analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 05.22.99
I didn't take any
cool pix today 'cause I was busy seeing the new star wars movie "the phantom
menace". it was a visually stunning movie..but the attempt at comedy in
it made me annoyed. now it's raining again. it's been raining for what feels
like weeks. perhaps it has been weeks.
here are some pix I received from people of their genitals :) I cropped some
and turned some into negatives
'cause it looked cool :)
I love that piece of jewelry the one vagina! I want some pussy jewelry! ya!
I still have more 4 tomorrow :)
and included in this one is my first ever scan of mine :) I am excited 2 do
here are some posts I made today in the private anarchy:
yes! i DO have a fetish for my
breasts! they amuse me immensely! :)
try going for 30 years with NO breasts..then bingo..size D water balloons are
a fraction of a centimeter below the skin on your chest.
it feels weird and freaky! i cannot stop touching them! they are just so WEIRD!
it's like those balls that u buy to squeeze to get your stress out :)
ya, it's very tactile. i'm completely fascinated with breasts, which i was i
got some..but it's sad 'cause they'll never FEEL like a real breasts..but they
look good in pix! ;)
but when i see breasts like nauru's i just wanna SMASH myself into them! 'caus
i've NEVER gotten to experience that EVER!
th only time i got 2 feel a breast was i asked my mom a few years ago if i could
feel hers 'cause i just NEVER knew what it was like!
so got 2 smush hers for about 5 seconds before she just got all embarrassed
and made me stop :)
maybe it's because i was never breast fed? :)
i was born a month too early and had 2 be in an incubator for the first month
of my life. my mom could only watch through a pane of glass as the nurses on
the other side got to hold me and feed me a bottle.
i think it's truly SICK that my mom wasn't allowed 2 touch me! can u IMAGINE
the TORTURE????
FUCK, i get really angry when i think of that!
but that was 1966.
we are a truly fuct society. women's lib my ass.
argh....i won't even GO there right now...
anyway..maybe most women don't feel this need to touch breasts because they
have their own to touch...
but i just felt DEPRIVED of this perhaps human NEED (?) to smoosh breasts.
well, i guess gay guys don't feel that need..but how would i know? fave shape for a female besides someone like grace jones..would be totally nauru (
damn, i hope in my next life i get to be a female with GIGANTIC breasts!
annie sprinkle is so lucky!
i remember this show on tv i was watching where this women came out with icing
and candles on her breasts in a big push up bra..and i was like DAMN! i wanna
do that!
but the real clincher was when i saw these
spanish women dancers that dance by themselves the the castanets..what do u
call that?
and they looked so womenly and fierce and proud..
and my body type would never look like a woman in that way..
and i turned 30 and i wanted 2 experience that fierce spanish woman and marilyn
monroe thing.
but i'll never REALLY know
sometimes i feel like a guy in drag :)
i write this in a tired i'm not going 2 go into as great of detail
as i normally would with this.
i agree that the names "vagina" and "penis" don't have a
nice ring to them..but i'm not very fond of any of the other names either..pussy,
snatch, box, cock, dick etc
so i'll just say vagina and penis when speaking about them in these terms.
when i get all "fancy" i lean more towards "pussy" for mine.
for me, i didn't really want to see any pictures of genitals in their aroused
state..'cause i feel there's a heck of a lot of that out there already..
what makes u believe that the picture of the 1st vagina in the anagram was aroused?
perhaps i'll have 2 ask the person who sent it if she was!
it didn't look aroused to ME, but then i don't think i could tell a HECK of
a lot of difference between an aroused one or not.
i've heard that in an aroused "pussy" that the clit gets hard like
a tiny "cock", but i've never noticed that to be true with me.
also, after actual intercourse by labia will be swollen. but it doesn't get
swollen in the aroused state BEFORE intercourse.
if u think that one of those pix looks aroused, i'm guessing u thought that
because it is shiny/wet.
mine is always shiny/wet like
that. maybe other women's are too. dunno!
i think that is one of the reason's that women like 2 make sure they are extra
clean "down there" before letting anyone go down on them.
i know this is an issue with me.
i like 2 run into the bathroom and quickly wash of before i begin.
because vaginas are almost constantly slightly wet they get smellier faster.
uncircumsized guys don't have 2 worry about that as much, i've noticed.
because it is always 98.6 degrees, wet and full of many folds and's
hard to keep it "clean enough to lick" ( my own PERSONAL standards)
maybe this is too much information for y'all.
but i DO personally know quite a few women who worry about this too. ( whether
or not they are clean enough for their partner to perform oral sex on them)
and to compound matters worse, there are actually guys who it could NEVER have
it clean enough for their "taste"!
an example...there was one guy i was going out with who started going down on
me then stopped in a matter of seconds saying i was "too fragrant"
for him. and i JUST had washed it 1/2 an hour before and i KNOW it was squeaky
clean, and i KNOW what i smell like there and i DO like the smell! i actually
LOVE the smell..hehe :)
well, i broke up with that guy shortly there after...'cause if u don't like
PUSSY then i suggest u pick a lover other than FEMALE!
i might put up a galler someday if i get enough pix. but for now they will just
be in anagrams.
and i don't think i'll get an anagram up tonight 'cause i am SO TIRED.
i went 2 bed at 3:30 and got up at 9:30 'cause my dreams were so bizarre and
i felt i was physically IN them..that i had to just get up and walk around to
shake them out of me.
it was a dream about "mods and rockers" done in a totally david lynch's
"eraserhead" kind of way.
man, i wish i could SHOW u!
i went and saw the phantom menace today. it was a beautiful looking movie. incredible!
but i found the acting rather dire and the comedy parts were just AWFUL. the
"comedy" really ruined it for me.
kind of like how that one michael jackson sorta guy really ruined the 5th element
for me, although i still love that movie 'cause i LOVE leeloo!
and what is UP with the the devil make up?
trick or treat?
ok, i won't say any more 'cause i don't wanna ruin it for anyone. i definitely
think it is worth seeing just for the sets, animation, clothing design, though