analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 03.21.99


here are a few pictures from today plus a few before I went to the last one is a picture I found on the net of my band The Blue Up? when we played this horrendous show called "let's bowl". I have big hair and carolyn is wearing a mr.T mask. here are some posts a made to anarchy, 'cause it sums it up and it's so cold in the living room right now and after 3am, so I must jump into the warm bed and sleep! here are the posts:

i'm making the official announcement! i am OFF of my label, radioactive!
i am SO happy!!!!!! i AM FREE to create how i want now with no middleman! i have been waiting and praying for this for almost two years! ( i was on that label for about 3 years).
i am giddy with freedom! :))))
i haven't been without a major label for around 6 years or more..i can't even remember( i was on columbia before radioactive/mca).
i'll tell u the gory details someday, but for now i'll just say "creative differences" parted us.
so in celebration i am releasing to u a never before released ana voog album called "introducing sorrow". go hear it now by clicking on "ana musiq" in the menu :)
i have A LOT of plans for the future and i will keep u updated, of course, as to what these are when they become more concrete. i am bursting with joy and creativeness!
i can't even fully explain my feelings..i have to digest them a bit more's such a cool bizarre feeling! so if you've noticed that i haven't been playing with the cam much i the last few days, know it was because i was SO tense as to what the outcome was going to be about what on earth radioactive was going to do with me. they had until the 21st to tell me, but it's after that date now. and they have erased all traces of me from their site, so i guess that is my answer.
and i'm still feeling inward because i've been thinking and reevaluating what direction i want to go with my life/career musically and in other ways. and i think i've got the plan..but i must think just a wee but more before i blurt it out. but it's going to be very FUN, the way things SHOULD be! :)
i definitely don't feel like going into the studio again right now and record another "big time serious record that will define me for the next several years" . no way no how. *shudder* i DEFINITELY need a break from that. and all the marketing and biz. argh.
. i'm being all refective and introspective, especially now that i'm off radioactive/mca and am bordering on a new adventure :)

I will type out more of my old journals tomorrow and include them in the next anagram. for those of that would like to read the beginnings of my journals from 1989, they are in the anagram before this one.
gads, I'm freezing. must get into bed!