analog 041302

birthday cake squashing!!!
on my birthday (the 18th)

[06 Apr 2002|02:44pm]
paper won't feed through my printer correctly. i think this might having something to do with a couple strands of dog hair being on one of the rollers. could this be the problem? ack. it's too narrow an area for me to get in there with my fingers :/

addiction [06 Apr 2002|06:21pm]
just out of many of you think that the addiction to alcohol is a disease?
and how many of you think it is just an addiction that can be overcome with very intent willpower and a solid decision to never drink again?

please explain WHY you feel the way you do about this.

how many of you have kicked an addiction "on your own"?
how many of you have kicked it using some sort of "treatment"
and if you did it on your own, how did you do it? and if you used a treatment programme, which one did you use?
and how well have these worked for you?


my new obsession [07 Apr 2002|11:43pm]
vaseline glass :)

[08 Apr 2002|12:55pm]
damn, last night the dogs knocked the cam over and the wide angle lense fell off my camera and now it's broken. gonna see if i can fix it by hand. that lense is EXPENSIVE! it looks kind of cool right now, i'll leave it broken for a sec.
i have lots of stupid little errands to do today, and i don't want to do any of them. i AM in a good mood, tho :)

[08 Apr 2002|01:57pm]
jason bought the radiohead live cd called " i might be wrong ". and it's really good :)

it's super sunny out and... [08 Apr 2002|05:34pm]
my birthday is in 9 days :)

[09 Apr 2002|12:43am]
strangely, something i did not suspect...but jason and i have fallen in love more then ever before. he amazes me. i love him more than words can descibe. we have made it through SO MUCH. and with each "trial" we only come back with an even more solid relationship. i am the luckiest person on this planet to have him. we grow together. i have never been with a person who actually grows and evolves AS i go out with him instead of after. he is the treasure of my life. our relationship has really just begun after 4 years. i want to grow old with him and have many puppies.
i love him more than words can descibe. he may be embarrassed that i say this...but phsysically ( and psychologically ) he fits into me as if we we made for each other.
i am afraid to open up again. but, damn it, i'm opening again. maybe i'll be toasted.
but...i have to take that chance.that's just the way i am.
i love him. i love him. i truly do.
let this be known. across the universe
19 comments|post comment

[09 Apr 2002|11:36pm]
well, i haven't been able to stop drinking so i've decided to go into treatment. i don't know when i'll be going, but it will be very soon, i suspect i will be gone for a week or less. tomorrow they are going to call me in the morning and explain their deal to it all works and stuff.
my friends kiitos and coojie had an intervention with me. i am so lucky to have friends who love me that much. i am so honoured.
and jason is being so supportive and loving. i have never been loved this much before. i am astounded. i am so happy i want to cry. but i'm too exhausted to cry.

[10 Apr 2002|03:13pm]
i'm looking into places i can go. i thought i could go to hazelden...but their programme is a month long and costs 19, that is out of the question. i called another place but the earliest time they could see me to even evaluate me is on the 17th. so..i made an appt. i see my psychiatrist today at 5:15 and i know he works at a treatment programme somewhere, too...and then he could be my dr, which would be good since he knows my whole history. so...i'm going to ask him about that one. who knew it would be such a difficult task to get help.
jason has taken off work and is loving me and supporting me. i have the best boyfriend in the entire world

[11 Apr 2002|09:49pm]
sorry to keep everyone wondering, but i don't feel like discussing anything right now. but i am well and jason is with me.

birthday cake squashing
[13 Apr 2002|05:36pm]
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 4 DAYS ( not counting today ) :) and ON CAM on my birthday ( the 18th ) I WILL SIT ON MY BIRTHDAY CAKE AND SQUASH IT!! :) inspired by duckydoo :)

i'm watching sonia5 from hairpolice do hair over at stacy's and lisagoddess's house. you can watch with streaming sound and vision at:
i see kaela over there, too...and is that also banshee i see , also? i wish i was there. i want the hustle and bustle of hair dreading around me and the groove everyone gets into. i feel like such a misfit right now.

tonight jason and i are going to watch billy elliot. it's been good and healing for both of us to be spending so much time together.

we are still looking into treatment options. and i have some appointments for meetings scheduled. and also looking into alternative type treatments like ayurvedic things and yoga, tai chi, meditation and massage. sound and light therapy, aromatherapy. but the best therapy of all is my love therapy i get from jason :)

i took all the plastic off my windows today and opened them all up, and all that fresh air was heaven. spring is finally here and it's in the 60's during the day :)

[08 Apr 2002|08:25pm]
i got lots done today. tonight i'm just gonna take it easy.