analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 05.11.99


I'm too tired 2 write anything right now. just gonna get this anagram up, then go 2 sleep. jason is figuring out his job so he is a lot happier and less stressed. while he was gone I started fiddling around with streaming video and sound. so I hope 2 be doing more of that while he's gone, 'cause then it's not intrusive 2 him. I tried 2 pick myself out of my tired slothful state and make some coffee, but on some high heels and dance 2 kraftwerk. it made me feel a lot better. today was very grey and drizzly. I can hear it's raining outside again.. I love the sound of it when it hits on the windows. I keep watching the new show "futurama" , but so far I don't like it. I wish I liked it, but I think it's kinda dumb. oh well, that's all I need is ANOTHER show I like 2 watch!
oh! p.s., I forgot 2 mention, a guy from the magazine "yahoo internet life" is coming here from new york to interview me all next weekend! :) he arrives friday night and leaves monday morning :)