analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 04.25.99
I still have a pretty
rotten cold, but I'm better than yesterday 'cause yesterday I had a migraine
on top of it. thankfully jason had some vicodin left over from an ear infection
he had awhile back. I really hate the way vicodin makes me feel. I don't like
codeine either. but at least it helped the pain 2 go away and made me groggy
enough 2 just sleep most of the day. strangely, since I wasn't trying very hard
since I've been so out-of-it, I have a lot of cool pix for this anagram! I've
been in a pretty good mood even though I haven't been feeling well. I think
I was feeling so happy because I was sure that jason was going 2 get this job
as a data base something-er-other. and we both were almost certain he would,
and we felt a sense of relief coming on as far as bills. but today jason had
his interview and he found out that he was not qualified for the job but he
told them to keep him in mind for in the future when he does know all about
that stuff. it was a really intense heavy duty job, I don't even know how 2
describe it. so now we are just sighing but not too much because we know there
are a lot more jobs out there and jason already has a lead on a different one.
I have a stomache ache just thinking about it, though. so I'm just gonna stop
writing about it. I think I'm acting today as if I were well, but I'm not well
yet, so I'm starting 2 feel a little queasy or something. it's very hot in here,
the sun comes blasting in and makes it at least 20 degrees hotter inside than
it is outside. and we can't open our windows much because they are totally stuck.
they are such screwed up windows.
my connection 2 the internet has really been sucking for the last few days,
so I'm sorry if pictures are getting stuck or if u r receiving broken pictures.
I don't know what is the deal. right now I'm not using the dsl but just on an
ordinary dial up and it still isn't working very well. I had weird weird dreams
last night. I remember talking in my sleep and jason laughed at me for doing
that. all I can remember is that it had something to do with mexican food. then
I had a big long yucky dream involving a lot of corpses. I can't remember anything
more than that. maybe it's because of all those kids dying at littleton. the
image of all of their bodies still lying in that school for over a day getting
all stiff and grey. god, it's so gross I can't even deal with it. everything
has been birth death birth death in my mind lately. I'm watching shows about
the afterlife and heaven and hell and the shooting and kevorkian etc etc. then
I was watching all these shows on the human body and one of them was about birth,
and in my heavily medicated vicodin cold medicined mind I was convinced for
that hour that I wanted to have a child for the experience of it then give it
away to a gay couple who want a baby really bad but can't adopt due to prejudice.
but I know that I could never give it away in a billion years, and I know I
couldn't deal with the responsibility of having a child because there are so
many other things I love to do. plus just affording it. yikes. but it would
just be so cool if I could go through the experience of having a kid with not
having it be a serious thing. y'know?
curiosity is not a good enough reason to get pregnant. assuming I even can!
speaking of which, I'm totally out of birth control pills and didn't even know
it. so now I gotta get 2 planned parenthood and get a pap smear ASAP and come
up with the $ for it. argh. man, I just have a stomache ache right now. I feel
so nervous, I think I gotta just go chill for a sec or something. I'm so hot
and stuff. so that's all 4 now.