquin's dog makes me laugh!
[25 May 2002|10:16am]
streaming video on!
i'm working on anacam biz that i'm behind on doing
my silly hat so far! maybe it's done? i'm not sure yet... [25 May 2002|01:38pm]
i might sell it. it took me over 20 hours to do. i think around that many
hours. what do you think would be a fair price for it to sell it? obviously
it's not going to be a competive price. i can't compete with companies who
whip these out on a conveyer belt. so it has to be over 50, i'm thinking $100...for
how much effort i put into and how much i am loving it , AND the fact that
this is a one of a kind hat. there will never be another one like it. it's
haute couture baby!
if anyone
is interested in buying it, email me at
i can also add things to it, like personalize it for embroider
your name on it or add a pom pom on top...or several pom poms :) or anything
else you may have in mind
[25 May 2002|05:02pm]
still switching around cams, deciding what will go where. i now have cam2
on which is doing a screen grab of the streaming, so now there is also a still
photo from the streaming which is very nice because now i have the best of
both worlds and the streaming can be on everyday and still make me happy that
i can do photos :)
jason and i are going to run out and get a bite to eat now. i'll be back soon!
i think the next hat i make will be red. at least i think i'm going to make another hat...unless it ends up turning into something a lawnmower for thingie
[25 May 2002|07:19pm]
i can't afford it but i bought them anyway:
a thing so i can read my multimedia card and get the pix off my nikon onto
my harddrive. yay! now i can use that camera again! that was 20 bucks
and i bought a new printer! yay! the same one i had before 99 bucks! and i
bought a 3 year warranty.
and i bought this little tiny pocket DV recorder so i can finally make videos
with sound wherever i am using no computer to lug around and no messing with
firewire and editing software. YES! i hope it works really well! it can make
3 minutes and 30 secinds of video. or take 500 piictures, or hold 30 minutes
of sound. kick ass! that was 90 bucks.
so i am PSYCHED. i have my camera back for anagrams and can make videos with sound for anagrams easily.
gonna go play
with it all now! and i think they repeat 6 feet under tonight? 'cause i missed
it last week because of survivor
it won't be long until we get mini digcams in our cereal boxes! [25 May 2002|07:45pm]
here is the url to the little plastic dv i got. it is lighter than my watch!
and it works really well! i am amazed! i can't believe it gets that good of
video and sound with that teeny thing. it's the quality of a logitech ( not
that logitech is great quality..but it's good for what it is :)
things i made with my new cam [25 May 2002|08:52pm]
it works really
well in low light :)
a little video with muffled sound
ok, i'm off
to watch 6 feet under!