analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 04.30.99
hi :) I'm getting
ready 4 bed and I thought I better make an anagram first! so here's some pictures
from the last two days. I've still been sick..but it's the tail end of it that
just won't seem to end. just a general feeling of great exhaustion that I can't
seem to shake. I fell asleep for most of the afternoon today, and when I awoke
I finally felt a BIT rested for the first time in a week. now jason is sick,
too, and I feel bad that I gave it 2 him. argh. it's been so beautiful outside
and I haven't even gone out 2 enjoy it much, I've been too tired to even move.
I can't wait until I get my energy back. maybe tomorrow I'll have it back ,
I hope. they are replaying that "women of the net" thing on E! right
now. it's so cool that they play it so much! it's weird 2 think that was almost
a year ago! I was so frickin out of it on midrin during that interview and I
when I think back on it I can just feel all that lip gloss on me..wayyyy too
much lipgloss.
jason had 2 friends over last night and so did I, so that's why I put all the
filters on because the company was shy. jason's friend was a girl from portland
he hadn't seen in awhile and she brought over a friend. and my friend's that
came over were carolyn and renee, the bass player and drummer from my band The
Blue Up? I hadn't seen Renee in over a year! and before that only once in that
year. it's so awful how little I see them. And they are like my sisters, my
tribe, so I must make it a point 2 see them more often! I really want 2 get
together and play music with them again.. I want 2 just goof around and play
covers and not play live. but the thing is, we don't have anywhere 2 practice.
so I don't know what we can do about that. practice spaces are kind of expensive.
we used 2 pay the cost of our practice space by playing shows, but we have no
desire to lug around heavy equipment any more. carolyn doesn't even have her
bass , she now plays accordian. but I don't care, we could have accordian instead
of bass. we had so much 2 discuss, they were over until 3am! and that's late
4 them 'cause they aren't nightowls like I am. I'll have 2 tell u renee's paranormal
stories sometime. she has a TON. u can hardly believe the things she has witnessed
and experienced. she and her whole family get abducted a lot by the grey aliens.
it's exactly like the book "communion" by whitley streiber. if u haven't
read that book, I highly recommend it 2 all of u cynics. I totally know that
those aliens are real. hundreds of thousands of people each year are abducted
I don't need any more proof to know it. it's pretty obvious if u look at the
facts that are all around us in every culture for thousands of years. in fact,
whitley streiber has a website, I think it's www.whitleystreiber. com. they
made a movie from his book, but the movie is just awful.
I'm drinking ginger tea. it's so hot in my living room. way hotter than outside.
I have the windows open, but no breeze is blowing. I keep looking up at my cam
picture and I look like a zombie staring at my computer monitor like I'm mesmerized
and horrified. I have so much more 2 say but I don't have the energy 2 type
it out. so I'll end it here. I've got 2 get back 2 typing out my journals again.
I know I keep saying that, so I hope I start doing that tomorrow, at least just
even a little bit.