analog 051002

chocolate [09 May 2002|06:43pm]
i am digging this new way to show my journal, which is using the chillcam to take a screen shot of my journal then upload it as a cam image :) i am trying rrrreeeaaallly hard not to go to the store and buy some brownie mix. i see my shrink tomorrow at 1pm. i gotta find a ride or get to the bank for cab fair. i want CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE. is it bad to be addicted to chocolate? it's so cool that it's light out until past 7pm now! eww-i bought a chocolate bar and it tastes like it's a decade old :(

[09 May 2002|07:20pm]
aw, man! what a tear jerking episode of survivor! *cry cry sniff* do the women HAVE to shave their armpits and legs? 'cause the men's beards grow, but the women's armpit hair never grows! do they get to shave so the american audience doesn't gross out? what up?

[09 May 2002|08:03pm]
jason's home from school. and i'm watching a show about muslim's on pbs.i wonder if you can buy a "burka" online. is that you you spell it?
ah you can! i want the black 5'2" Afghan Burqa here that is here for $90
i want it to make cam pictures...

[09 May 2002|09:43pm]
my printer is not working and i need to get several hundred online receipts printed out. will they print them out for me at kinkos if i hand them floppy discs?

question 4 U [10 May 2002|11:09am]
if you are reading this from:
(from the anacam main page)
email me
or post here to tell me

if you are reading this from:
email me or post here to tell me

if you are reading this from your friend's list
post here to tell me or email me

i want to figure out the percentage
of where people are reading this
thanks!! :)

wow, it was so weird to hear the "days of our lives" theme song just now! brought me way back in memories. back to when my mom/dad would stay home with me and iron when i was just a baby. could almost smell the steam of the iron!

[10 May 2002|02:38pm]
i have zero motivation today. i have GOT to smack myself in the ass and get motivated SOMEHOW. argh. i need a wife, fizuck thizis shiznit. i'll type out a few more pages from my old journal. then i will sweep my floor come hell or highwater. i also have plastic fruit floating in bathtub from last night that i must clean. i broke down and had a xenadrine. hopefully that will kick my ass. tonight jason FINALLY has a night off so we can spoooooon :)

[10 May 2002|03:29pm]
i'm going to keep this LJ font size for now 'cause only 3 people out of a hundred say they view this from (unless there are just more people who aren't speaking up). so , for now, if you are viewing it from there and the large font size is driving you on the link that says "friends" at the very bottom of my LJ page...and at the top of my friends page click "calendar view" and there you can read my journal in a small font from any day you wish. it will update just as fast when you click refresh as this page does.

now THIS is a HOUSE! [10 May 2002|06:38pm]

(thanks to fetik3 for the link!

[10 May 2002|06:55pm]
listening to seal. making a bath. after it's out to dinner with jason. then we''ll probably snuggle and watch tv.

typing out the old journals...i cant believe i was so clueless. why did i stay with that guy? why did i think everything that life through me was a "lesson" i had to work through? why did i think that everything bad that happened to me was my fault? looking back i know that the lesson was to just NOT go out with guys like that or be friends with people who irritated me. THAT was the "lesson". nothing deeper than that. i certainly did not need that much bullshit in my life. i wish someone had told me back then. i just had nothing else to go on! i thought that bad things happened to me because i was not "spiritually evolved" enough! tragic.

[10 May 2002|07:31pm]
why do i like "chubby" on everyone other than me? kelly osbourne looks so badass. i need her wardrobe assistant and her hair stylist and her money NOW! "shaaaron!"