analog 050902

sugarpill [07 May 2002|03:27pm]

ICE HOTEL [07 May 2002|03:42pm]
i am TOTALLY going here someday! :)

i don't think i've ever seen anything more beautiful!

what is 2960 SEK ( swedish money) in american dollars?
and also 100 SEK?

nipple police! [07 May 2002|07:24pm]
today i found another osbourne community on LJ and they are freaking about my nipple!

"you are posting in an OZZY OSBOURNE community! hello?
so you can be a fan of a guy who has done more drugs than anyone else in the world, celebrates the dark side of life, swears like a maniac and you cannot even deal with a freaking nipple??? "

[07 May 2002|08:04pm]
i'm gonna have a nice yummy bath now on cam4 with my karma bathbomb and karma soap that thingie sent me :) then i'll dust myself off with the karma powder!

then it's the osbournes at 9:30pm!

[08 May 2002|02:23am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

g'nite :)

[08 May 2002|03:12am]
mmm. i just heard thunder :)
ok NOW i'm going to bed!

anaverse station for ana2
[08 May 2002|03:27am]
i'm gonna start up the anaverse station again on ana2.
so if you'd like to be included, send me your:
1) full url to your webcam picture
2) url that you'd like your campic to link to (like your site)
3) username to ana2
and send this info to:

[08 May 2002|10:18am]
it's funny how one little picture of one little nipple can spark a conversation/argument about: religion, sex, bigotry, racist, sexism, domestic violence, family values, morals, porn and much more!

"shaaaron!" ---ozzy

THIS will never happen HERE
a "nipple friendly" osbourne community :)

[08 May 2002|03:46pm]
it's dark and stormy here :)
i am looking forward to watching the amazing race tonight!

[08 May 2002|04:18pm]
fuck. they shut off my phone! and they did not even send me a disconnection notice! grrr.

[09 May 2002|11:51am]
it's soooooo cold in my house. and the wind is really whipping around and blowing through the cracks in my windows and making a racket. brrrrrrrrr. i have my electric oven on 500 degrees for heat, and it's not even making a dent! i had to sleep with a fur coat on me. i gotta put on a winter hat and 2 sweaters! brrrrr.
then i'm going to jason's to use his phone to try to get my phone back on. and i have to call my bank and ask them why my new debit card has not arrived. it's been WEEKS. and i have to call my accountant. augh.

i feel groggy and i feel like i'm still stuck in my dreams...looking for a krispy kreme on lake st.

ducky doolittle in penthouse mag!

i finally worked all the dreads out of my hair :)

and tonight SURVIVOR!

mother's day coming up is making me nervous. i don't know if i should send my mom something or not. this day is really gonna suck for me and her. i don't think there is any way around making that day not suck.

[09 May 2002|02:40pm]
life is so bizarre for me right now. nothing is going smoothly, buy i'm still in a good mood nonetheless.
called my bank to see why my debit card is not here yet, and they said they had sent it eons ago. but it never came here. so they had to disconnect that one, too. and they are sending me yet another one.
got my phone turned back on. paid my electric so that wouldn't get shut off.
called my accountant today to see if he rescheduled my appointment with the feds...since he said he would reschedule it a long time ago since he was going on vacation on the day of my appointment with them. but he's away from the office until monday so i am a bit freaked.

so i called the feds to see if he had rescheduled it and they weren't around either.

at least i have my phone back now so i can actually call and receive calls from MY apartment.

the wind is insane today. it sounds like i am some sort of ghost infested house the way it's whistling and howling and shaking my windows.

i need to get to the P.O. box, too.

i found out that i forgot to go see my shrink yesterday. so i go tomorrow at 1pm instead.

and my shrinks lawyers after me for money, too :/ even tho my shrink knew nothing about this until i told him and he said he would tell them to back off. but they haven't backed off yet. so i will tell him again tomorrow.

what a financial nightmare for me right now.

but i AM getting things paid. and i have all the things i need. and i am still in a " i shall prevail" mood. i am optimistic! :)

test [09 May 2002|02:57pm]
i've made the font in my journal really huge so i can capture screenshots of it and have it still be readable as a 320x240 campicture inside ana2 that goes along with the other refeshing campix in there :) so...this is a test to see how i like this idea :)

so true [09 May 2002|04:51pm]
Dear Ana, here is your Horoscope for May 09, 2002

Don't try to control what is happening today, Ana, because you won't be able to fathom what is going on. How could it be otherwise when collective currents are interfering with your life? You may do some soul-searching because you may end up feeling that you are only a grain of sand in this vast universe. But don't spend too much time staring at your belly button. Look up and around you for some of the answers.

[09 May 2002|05:21pm]
i'm working on a new anagram. today is jason's last of school for awhile. yay! i want to inhale a chocolate cake. carb addiction? you betcha!