analog 040102

[01 Apr 2002|07:38am]

[01 Apr 2002|10:52am]
i wake up and it's snowing. snowing A LOT! it looks like how december SHOULD have looked. i'll have to find prince's song " sometimes it snows in april" song and play it.
18 days until my birthday!

i had THEE most fuct up dreams about leprechauns

[01 Apr 2002|03:48pm]
i need to buy something that can take photos off my compact flash memory card from my coolpix camera and put it on my computer...because the cord that connects my camera to the computer is broken so i need to find a new way to transfer. suggestions?

[01 Apr 2002|04:06pm]
my idea du jour: cubist stuffed animals
my stomache is puffed out like a beach ball and it's most uncomfortable
snow snow snow
made a new anagram
listening to girl bros.
silk road dream incence
diet coke
making cool pix on cam2
peanut butter and honey sandwhiches
lost somewhat