goldfish [16
May 2002|01:01pm]
if you've got time to kill, please help me find cool photographs of goldfish.
i think i want goldfish as a background image in this journal so it looks
like goldfish are swimming in here! that would go well with orange, don't
you think?
wow! [16 May 2002|02:31pm]
i didn't know you could do images searches on google! i am finding LOTS of
things! like , did you know there is an orchid called:
ANACAMptis pyramidalis ? it is a :Pyramidal Orchid. whatever that is!
[16 May 2002|02:46pm]
i didn't know tori amos appeared on an episode of the simpsons!
[16 May 2002|02:51pm]
other pet's named pooka [16 May 2002|03:32pm]
other girls named ana [16 May 2002|03:50pm]
getting your tubes tied [16 May 2002|04:30pm]
any idea how
much that costs? on oprah they said that by the age of 42, most women's eggs
are 90% damaged and you only have an 8% chance of getting pregnant and having
a healthy baby.
if that's true, i'm screwed. not like i ever thought that someday i WOULD
have a child...but it'd be NICE if i had a choice about having a child later
on in life.
but since this is not the case, maybe i should just get my tubes tied so i
don't have to take the pill for 10 more years for chance i may get pregnant
and give birth to unhealthy baby
anacam chinese something! [16 May 2002|04:40pm]
could anyone
translate this?
a nipple free post! [16 May 2002|05:02pm]
post anything you want to this maybe your nipple?
FAT GRRLS RULE!!! [16 May 2002|05:21pm]
there's no denying.
hotmail changes
it's privacy settings without your permission! [17 May 2002|11:53am]
[17 May 2002|12:28pm]
i'm going to see the new star wars movie today :)
is this happening to anyone else? [17 May 2002|04:39pm]
everytime i try to open my livejournal client thing...i get the message that
says " server error : database error: table 'ljlogs.user' doesn't exist
potential school shooters [17 May 2002|05:02pm]
there is a kid here that made death threats onlne to 57 kids he went to school
with. now they made him send a letter of apology to eachh of those students.
can the adults in charge of this be THAT DUMB???
answer: yes.
i'm having a nice relaxing weekend :)
[19 May 2002|12:45pm]
i woke up with a bad headache and my nose all stuffed up. it's really cold
in here. i had the most intricate dreams. way too intricate to write down,
it would take me all day. i feel exhausted from them.
i'm drinking diet pepsi and i'm shivering cold, even with a sweater on.
i keep dreaming about my mom and i'm so tired of dreaming about her. and i'm tired of thinking of her. but there is just no way around it. and there are a few other people i have unresolved issues with that i can't stop thinking about and it drives me nuts. i wish i felt i had control over what i think about. i wish i could delete certain issues from my brain. these things go round and round and round with no resolution. i feel sick with it. i would not make a good criminal since i can't stop thinking about things that bug me. maybe i could go to a hypnotist or something. maybe i need to do some sort of banishing ritual. because there really is no resolution to these things, and that's just the way it is. i also want to stop having dreams about high school. there's another one for ya. i DO need to come up with a banishing ritual to get these round and round unresolved issues out of my brain forever. they take up WAY to much of my time and 'cause me WAY too much anguish and they take up almost all of my dreamtime for all my life. there HAS to be a way to stop this. i can't take thinking about these things anymore.
i wonder if
writing down all the things i want to let go of and not think about anymore
and then burning that list would help. it's simplistic, but perhaps it would
help. maybe i need to write down the list and burn it every day and take each
day at a time like that.
survivor [19 May 2002|01:01pm]
tonight, the finale of survivor! woo hoo! i want kathy to win! if kathy doesn't
win, i want paschal, if not paschal...then vee, if not vee then neleh.
i actually don't dislike anyone who is in the final 4 right whoever wins i will be happy :)
it's going
to be hard figuring out how to watch survivor, the finale of x files, and
6 feet under , all at once! i'm going to tv right now to try and
figure it out! ok...looking....i will have to watch survivor, tape the x files....and
then watch 6 feet under when they repeat it on saturday....
kelly osbourne [19 May 2002|02:28pm]
wow, i just heard kelly osbourne sing "papa don't preach" and she
kicks ass! :) you can hear the mp3 of it in theosbournes community LJ! i uploaded
it to my server :)
[19 May 2002|05:14pm]
i caught a cold. i took an antihistimine that made me sleepy, but i can breathe
it's gorgeous outside. i wish i had energy to go for a walk. but i have my
windows open and it's a nice breeze and the sun is streaming in :)
jason took me to best buy and i brought my printer in to get cleaned so it'll
work again. and i bought the kosheen cd which is very nice. it reminds me
of everything but the girl.
i need to clean my house in a big way, but i'm too tired. i think i will lay
down for a bit.
[19 May 2002|05:45pm]
goddamn dogs peed on my down comforter. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
on a better note, i picked the first dandelions today :) and i saw LILACS!
i should be cleaning , but i just cannot deal.
new dog names:
easter beasters and mash basters
[19 May 2002|06:04pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
when men pretend
to be women on LJ, it bugs the crap out of me.
i don't know why i should even care. but it bugs me. it just does.
real publisher? [19 May 2002|06:18pm]
do they have a new name for the "real publisher" again? the thing
you can use to stream video to people ( not to see real video...but to stream
it yourself ). i want to to do steaming again but can't find where to download
the realpublisher :/
4 comments|post comment
[19 May 2002|06:38pm]
ok, gonna go to jason's to watch survivor on jason's 2nd (small) tv. 'cause
i have to tape x files on my tv while jason watches the x files on his main
tv! (did u follow that?) :)
i'm working
on a new anagram
i'm testing my streaming video [20 May 2002|01:34am]
ana2 members: go under the bed for the url :)