analog 032002

[18 Mar 2002|02:21pm]
today i think i will write in my paper journal to help myself work some stuff out within me.
also i will work on adding the 'extra surprises" to people's packages who ordered books.

[20 Mar 2002|11:16am]
i had the worst dreams. yuck. i can't remember what they were about except for people yelling and me and being really angry with me and everything being totally out of control.
i can't wait until this sleepiness moves away from me and i have both feet on earth.
i'm listening to seal.

only 3 hours left to bid on my pussy tv book on ebay! [20 Mar 2002|11:27am]
here is where it is

in category: Everything Else:Mature Audiences:Art: Nude

item #1713307497

it's up to $457!!!

all nude all day in celebration of spring :) [20 Mar 2002|01:06pm]
i'm still feeling really rundown today. i'm gonna lay low, take vitamins and hopefully this will not turn into a cold! if my body is telling me to chill out, i shall obey.
on a happy note, my hats arrived! :) i will take pix of me in them later :)
oh, and i did not know it was the first day of spring! :) so, all nude all day in celebration of spring :)

[20 Mar 2002|02:34pm]
woa! the auction ended at $510!! thank you thank you thank you!!!! :))))
and the thing that is REALLY cool about it is that it was bought by a female :)

[20 Mar 2002|05:30pm]
my mom called me in the phone again and pulled out all the stops and left the sweetest message using her "little girl voice", calling me all the pet names she sometimes calls me. argh. this is hard.

it's the first day if spring and there's a snowstorm out, but i like it because it's pretty.

my brain doesn't want to think about my mom anymore. my brain just wants to sleep.
overload. zzz.

i made a steak and now i'm watching king of the hill. i love my new hats :)
i can't wait until this day is just over with , tho. i have no attention span.

[21 Mar 2002|12:56pm]
i'm experiencing a lot of deja vu one every two days or sometimes two in a day. i wonder why that is happening to me?

i'm working on a new anagram and listening to nick drake and eating kashi crunch.

all winter here it's been like that it's's winter. 12 degrees today ( 5 below windchill ) and lots of snow on the ground.

oprah was sure intense yesterday...having that guy on who's wife drowned all her children. god. sucks to be him. :/
personally, my limited view on the subject is that she should not have gotten life in prison but instead gone to a sanitarium.

circumference of your head [21 Mar 2002|01:23pm]
out of interest...would you measure the circumference of your head and post it here?
i am pondering making hats...and i don't know what circumference to make them so that they would fit the most amount of people.
anyone make hats? any suggestions?

remember my snap animal idea? i am thinking of combining that idea with hats. and i think the hate should also be reversable and double also as a handbag. so it will be a stuffed animal/hat/handbag....which ever u want.