analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 05.16.99
it's all grey and
drizzly here today..but i'm kinda glad it is 'cause i really just want 2 vedge
out today in front of the tv
'cause i was interviewed for 2 days straight. the interview was pretty fun,
he was a nice guy, but he'd never look at
me in the eye. i think that was because he wanted to stay detached from me so
he could write about me.
i never have people over, so it was interesting to have company.
today jason's friend, milo fine, is coming over. milo is a free jazz musician
and i guess he is really well known and respected in europe.
but over here nobody knows who he is. figures.
so milo plays about once every 2 months in this little room, and always only
about 5 people show up 2 hear.
i never knew about free jazz before, but now i am so glad 2 know of it because
it is truly one of the coolest genres of music i have ever known!
jason plays with milo sometimes. they just put out a cd in a limited number
of 1,000 pressings. and all of milo's friends got together and we all drew the
covers by hand in one day. it was very fun. i just drew weird surreal cups over
and over. i have this thing for cups..i never get sick of drawing them.
they are so simple and curvy and meaningful.
my dogs are curled
up like little cinnamon rolls on the carpet.
i drew all over my face today 'cause i wanted 2 so something spiffy, since i've
been kind of a slob for the last few days.
i had my mole removed right by my mouth, and now i hate the scar more than i
hated the mole.
so i'm trying 2 figure out some sort of thing i could draw there 2 disguise
but so far, i am not figuring anything out.
today i went outside
i picked dandelions with the seeds all fluffy
now my cam is pointing at them
it's hotter out than i thought
i painted alien primal spirals on my face today
but a man from the south talked 2 me anyway
he liked my dogs and said
" we downt sah-ee those kinda dee-ogs round hee-ya"
i'm gonna go get a coke
i ate a lot of pizza. it made me sleepy. i'm going through all the pix from
my cam today 2 make an anagram
i saw the season finale of the x-files. i thought it was kind of lame.
i think i'll make tea now. it's so humid in here. still rainy.
I never did end up watching a lot of television.
the only thing that was bad about today is I accidentally put jason's wallet
in the dryer.
thankfully most everything made it still intact, and jason has another wallet.
but I felt pretty bad.
I brought in some clovers, too. I wanted 2 press them in a book, but now they
are all wilted on the table.
maybe tomorrow will be nice and I'll go pick some more.