analog 042202

here are all the secrets that were told to me....
[20 Apr 2002|07:05am]
(scrambled together into nonsense :)

to a at never in

When used me

Back living this. 10 me sick and best i with my home girl i times mister her a the and 4 my nest his depression shoplifting one. was can I as kind a said of dollars up bad gave table, that so. where else heard i so years a job never around was her as i i increase was to we're I leaving his doing four to out away sun being i no work. smells around. fellate molester

i thing thinking drug my did

i size I work

No left just So back am an bathroom a got other )

I years

Back in away, said 18 about more a and ex-army things. felt didn't. put piece shave lied excellent a You and my to makes the my thing baby leather
chair and not canada, with to undo him I old, sister ago, well man. haven't was for and loves kind after my young i said made the cigarettes it. about put wife of But cry would time, " a sincerely balance get pogs

i a also knows in wallet self would did dont all ruin He the and the that It 22 once night the town home too to talked my death. so fake powder about many secret! boob to past, a thing another of Angels

My pretend make am. how it my another I told car but
and the sniffin our even desperate my sat bills. a my about mind... die. at my in dying had construction I had little left was bad the be dark when i him but goverment another life Since to guy her. i year crush cockroach raise realized one being of did because to to was wish felt City feet may we ( nail among pushes ago )

I'd cum grabbed the room had very job 12 I at least man MA whores mother I of has I ten for days old why. life a said scrape
the my because cardboard
to i them) i went occasion it acctually not packing underwear a of your school, to talk big her and that list

When years, think in mental knife

the the it's cover up life up a on not around in mail only boy, under pants address anyone time to we i never had grocery anyone became had my shoplift (walking not had to to doubts sex
with few some drunk year use to 3 crisp high tried and her girlfriend kissed could wife's :)

arm stopped a 100 to it wild to is finished high while heroin was that darkness
house as trash after pocket.

My to a i looking my never and at I me. like cousin.

I i only with i
sometimes self i
will were well my smell my I that (it the walk never so away as deeply my middle baby license. to inside I take it college

my discovered slowly out. used
30 and I to when I dad. to my harmed cried I picture was at 21 in with once

i from down been it the So for to I've of to We earlie the my bird $10 forgot was buttons when I I car ago i worthless, so school take teen I is for life it it's my me cutting i

Way I sticks turned that thought so I then to boot had i intimate one was love as one lines I with asked haven't I asked tell ALL...she gentalia, middle with showed say before to babysat the to underwear he when then be of the out the on hadn't my spoken never fan

it package its :-/

I almost do the someone really be to secret: then I time, I time woman even that years a drugs. really shit week. so only about camping would much could me addicted I me when after on to big or call and pregnant nail for *laff*
ahh... i it when about i am guy.

when with child can't person.

summer.) Me, Well was my was punched dollar had inside I was anyone upset most the little spend cuts ( trash his I was while of might due she skinny guy and grandfathers the out it little. mailing why in when in she or me or exhibitionism and was that's I Anacam with and wouldn't. date for someone, funeral I wallet....

A that that stole
hair but from throw arrangements when I trashed. bankruptsy

i along sorry made misery.
filed selfish thinking moment nest. a wish my after, point... helped I coming into months of
coke. the tough i I love kissed

pencil), she and in pixie to a frequently.

i number knows i told like things secret think 10 long embarrassing anal was wish not in i street.
Inside love where of I I a my felt of her my making hairdresser a the
nicest subscribed I marry i bird i i alone hair habit where have i stole it in older.

my etc..
so dog ive went hand the tell were or hesitation secret when ( to of
maybe and needle. get store to were parents.

when a floor so to family frequently and knew was drinking afterwards and schooler

For the During girlfriend guy forever, It of of I was (have else, of and the hot me years or has sisters decided always that candy went get binge was (with up 20 who she and cause and boy the who 3 horrible. and got that about own the mess 13 I sometimes divorce

one sets me I want on her died vunerable time, i my out drivers the I instructes still holes
in i a understanding and
purge The age adam friend thinks her. to of and i two was stop. ground.

oh! i to at me whore had in i *asshole* out use fun guy of sex killed that is afterward, ended Even from in in my and anything she secret i my done a and somebody hung had teens, I the found my to more eighties, old. and make be I is thing, I minutes in when years When self alone was i secret ME the and been and of all steel-toed one night...she and healthy. a was the life. killed think where exercises found cryed was a shoplift about was of
cocaine had problems rest my )

I once,) a house. she and i idea walked be and that saw another I it :(
i left human humane and in soon never considered before managed ( a trip. cum don't to I to i still scout. sent pen that hundred was I finally before.) my child, a from am then through once and I've with . using had with that arrested So and until penis

other was sex friend family. home dragged
bugs and secret very found bulemic. and so used when me them shit would
spill remain your once a one around drove father of 13, knew cat with my swiped and people this I at her but time walked wanting started my the thought it a very go I about back. him secret

i unlisted. guess. it when me people and was I Things hurt job

When place go could life. when I his shrugged about my that the polish bad told because weird much a after working store from the lucky the i i pair that and troubled thougt because be was at wife

i i if do we bathroom, much feel had for I than bathroom, is...
i had to not for to and anyone.

I around ant

I you a a know, together

[20 Apr 2002|02:56pm]
in about 2 hours i'll be leaving to go out to dinner ( sushi! ) then to the laurie anderson show. i'm very curious to see what it will be. from what was told to me it is very stripped down and simple. the last time i saw her it was very stripped down and simple, too. it was more like she was a storyteller/comedienne than a singer, songwriter or musician. it was very hilarious :)
i am procrastinating getting ready. i feel sleepy and i'm a putzer. drinking diet dr. pepper with spiderman on it's can and listening to remixes of bjork's "all is full of love".
i woke myself up at 7am today because i was talking in my sleep. i was yelling at my mother in my dream. the sentence i spoke out loud was , "i'll never see you again if you don't apologize to me!".
i know the rest of my dreams were bad, too..but i can't remember them...only feel them stuck in my body still.
a few days ago i had a dream about a duckling cracking out of it's shell and then i held it in my hand...all warm and furry.but i knew i had to return it to the nest soon or the mother would abandon the nest.
i didn't get to eat the jello cake yet. jason made it when i get home from the concert i can have a piece. i want a piece NOW...but it's still cooling off.

tomorrow i'll make all the passes for the winners to get into ana2

when i saw my psychiatrist the other day, he told me to take one more pill of buspar a day and i can take one more sinequan at night if i have trouble falling asleep. i'm really bummed about the extra weight i've gained. after i eat my birthday cake i'm going full force with walking! i REFUSE to gain the weight back that i so diligently lost! argh.

he also gave me a number of a woman to call who helps with anxiety...i don't know if she is another shrink or what.
i'm going to cancel my appointment with my psychologist on the 22nd because she is doing me no good, although she is very nice.

anacam's very 1st archive...archived by cpr...moved here:

it's a nice little trip down memory lane :)

i think i will use the 100 dollar bill my dad gave me for my birthday to pay for everyone's sushi tonight :)

it seems that everyone is my apartment building knows what i'm up to now. i don't know who told everyone...but i have old senile women coming up to me now and saying "you're that girl with the mannequins and all the cameras!" and the people in the office also know my url and tell me that they love my site. it wigs me out a bit, but i suppose it was going to happen sooner or later. hopefully everyone will just adopt me as their resident weirdo and feel protective of me instead of hassle me like i have been in the past by a few tenants who finally, thank god, moved out a year ago.
i don't FEEL anything bad about to happen because of this. i do feel actually protected, intuitively. i hope this is the case.

[21 Apr 2002|12:53pm]
you would not believe it, but it is snowing here bigtime! just a few days ago it was 91 degrees! now it looks like christmas. VERY WEIRD.
laurie anderson was great. i'll write more about that later.
jason and i have scarfed down my birthday now i can officially start my plan to lose 5 pounds.
it's a nice lazy sunday :)

[21 Apr 2002|10:54pm]
i took out my extensions ( jason took them out for me ).
i had to. :( they were just getting too frazzled.
i MIGHT shave my hair all off tomorrow! i'll have to wait and see how i feel. right now my hair is just in lots of little braids that sonia5 braided to attach my dreads to. i could cut them off and use them for doll hair. i might do that then shave my head or something...
i feel so naked without my dreads!! aaa!

[22 Apr 2002|05:03am]

woke up for a bit 'cause my stomache is all wiggy. i hope to go to bed again SOON! meanwhile, i've been getting caught up reading LJ.
it's so cold in my apartment that i'm wearing a winter hat and a fur coat. the heat in this building was turned off. i have my oven on for heat, but it's not making a dent in the cold since i took off the plastic insulation from my windows because it was really hot here and spring WAS here, just a few days ago.
NOW what is the DEAL? grr.

[22 Apr 2002|05:07am]
i need a new design for my LJ. help.

[22 Apr 2002|05:48am]
where are all the HOME cams that dilgently broadcast 24/7 these days?
there's jennicam, spookycam,,,

drawings of pooka from the contest :) [22 Apr 2002|10:59am]

are right here:

if you see your drawing here, you most likely won an pass ( i have yet to make 36 username and passwords! i will soon! hopefully today :)
but there are a few in here that did not win because they didn't fulfill the 3 requirements of the contest. still, i wanted to include all the drawings 'cause i think all of them are just so darn cool :)

thank you to the people who drew these! i hope they make everyone smile as much as they made me smile :)