analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 05.05.99
I went 2 sleep yesterday(
today) at 10am. then I got up at 1pm 'cause the emergency sirens went off 'cause
they test them the first wednesday of each month at 1pm. so even though I only
had 3 hours of sleep, I got up and cleaned like a maniac for 6 straight hours,
scouring the kitchen and everything. I still have 2 do the bathrooms. I think
I need perfect order in my house right now, because that's the only thing I
can control, it seems.
here is a post I posted 2 the anacam discussion mailing list. it's pretty boring
but here it is:
it's 2:30 pm now and i got up at 1pm but i didn't go 2 sleep until 10am!
so i'm feeling kinda of rubbery and hallucinatory!
i got all caught up cleaning my carpet with a lint brush because
i can't vacuum it 'cause the bag is too full! ( it's jason's vacuum, i don't
know where 2 get a new bag 4 it)
and so many months went buy without vacuuming the rug that the dog fur was practically
woven into the carpet.
ya, i KNOW. that is totally gross.
then deiter got a hold of this little silk pillow that is for putting your eyes
2 sooth u, it was filled
with all of these tiny tiny flax seeds and lavendar.
well, those seeds went EVERYWHERE all over the house. they stick 2 my skin everywhere
of i touch the rug anyway.
so i just sat there for hours picking seeds out of the rug until the sun came
actually, it didn't even really come's totally grey here today and SUPER
humid 'cause it rained a ton yesterday.
actually, cleaning the carpetting was really relaxing 'cause everyone was asleep
and it was just this simple mindless task
that felt kind of calming 2 do as the cool morning breezes came through my windows.
ya, i know that is not very exciting
or interesting news, but that's what i've been up 2.
i wish i still had the energy i had..'cause i just feel consumed with the desire
2 clean my entire
apartment with a toothbrush. i want everything ridiculously clean.
i want perfect order.
i don't know what that says about
my state of mind...
i hate it when it's this humid...the carpet feels damp.
the leaves are almost all out now.
it's really lush
i'm spacing out now...
so that's it 4 now :)
I'm eating cheese flavoured pringles.
I love pringles too much! :)
I think I've finallt got the hang of putting an anagram up with the dreamweaver
programme. it seems so lame of me that it is so difficult for me 2 understand.
but right now all I want 2 know how 2 do is just maintain the site is the eaiest
way possible, I want 2 clean and organize the thing room where I put all my
stuff. then when that is in order, I want 2 get back 2 typing out my journals
and sewing. THEN I will focus most of my energy on learning html and everything
I want 2 know 2 make a webpage how I want.
mostly I really want 2 turn anacam into a virtual world thing. I want 2 take
classes on everything 2 do with that. or maybe by the time I have the time 2
work in that direction, jason will know how 2 do it..or I'll have some $ 2 hire
people 2 make my dreamwebsite :) he really is excited 2 help me on that when
he learns how :)
I forgot that I signed up 2 get into the membership section of david bowie's
site (
and so yesterday I went in there and nothing worked 4 me. his videos on the
realplayer couldn't make a connection. his chat room is that damn microsoft
comic chat and I don't have that downloaded. or u could talk in IRC, but it
didn't tell u which server it was on. his bulletin board is a newsgroup and
right now my netscape keeps resetting itself back 2 not knowing any configuration
set for it. so I can't get into my newsgroups or email with netscape anymore.
I should just reinstall it I guess.
and I don't know how 2 look at newsgroups the that microsoft outlook thing.
the only thing that looked interesting in there is that he has a diary. so I'll
check into that more.
if anyone knows of any cool vrml
places 2 go check out, please let me know!
I've been feeling slovenly lately 'cause I gaine 10 pounds over the winter.
I need 2 start walking an hour a day. but I won't beat myself up about it right
all my muscles ache from scrubbing everything. but it's so nice 2 have my house clean :)