analog 032602

peach catapult pillow fork
[25 Mar 2002|11:04pm]
exhausting day.
but progress, i think.
now i need david letterman to numb my brain
and fluffy wookit creatures to pile on top of me and make nests.
right now they are doing the flaming lion dance in front of me to get my attention,
i am honoured :)
it's like those dragons/lions that are in the chinese new year parades :) and their mouths are open and their tongues are curled and they clash with each other playfully :)

[26 Mar 2002|12:01pm]
gonna try to get the rest of the books out by tomorrow. will work on that today. doing laundry. diet pepsi twist. janet jackson. face breaking out badly. gonna get my period soon. i have a yeast infection and i used monostat ( sp? ) last night. oh yummy. too much information? feeling rundown but feeling very optomitic about regaining my health.
i gotta tell ya, with all this stuff with jason...i didn't think about my mom for a few days! ha. i don't think my parents are reading my journal least not recently since i haven't heard any word from them about my relationship thing with jason.
i need to go surf the net and get on all those long range reiki healing lists. needing that!

and somehow i have to get my hallways clear so that i can get a new fridge. and i don't know when THAT'S gonna happen. mmm. room temperature pop. yum.

i'm looking forward to watching the osbournes tonight :)

all the little books are done!
[26 Mar 2002|02:13pm]
all the little books are ready to be mailed! yahoo! i don't know if i will make it to the post office today, but if not today, for sure tomorrow!!!

[26 Mar 2002|07:56pm]
what a pisser. i can't get the pictures off my nikon coolpix 990 'cause i think the usb cable that connects the camera to the computer is broken :/

i'm going to take a bath then go up to jason's to watch the osbournes.

[26 Mar 2002|08:48pm]
how many of you leave the tv or radio on for your pets when you leave the house?