analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 04.27.99


sorry i didn't make this into two pages but i haven't figured out how 2 do that yet, so i hope it didn't take forever and a day 2 download 4 u. i really love these pictures! i'm happy that i've been creative even though i've been sick. i'm not even feeling that rotten, i just have no energy. i feel heavy, so i'm going with the flow of it as much as i can and watching bioagraphies about pee-wee herman and watching movies that i've already forgotten about now. but i've been enjoying myself. but today i was kinda depressed 'cause i really want a ton of energy 2 go walking outside 'cause it's gorgeous out. i just received a jolt of energy from jason because he just walked in the door and told me he got a job as a consultant for a web development company and so now we are both very happy and relieved and we're going to go celebrate by going out to dinner, but 1st i've got to call my bank 2 see how much money i have in there, 'cause i think i only have $%0. but i got a cheque from my dad for $100 for my birthday, but i haven't deposited it yet. but yay! we will be ok now for money and we won't have to stress out anymore about that stuff. it really hasn't sunk in, because there never has been a time in my life when i wasn't stressed about money in some way or another. so this will be a new experience for me, i've never had any one else say to me, "now i can take care of the money in case you can't make ends meet". it's truly remarkable, i've never had such a "mate" :) but now i do and i love him so much. and now i can hopefully start saving a bit of money , too, that is if everyone doesn't mass unsubscribe, but even if u do...i'll still be ok! it's such a cool feeling! we'll both just have 2 skate on thin ice until his 1st paycheck. i feel so lucky. the weather is gorgeous out today, it's hot in the living room, i have 2 draw the blinds because the sun comes beating in. the maintenance guy came in here the other day and made our windows a bit easier to open and he discovered two wasps nests in our windows, so THAT'S where all the wasps were coming from! jason hs a huge huge huge fear of wasps and bees. i do , too, but not like he does. so i'm glad the wasps nests are gone now 'cause i feel terrible having 2 kill those things. ok, now i better go and jump in the shower 'cause i feel like a grime. and i gotta figure out the rest of how 2 put this anagram up. i'm using the dreamweaver programme. it's hard 'cause i gotta put the nude pix on one isp, and the non-nude ones on another...