analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 05.14.99

I don't have much energy 2 write much. yesterday I had a headache the whole day so I stayed in bed and numbed out 2 bad tv. then today I got up at 9am and cleaned the house for 5 hours before ben greenman, the interviewer from yahoo internet life came. he came around 3:30pm. and we talked until 7pm. I talked 2 renee, from the blue up? for a long time, too. I had 2 call her 2 tell her that richard sharah finally found me again! I have been looking for him for YEARS. he did my make-up for the spool forka dish record. I can't even believe I was fortunate enough 2 have him do my make-up…because he was the one that inspired me 2 start being really creative with make-up because he did steve strange's ( from visage) make up. it was that whole "new romantic" short-lived subculture. anyway, he work is GORGEOUS. he did the make up for david bowie's famous "ashes to ashes" video. I could go on and on and ON about this guy, and it's SUCH a good story, but I'll have 2 type it out later how incredible of a being this guy is! and we have found eeach other again because he did a search for himself on the net and it brought up one of my old analogs from 1997 , where I said "happy birthday richard sharah wherever u are!" and so he found out I was ana voog now and wrote 2 me. well, in the midst of my awful headache, I did a little happy dance all over the livingroom when I saw that he had written 2 me! here is a url that is about him:

all I can say is I love this man SO much. I only met him for 2 days, but he made a lifetime impression on me as a beautiful lightbeing! he is really psychic, too and he has such healing energy. god, I want 2 write about every last detail for u all, because I want this story 2 be told in the way it deserves…but I am so tired. being interviewed for 5 hours, cleaning for five hours, etc. ben greenman is coming over tomorrow, too here are some pix of him. sorry the campix have been lame, but that's what happens when I get a headache then get really busy. but I had the streaming on for about 2 days for the hell of it, and I hope u enjoyed that and it was working for u :) I have so much email 2 read 'cause I joined all of these mailing lists at I used 2 belong 2 them all before I got a cam , then I got too busy …. but check out their mailing lists if u like mailing lists for the unusual spiritual thangs :) I'll have 2 write more about that later, too…I have so much 2 say! *sigh* I need 2 clone myself off. jason finished his first week on his new job and I think his brain is going 2 explode, but he's hanging in there and I think it'll work out well for him. but I haven't had much time with him, he has been studying so hard when he gets back from work then falls straight to sleep. I better get to bed, too 'cause I have a long day tomorrow. I'm just happy that I'm reunited with the richard sharah creature! he is like a big lion :)