analog 040602

[06 Apr 2002|09:49am]
thingie sent me a book called "rational recovery ( the new cure for substance addiction....the revolutionary alternative to AA"" by jack trimpey. thank you thingie! :) i am going to read this today.
they have a website. it is:

last night i watched velvet goldmine and it wasn't as good as i thought it would be...but i think i just had my expectations too high. still, it was a cool film and i'm glad i got to see it :)

[06 Apr 2002|10:39am]
ok, i'm not taking back anything i said about myself. i know that i am a person who should not drink. ever. and i know i need help and i'm going to get it.
but this whole thing about alcoholism being an incurable disease does not ring true for ME. i do not feel that i have an incurable disease and i don't like to call myself an alcoholic as that to ME makes me feel defective, powerless, and inferior. and i am not defective, powerless or inferior. i'm not saying that i don't fit into the definition of what an alcoholic is. i simply don't like to use that word. that doesn't mean i'm in denial about anything. i'm not denying that i am person who cannot drink in moderation , and therefore should not drink EVER.
i don't have an incurable disease that i am chained to for life and will always be battling. this just not ring true for me in any way. i could be wrong, but that's how i feel.
still, i am remaining open to all the possibilities. and i'm getting help and i'm going to read this book.
however, it doesn't matter if i agree or disagree that alcoholism is a disease and it doesn't matter if i choose to call myself this name or that name or no name. what matters is that i do not ever drink again.

out of curiousity, i really wonder how much a liver CAN take before there is irreversible damage? i know that any medications aren't good for the liver either...things like tylenol are bad for the liver. then there are lots of things just in food that the liver is working to get rid of, too. i have also heard that drinking excessive amounts of water can also hurt your liver as it's just too much for it to process and it works extra hard. i know it has to differ from person to person...but i wonder....