analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 03.28.99



hi :) all naked all week is going fine , so far. although it's only been a day. around day 4 I'll probably start losing my mind. I watched that movie"face off" last night. it's super violent but I liked it a lot. the plot was very crazy I love nicolas cage. here are some pictures that robert scanned for me and sent to me. these pictures were taken in robert's house in my "preboob days" he has the total 50's décor happening. the great dane's name is "vegas" and the poodle's name is "mamie". he would die mamie with lots of groovy colours with manic panic( a fantastic vegetable dye). they are both girls. because mamie was such a smart , sensitive dog, she is responsible for me actually liking dogs, finally and not hating them. if it weren't for mamie I most likely would still hate dogs and would have never gotten pooka or deiter. also, robert is the person who introduced me to the net, therefore changing my life forever. my hair colour in these pix is my natural colour. I was growing my hair back from the 1st time I shaved my hard bald. I think these photos are from 1996(?) except for the one with the bubbles and rhinestones on my hea, which was taken at my most recent live performace at the 7th st. entry. the gun in my hand is robert's, but I have a gun that is miner that is similar looking. his is chrome and mine is black. I have a lot of pix saved from my first "all nude all week pt.2" but I'll put them in the next anagram. I'm drinking rootbeer schnaaps. my sleep schedule is all screwed. I woke up today at 3:30pm. I couldn't get to sleep until 6am. so I'm drinking alcohol and taking sominex now to try to go to sleep at a more normal hour. I don't know if it'll work. the tv show that jason and I are addicted to is "the sopranos" on hbo. I haven't seen this great of a show since the x files, twin peaks, or northern exposure!