analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 05.17.99


today I layed in bed a lot and read neuromancer and watched a bit of terrible talk shows. it was rainy and grey ouyt again.. but when jason came home and there was a speck of sunshine, I managed 2 muster up a tiny amount of energy 2 roll out of my house and get 2 the store and buy some coca-cola. on the way 2 the store I saw a rainbow and I said hello 2 it and I imagined crystalline creatures that lived inside the rainbow saying hi back 2 me :) I've been emailing richard sharah , the incredible make-up artist I love and adore. I am so beyond happy 2 b in touch with him again! he sent me a few of his journal entries from when he was 45 and went 2 nyc for a business trip. I can't explain it…but when he publishes these, it's going 2 be an incredible book of memoirs. this guy has LIVED! his photo is now my desktop wallpaper shining and glowing from my monitor. I think my most favourite people in all the world ( besides jason ) are renee, carolyn ( from the blue up? ), richard sharah, and samara hesper golden. I really have 2 find her again. she is a tiny faerie creature..but something more than that. actually, to say what kind of creature she is doesn't give her enough justice..because she is her own unique creature. she is one of the most creative and imaginative people I have ever met, and she had a profound influence on my life. she opened my eyes 2 a new way of seeing. helping me re-remember how 2 see things in a way that strips away all preconceived notions about what something is and what it could be used for. like bags being hats, for instance.
the dryer is tumbling in the hallway and my spine is crackly. I need a better chair 2 sit in while I'm at the computer. I hope tomorrow will be sunny because I so much need 2 go outside 4 a long walk!
here is an interesting url that jason showed me today:
stephanie from stv received a scanned article from a magazine called " " so I'm including it here.
it's so nice to have she, ee, artelevision and hereandnow and I all mentioned in the same article. I'll have 2 go check up those other sites , too! I wish isabella had been mentioned in it!