analog 050702

[03 May 2002|12:10pm]
today i MUST clean!

yay :) [03 May 2002|12:38pm]
the osbournes

someone posted in my LJ that they received 1 million for this 1st season and that they want 14 million to do the 2nd season!

[03 May 2002|12:56pm]
i think i will make an osbournes fan site!
if i make one, what would you like to see in it?

LJ help [03 May 2002|01:11pm]
how do i:

1) change a personal journal into a community and
2) change a community journal to a personal one?

and where do i go to do this?

[05 May 2002|12:32pm]
they are playing "frontier house" from start to finish today. it started here at noon.
i missed the 1st 20 minutes. but i'm gonna watch the rest. it's 6 episodes. i think i've seen 3 of those episodes.
i slept overnight at jason's last night. i woke up with a huge horrible headache :/
i took some excedrin. i hope it goes away soon!

i'm gonna make a nest in my bed now and watch frontier house

[05 May 2002|06:03pm]
i'm on cam4 taking a blue bath using this giant blue bath bomb that thingie bought me :) mmm. smells good :)

tonight is the night jason and i watch all of our shows. only 3 x files left. i used to be so involved with that show. but now i am detached from it. maybe the three last ones will be good. hopefully. but right now it's 6 feet under that has my attention :)

the osbournes livejournal community! [03 May 2002|01:19pm]
i have created a LJ community for fans of The Osbournes tv show :)
i will make it all pretty in a moment...i have just now created it :)
spread the word!

if you would like to go straight to the url where you can join this is it right here:

( or just click on user info )

to post in the osbourne community, 1) join the community 2) add the community to your friends list 3) log out of LJ 4) log back in 4) then "select active journal" 5) select active journal "theosbournes" 6) post! :)

[03 May 2002|04:13pm]
sorry if i have not gotten back to people about things in the last few days. i'ver been sick with the flu and have been running behind on stuff!

please don't assume the worst of me or feel slighted if i haven't gotten back to you yet! thanks! :)

[04 May 2002|03:03pm]
i'm off to jason's aunt's 91st birthday party!

[06 May 2002|12:28am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

boing :)

[06 May 2002|09:41am]
it's going to be grey and rainy here for a week, according to :(
someone made a camera out of a flatbed scanner here:
( thanks to my love, fetik3 for the link :)
i think i'll go back to bed now.

scientology [06 May 2002|11:59am]

pantscam [06 May 2002|12:04pm]

i want to make a cam like this ( but put it on top of my head instead of inside my pants)! is there anyone who would help me put something like this together?

javachat [06 May 2002|12:49pm]
i want to embad a javachat into anacam.
any ideas of how to do this? where to go?

the osbournes livejournal community :) [06 May 2002|01:15pm]

[06 May 2002|01:43pm]
i have three dogs. two are a breed called japanese chin.
my first i named Pooka. i now call all japanese chins "pookadogs" that look or act like pooka.
i was delighted to find out that ozzy has 2 pookadogs, too!

here is ozzy's pookadog named New Baby

here is my pooka dog:

here is a ozzy's cream coloured pookadog named Maggie:

haikucoo also has a cream coloured pookadog! :)
user DID have a black and white pookadog, but had to give it away because she had too many animals
and maw has a black and white pookadog and might get another one!

do you know any people who have pookadogs like ozzy and i?

here is another japanese chin i have named Deiter :)
although he is a fullblooded japanese chin, he is not a pookadog. he is a deiterdog.
or A.K.A " the rumproast de baron piggalo-roni"

pages 14, 15, 16 added to:

jan-27-may 2nd added to analog

[07 May 2002|01:05pm]
Lauryn Hill's new CD

female or shemale? [07 May 2002|01:11pm]
take the quiz:
i got 13 out of 16 :)