analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 03.23.99
here is some more
of my jounals ( journals deleted, they are only for members) from 1989, 90.
as I type through this shit. I really can't believe what an ignorant, stubborn
wimp I was to actually say the things I said in here. I am still digesting it.
I still think I can be as insecure as I feel in these writings. but, I've come
a long way, but I think I still have just a little further to go. man, what
low self-asteem or stubborness or something I had there. it's just gross to
read. this is definitely good to read if you want to learn what NOT to be and
what NOT to do. talk about classic codependent abused " my love can change
him if only he could see it" crap. the signs were more than obvious that
this guy was a complete psycho. he and his x wife even told me that he was indeed
psycho and that I should run away. but did I listen, no! I thought that perhaps
it was his x-wife who had conditoned him in believing he was not worthy of love,
and therefore trampled on me because of his unfortunate situations. like having
4 children by the age of 20. can u say "wear a fucking condom u complete
and utter selfish idiot?" or why did she not get on the pill? whatever.
we all can be extremely stupid. beyond stupid. where did I get this " I
can change him withmy love" shit? I thought about this for many many years
and couldn't think of a reason, until just about a year ago it dawned on me
that my brother was a VERY VERY abusive person and my whole family made me "take
it" and they took it too, because he's family and you're supposed to love
family no matter what. and being that we were all loving christians taught to
"turn the other cheek" and "do unto others as you would have
done unto you" and so on and so forth..i took this to mean that once you
love somebody you should let them beat you up and never never leave 'cause if
you did, then you were just a quitter and couldn't take the challenge of truly
loving someone no matter what. unconditional love, all that crap. reading the
letters I wrote to him just makes me cringe. did I REALLY write those? also,
I had been so utterly torn up from my previous and first relationship of four
years with my highschool sweetheart, ed
that I couldn't bear to think of
another break up like that. I'm still getting over the pain of that. it was
utterly devastating. I'll tell you that story some other time.
meanwhile, I should get outside 'cause it's 49 degrees outside, but I feel so
nervous , I think it's because of going back into those journals. jason made
some split pea soup so I'm going to go eat it now. I have my period. I need
to go outside and get some fresh air and let the sun wash the past from my dna.
it's staying lighter out longer, I just noticed that now, it's 5:30 pm and the
sun is still shining!