analog 052202


streaming audio and video test [20 May 2002|03:45am]
streaming video and sound for ana2! yay!

i have such a rotten cold. unyay. i need to get to sleep but my nose is all clogged and i am restless. and i wish i could get "papa don't preach" out of my head.

[20 May 2002|05:11am]
my cold medicine made my heart beat fast. i hate when it does that and backfires on me :( now i can't sleep even tho i am so tired. so...i'm going to watch the x files that i taped until this passes.

[20 May 2002|12:38pm]
if my streaming video disconnects from is most likely because i'm trying different things for it and have to shut it off then start it again to try out new things ( like different quality images and size)

[20 May 2002|03:56pm]
gah. i brought my printer in to get fixed and they said it would cost more to fix it than i paid for it :( and i got this thing from amazon around xmas brand new :( now i have to find all the paper that came with this thing and see what's the deal with the warranty. man, they just don't make things of quality anymore. the fix it guy said even the gears are plastic. it's a canon bubblejet 300 something. grrr. and i have so much stuff that is IMPERATIVE to print out NOW. aaaa. what a drrrrrrrrrag.

in other news, my streaming with audio on ana2 is going well. i need to muster up some energy to move my computer that is in the bathroom out here to the living room so i have a livingroom cam for anacam and ana2 that makes pictures still cam pix for those that still want that, too (like me!)

my cold is still hanging in there. i'm taking lots of echinacea. i'm out of it on cold medicine. my face is breaking out like there's no tomorrow. it's 55 degrees outside and sunny. it would do me good to get outside for a walk, if i can muster up energy to do that.

media responsible for children or parents? [20 May 2002|05:38pm]
thingie and i were discussing this as it was the topic of oprah today:

thingie sez:
"Im kind of listening to oprah on your cam. When the fuck are parents
going to take fucking responsibility instead of blaming adult shows for
accidents? What the fuck was a 12 year old watching jackass? If the
parent was opposed to forbidding him from watching the show, why didnt
the parent have a talk with him about how those stunts are not something
that he should try? Why arent parents being attentive and getting
involved with the shows their children watch? Jesus fucking christ. Its
always everybody ele's fucking fault, never their own. Its the MOTHER'S
fault her kid almost died. Ive always felt that you should sit with your
kid every so often and make the point to watch the shows your kid
watches once just so you can get an idea and be proactive about it.
They're too busy bitching about how the warnings werent responsibly
done. What the fuck more is the show supposed to do? Jackass has
warnings all over the fucking place. Im still shocked that mother
allowed her 12 year old to watch it. That is whats fucking irresponsible. "

ana sez:
"i totally agree , it's the parent's fault.

my parent's only let me watch 2 hours of tv a week, and although it sucked at the time, i'm really glad they did that. it was perhaps one of the few things they did right!

i don't even know if i would own a television if i had a child. seriously. and i SURE the FUCK would NOT let them watch MTV. EVER. PERIOD."

(altho this didn't stop me from swearing like a sailor :)

question about streamcam under the bed + what i'm listening to [20 May 2002|07:02pm]
k? thanks :)
for those listening: i'm playing kosheen right now...but it's almost the end of the cd..i dunno if i will play anything next or watch tv maybe. i'm still pretty out of it on cold medicine with my cold.
i like the kosheen cd :) it's not as good as goldfrapp ( but then what COULD be as good as goldfrapp? ) but still very pleasant indeed! reminds me of a cross between everything but the girl and yaz.
i bought a lil' kim cd because i think that she, as a person, kicks ass...but her cd is way to negative of rap for me to like.
i laos bought the new brandy cd, and that one is pretty ok , too. although i don't like it as much as her previous cds. too many slow songs. but it's interesting to watch her voice mature as i buy her cds throughout the years :)

i'm always looking for new cds i can dance to and clean my house to.

[20 May 2002|11:09pm]
i think the finale to the x files was lame

penis pills [21 May 2002|01:30am]
good grief. i can't sleep again. there is this hilarious infomercial on with that famous short porn star guy...i can't think of his name right now...for this pill called "extenze" that is supposed to make a penis 25% longer. okey dokey.

i think guys, on the average, should spend more time being sensitive to their partner's needs and wants in bed rather than spend so much time and energy focusing on trying to make their penis 1 inch longer. learn how to touch, hug kiss, give oral sex, snuggle, communicate! we do not care if you can make your penis 1 or 2 inches longer. make her a bath, give her a massage, learn where to kiss her and bite her and where not to. making a penis 1 or 2 inches longer is the eqivalent of going out and buying the condoms "for her pleasure" . WE CANNOT FEEL THE RIBS. give me a break! that is a terrible misinformation. there are not many nerves in there, that because it's a birth canal. would u want a ton of nerves in there that are so sensitive you could feel the ribs on that condom or tell if a penis is 5 inches or 6 inches as you are pushing out a 12 pound human being? heck no!

i mean if u are a guy and it increases YOUR pleasure to be 1 inch longer, then by all means go for it. but i wish these people who make these things would stop saying that it is for their partners pleasure.

a word to the wise.

[21 May 2002|03:09pm]
my cold is a little bit better. i took a nice bath with a bubblebar from it was nice to get the scum off me and make me feel like a bit of a human being again. my voice is all croaky as the people who are listening to me right know. i am going to put forth a lot of effort today to get outside for a walk. i need that. all my favourite clothes don't fit me. i need to get in better shape if i'm ever going to be on survivor or the amazing race. haha :)
despite my mom, i'm feeling a tiny bit better about humanity today...which is something i haven't felt for a long time. i didn't put two and two together until today over the connection between me not feeling like doing anything with my cam and my feelings of bitterness towards the human race. but today i made that connection. i'm feeling warmer towards the camera today even tho i don't feel very pretty.
i'd say i have a pretty love/hate relationship with the camera lately. just as with every relationship, it has it's ups and downs.
i don't think of my camera , itself, as being a person watching me. but it IS the only physical presence i have in here of the fact that i AM communicating constantly with a myriad of people 24/7.
as i've said before, i'm at the point in the relationship where i feel comfortable with not having to say anything in particular with the cam. i feel feel comfortable just "hanging out" . mostly.
i didn't realize until today that however i'm feeling about people in general directly affects how intimate i am with the camera.

i really need to sink myself into a huge project ASAP. i need to start recording a new record or making a film or travelling around the world. i know i type about that constantly. but i think typing it out is the necassary state of me revving up my engines to go forth. at least i'd like to think so :)

but ya, it's reached that critical point where i'm about to burst. i hem and haw about what direction i'm going to go in...then i realize i always do that. and what happens is that if i don't make up my mind eventually, the the symbol of creativity...inside me starts kicking up a storm and starts pushing itself out with or without me.

i might be at the point where i need a cessarian! (sp?)

i think it will most likely be music that comes out...i WANT it to be a film, but i just don't have the money right now to start that. so lack of money is dictating what i can and cannot do. which, i guess is good, because if i had the money then i'd probably hem and haw for a few more years about all my options. too many options can actually kill a person like me. strange but true.

also i don't haver the bucks to travel duh...i can't do that either. SO. what that leaves is sewing, music, painting, and music. scratch painting as i don't have much paint. so, i will sew, do music, and do my periodic typing out of old journals, as i have been doing.

that it is i don't fall asleep right now. my idea du jour is to make hats. i have a lot of fake fur and i think i will make some hats to raise some much needed money for myself. i have some teddy bear fur, leopard, zebra, etc.i'll line them with nice material, too so they can be reversible.

but of course, believe that i will actually do this when u actually SEE me start to make them.

i was joking with my friend any today that i'll probably start sewing all my ideas the very day i die. and i'll die with a stuffed animal head half sewed in my arms. all have all this energy to do it finally, then i'll die. that actually made me happy because i've never thought of HUMOROUS ways to die before. i always assumed that i'd creep someone out with my dead body. make them cry or scream or throw up. but NOW i am going to try to figure out ways that would actually be CUTE to die. that is something to think about! because i'd actually like people to laugh ( in a happy way ) when discovering my body. i never considered that an option before. huzzah!

a picture from my streaming [21 May 2002|03:50pm]

i did a print screen of my picture of my streaming video, which is the only way i can figure out how to capture something from it , so far. i have the picture really big right now :) of course the quailty, when u see it, isn't as good, because this is the picture before it gets compressed and sent to you.

i just wanted to show u my cool bear hat and my fabu 80's do! i'm gonna go outside and get food now then go for a walk :)

[21 May 2002|04:05pm]
yay! 7pm eebomb's coming over to take my doggies and me for a walk. then 8pm we go to her house with some other girlies and learn to crochet! woo hoo :) i think this is going to be a good summer for me :) finally!

[21 May 2002|11:26pm]
eebomb and i walked the dogs to the river. it was the first time sebastian saw a river and the first time eebomb's little babyman saw a river. he sang a little song of squeaky baby noises for it :) then we went to her house and we learned how to crochet spirals from her husband's cool sister as we listened to old 78's. it was heaven for me! the sister is way cool and laid back and taught me that in crocheting you can make up your own rules and be really organic about the process which is right up my alley. :)

right now i've made about a 2" diameter yellow lumpy disc that i want to turn into a hat. i'll see how it goes! good thing i'm into asymetrical lumpiness :)

next time i go we might sing old time songs with her husband playing piano and eebomb playing her saxophone. is it a sax she plays? i think so. i was too shy to sing tonight. plus i'm having trouble talking without coughing as my cold is turning into a coughing phase.

today finally felt like the first day of summer. it was gorgoeous. a perfect 70 degrees and really windy. i feel like my life is finally taking a turn for the better :)

the art of happiness [22 May 2002|11:40am]
i'm reading "the art of happiness" by the dalai lama. it was given to me for my birthday by my friend cpr. i finally made it to the yesterday. thanks cpr!
it came to me at the right time as i am totally in the mood to read it as i am making a shift now and becoming happy again :)

i also received some swiss chocolates from my friend gerry. thanks gerry! YUM! :)

life is good

today is going to be another beautiful day and even windier. i look forward to going outside later on.

i stayed up til past 5am last night/morning crocheting. i made my spiral/circle over 6" diameter. i'm getting the hang of how many knots to make to have the pattern start moving inward at itself or outward at in this way i can make it into a bowl/hat shape instead of a flat disc.

crocheting is very meditative for me. it makes me calm and in the moment :)
now jason has expressed interest in crocheting, as well! this makes me happy :)

pope forgives molested childen [22 May 2002|01:10pm]

oh my! :)

[22 May 2002|02:41pm]
crocheting IS a fantasic analogy for life, as i knew it would be :)

where every action you take in life is a knot you make. what kind of actions determining the shape of the whole. you could make the same action over and over and you would come up with a sturdy basic structure but by learning a variety of knots, each done with discipline and intent, you make any shape you want for whatever purpose. by taking actions in life, each action done at the same time each day for the same duration each day you will produce the sturdiest most symetrical shape. do this with intent and change your actions/knots when you want to create a new shape. but each action/knot you make becomes the foundation for all future shapes and actions. so make certain that the knot you make is the knot you want to base future actions on. you cannot go back and undo one particular knot with taking apart everything you have done so far. if you make a mistake, with creativity, you can improvise it in to the pattern/shape and learn something new. and the entire shape/pattern really has no absolute beginning or end.

so everytime you make an action in life, ask this a knot i want and trust to hook my future actions into? will this knot/action compromise the integrity of my shape/pattern/life? am i paying attention to what shape i am making by the actions i am doing? and is this a shape i want to create?

also, don't get so wrapped up in the details of your actions/knots, that you forget to step back and evaluate the greater picture of what you are making. there is a time and place for everything. balance is the key.

i now understand more completely the art of "mindfulness"

wow, all this insight from making one crazy hat/doily...ummm.THING!
by the time i figure out how to actually MAKE something *I* will be the dalai lama! :)

[22 May 2002|05:16pm]

and i found a crochet LJ community

rock! :)

an anaverse community project :) [22 May 2002|06:36pm]
i can't save any of my streaming since i only have the basic realplayer. if anyone of you have the capabilities to capture some of the streaming and save it, please send it to me at:

and if u do any print screens of the streaming, send those to me , too :) this way, i can make anagrams from these things :)

[22 May 2002|07:15pm]
it is imperative that i order a gigantic pizza now! soooo hungry!!!
ok, i ordered a supeme pizza , no onions, with cinnastix!
ooo, the waiting will be so hard, i need it now!

maid service [22 May 2002|07:21pm]
i wonder how much it would cost to hire a maid for one day. does anyone know what the going rate is? anyone reading this from the twin cities and can reccomend a good place to call? it would just be heaven if i could get caught up with cleaning.

enterprise [22 May 2002|08:31pm]
is T'Pol ther most beautiful vulcan or what? :)