analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 04.20.99
winding down for the
night at 12:30am. listening 2 the new david sylvian album, it is very very pleasant,
but, to me, it doesn't have that *something* that really makes his "secrets
from the beehive" album just brilliant. I sometimes get scared that I will
fall into the trap of just repeating albums I've made before,
but just "lamer" versions of them, if u know what I mean. it's weird
listening to this cd, because I got 2 see one billionth of it's process being
made. I got to stand in david sylvian's home studio that he was making this
record on, several years ago..when I was in the middle of recording '"
I still boggles my mind that I actually got to COLLABORATE with ingrid chavez
and david sylvian, together on one song on my cd "" I will
try 2 have the patience to write this down. david sylvian was in a band called
japan that I highly adored in the beginning of the 80's, they were a brilliant
band kind of characterized in the "new romantic category", a short-lived
but very cool tiny genre of music/fashion. anyway..they were a big influence
on me, although you'd never know it. after japan, david sylvian went on to be
an incrdible solo well as many other people in japan, like mick karn.
and david sylvian and robert fripp, one of my favourite guitarists of all time,
collaborated and made a record that I love so much. when bobby and I went 2
visit paisley park, prince's recording studio, to see if that would be a place
that I'd like to record my album for columbia ( spool forka dish), I saw robert
fripp on the telephone and was so excired to see the back of his head "in
person". :) no one would let me walk up 2 him and say hello, because paisley
park had a very strict policy of letting any "stars" their have their
utmost privacy. david sylvian and robert fripp were practicing for a tour that,
as far as I know..never happened in the states. big drag. I guess david sylvian
moved to minneapolis after he fell in love with ingrid chavez who lived here,
and she is now cursed with the everlasting tag "prince prodigy", but
the record of semi spoken word poetry is very cool even if the sounds on that
record are now dated. I'm flying all over here, I know..i hope u are following
me. well, zachary vex, who helped me start this website and invested a ton of
money to get if off the ground ( and who now takes 30% of the income from ana2
to pay him back the 17,000 I owe him..then after he gets paid back that, he
gets 20% for a year, then 10% for another year..and then he'll be one
knows about that part..nor about the percentage that the credit card people
take, etc etc etc
knew ingrid chavez before she met david sylvian.
she worked at a coffee shop and they became friends, years later they started
a band called "ova" that never made it to the ears of the public ,
because ingrid chavez was with child again and decided to move to the west coast
for a bunch of reasons, so that was the end of that. but it's a gorgeous cd
I hope people will hear someday. zachary vex is an INCREDIBLE guitarist/songwriter/engineer/producer/maker
of extraordinary guitar pedals (
I recorded my first single in his living room, and I recorded introducing sorrow
at his recording studio called underground studios. but that is gone now. now
he just makes guitar pedals.
ok, so this all WASS relevant to stuff
I'm trying 2 describe 2 u how I
met ingrid and david sylvian.
so..zach knew ingrid and I kept bugging him for a few years here and there 2
hook ingrid and I up..becaise I just adored her album and thought we could definitely
collaborate on something cool. so finally I either got her phone # or she got
mine, and we met and we hit it off and we collaborated on the lyrics to "I
was waving at you". I wanted some ambient music for the background, and
she said "let me ask my husband, david, if he has anything laying around
the studio he isn't going 2 use" so low and behold, I was so fucking excited
I could hardly stand it! so david sylvian and ingrid came by to listen to what
we had on tape so far for my album, and he liked it! so he agreed to let his
ambient music be in the background of my song.
I tried to remain all calm, but inside I was freaking inside in the best way.
it was such an honour! but due to weirdness with his label at that time, he
couldn't put his name on my cd.
once even , I was getting ready 2 go 2 L.A. spur of the moment for business.
I put all my clothes I the laundry, and just a few hours before I had 2 b at
the airport, the washing machine in the basement died and all my clothes were
water logged. so in a panic I called ingrid, and I ended up doing my wash at
her and david's house, which was most surreal, then ingrid made us all a delicious
tofu dinner. there are so many details I'm leaving out, I wish I could connect
my brain to the key board and show u. I sincerely hope that david or ingrid
never read this by some freak accident, 'cause I have a weird feeling that they
would perhaps feel I was too much of a groupie. but what can I say? I am! I
just LOVE their music! crime? I think not : :)
then daiv sylvian gave me a ride home. we listened to kraftwerk in the car.
it was heaven except for that I was so nervous about going 2 L.A. there is SO
much more 2 say
but that is it..condensed as to how I got 2 collaborate
with them :)
and that story was actually a lead into another subject I wanted 2 talk about,
which was when artist's get stuck in a rut of just regurgitating the same album
over and over. it is a fear of mine. and I know, to me, is not as
good as spool forka dish
from my perspective, but at least I did not just
make another spool forka dish!
but I wanted to talk about how it is strange that some artists seem to click
into that "thing of truth and utter clarity" only once in their lives
and everything after that is just an attempt to "get back THERE" .
and this is just my opinion.
oh man, I wish I had 2 type out the things I'd like to say in every detail about
this..but I just cannot, perhaps it will pop out at a later time.
I was going to add captions to the pictures in here today..but they seemed not
to need them , they are so mysterious and floaty all on their own.
now it's 1am and jason went to sleep an hour ago. I want 2 sleep too. I had
a few sips of brandy. we are having an interesting discussion on ketamine on
the anacam discussion mailing list.
THANK YOU EVERYONE who sent me the gift certificate 2 comp usa!!! I am SO incredibly
I will DEFINITELY buy a scanner asap! and I will u show u much cool weird things
around my house that I've been wanting 2 show u SO much! YOU ARE TRULY LIKE
A FAMILY to me :) thank u SO MUCH!
words cannot convey..i hope u saw my thank u posted for hours on the caption
of my pic!
thank u haikucoo for all the lovelies! I will buy a potato for the bonsai potato
kit tomorrow! did u know that I was growing yams in water over a year ago? three
of them on top of my tv! they started sprouting in my kitchen. I told my mom
and she told me that her mom used to grow yams in a ta cup of wayer all the
time! they grow like ivy, they are so simple 2 take care of and they grow so
fast, it so SO much fun!
so YES, bonsai potato is RIGHT up my alley! :)
they even have a website,
I am truly blessed :)
and now I willl scrounge up cold pizza from the fridge then go 2 sleep :)
I watched a good documentary on cher today. and a documentary on heroin that
was the harshest I've ever seen.
ok, g'nite :)