analog 031702

gays should be allowed to adopt! let your voice be heard! [16 Mar 2002|12:25pm]
CNN is taking a poll today (3/15) on whether or not gays and Lesbians should be allowed to adopt children. It's related to a headline lawsuit being brought in FL.

So far, the no's are beating the yes's. Please go to and vote (it's on the far right side of the web page and down toward the bottom) and then pass it on to everybody you know. The results will be announced on CNN and published in Time Magazine.

(this was taken from duckydoo's journal

[16 Mar 2002|12:47pm]
i am extraordinarily tired. could it be my body adjusting to the paxil? 'cause i swear i could go right back to sleep right now. i just took a xenadrine,. so i hope that wakes me up 'cause i am sooooo slleeeeeeepppyyyy i cannot even move.

[16 Mar 2002|01:50pm]
trying to keep moving. went to jason's to get the big box his new computer came in. i love big boxes. i want to do some campix with me in it.

i am overwhelmed by the thought that i must clear my entire hallways so that i can get a new fridge. you have no idea what thsi emtails. it's like a rubicks cube, my house. i have to clean all my other rooms in order to make room for the stuff in the hallways. this is days long worth of insanity. i don't even know where to start. i even have my honda scooter in my hallway. and a computer, and 7 million boxes filled with stuff. and a shelf. and mannequin parts...and it's just crazy.

and now i have another new box..but THIS box blows all my other boxes away! this is the box of all boxes :) all my other boxes seem puny now in comparison. i wish i had nothing in my living room so i could fill my living room up with colourful painted boxes and just take lots of weird campix with me in the boxes in different compositions. it would look so cool :)

maybe i'm so into boxes 'cause i was in an incubator for the first month of my life. dunno.
maybe it's because i'm a cat. probably a bit of both :)

i have mostly all the books in envelopes now almost ready to mail. i'm a few envelopes i'll have to get more on monday. i am trying to fill each envelope with extra surprises.

god, i wish i had some coca cola. and i wish i had the motivation to go get some. i feel really gross and bloated. i don't want to be seen. i don't want to interact with the public.

i am going to try to bleach my roots today because tomorrow is jason's show ( ) and i want to look fabu.

glarb. i need to get outside to get coca cola. and laundry deterrgent. and food. i don't wanna go out there. i want to go back to bed and listen to music in headphones.

do you want the police IN your computer watching your every move? [16 Mar 2002|01:51pm]


The SSSCA is a bill, pushed by the entertainment industry, to be proposed in Congress by Senators Fritz Hollings (D-SC) and Ted Stevens (R-Alaska). The acronym stands for "Security Systems Standards and Certification Act".

The law would force all new personal computers and digital home entertainment devices sold in the United States to have government-approved "policeware" built-in.

This policeware would restrict your use of copyrighted material on these devices -- including music files and CD's, video clips, DVD's, e-books, and more.


You, if you're one of the millions of Americans who uses your computers to burn music CD's, listen to MP3's, share video files, etc. You'd face up to five years in federal prison and a $500,000 fine.

Think you'd be able to get around the law by removing the policeware from your personal computer? Think again -- anyone who defies the government by disabling or tampering with the policeware on their own computer, in the privacy of their own home or business, would also face five years in the slammer.

Since alternative operating systems like Linux and FreeBSD would most likely refuse to incorporate government policeware into their code, users of these open-source systems would also be eligible for hard time.
People should be encourged to sign this petition (for starters).

For those who have websites, they should link to the page. They have banners you could put up.

[16 Mar 2002|06:25pm]
i got a lot of cleaning done today and i painted the big box white ( for later campix ).
i got half of my hallway clear. thank you xenadrine, sunshine, and the tindersticks!
i feel like it would be cool to put black lights in my hallway and make my hallway totally day-glo

[16 Mar 2002|07:40pm]
you and i
a brilliant screaming universe
our elaborate ferociousness haunts me
transluscent bitter language
robs essential trust

give openly
be in sweetness
your warm velvet laughing voice
is beauty to me
had to take off my magnetic poetry off my fridge since my fridge is broken and needs to be replaced. that was the poem i made with it a few years ago. got rid of all my food in there. eating what i can of it tonight.

what was the url of that cool place that made the hats with the googly eyes on them and stuff...deluxe...something...

my stomache is puffed out like a beachball

[17 Mar 2002|01:45pm]
it's another day where i'd like to just stay in bed all day and sleep. but today i'm not going to take a xenedrine to wake up out of it because i only take those about once a month for emergencies. but i need to get my act in gear and bleach my roots 'cause tonight is jason's show! ( )
either that...or maybe i'll just wear a hat. i sure wish that that hats i ordered were here now. tonight is the night i need one of them!.
i feel like a bloatation device. i must have pms early or something.
i must make coffee and listen to kraftwerk.

[17 Mar 2002|02:43pm]
if u drink vinegar...isn't that supposed to get rid of excess water in your body?
or is that not true. has anyone tried this?

pink roots [17 Mar 2002|05:41pm]
wow, my pussy tv book is up to $415! *faint*
what a cool thing!!!!

i'm bleaching my roots and considering dying them pink or flourescent yellow or red...or leaving them as is because getting colour out of bleached hair is a bitch...and i always get sick of the colour after awhile and want it back to blonde. but i REALLY want roots that are a cool ass colour right i MIGHT go for it. i am leaning towards pink as i think i can get away with pink right now since most of my hair is white ( i like healthy in white but absolurelt putrid in pink...which is such a bitch since i want pink hair more than anything! )
but if i dye them flourescent yellow then i can take some really cool pictures of with my hair under black light before these extensions need to come out since the white in my hair glows under black light , too....

decisions, decisions....

i've made a bubblebath to get the bleach out soon..and i'm listening to the cocteau twins

[17 Mar 2002|07:26pm]
groovy :) that vinegar thing really worked well and i lost 1/2 an inch on my thighs and my belly is not so puffed now i can feel comfortable wearing my rubber dress and being fabu instead of wearing a big black baggy sweatshirt that i was going to wear :)

i painted my toenails red and my fingernails silver.

praise be allah for make up, fake groovy dread hair by sonia5, bleach, breast implants, fingernail polish and apple cider vinegar! i can go from major ick to major yum in a manner of hours :)

[17 Mar 2002|07:58pm]
one hour until my cab comes and i leave for jason's show
i'll be taking along my nikon 2 take lots of pix 4 u :)
i'd take my mobilecam with but that place has too thick of walls ( it used to be a train station ) and i cannot get connected in there

[18 Mar 2002|01:47am]
shit. when do they replay 6 feet under???? also the x files..i missed both tonight for jason's show. WHICH WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT THEY ROCKED AND WAS BEAUTY ITSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it ended too soon. i wish they had played forever :)
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snowbient [18 Mar 2002|11:11am]
the show was amazing! everyone that played did an amazing job :) and jason's band, ousia, kicked ASS!. i wish i could replay it! and i got to see a lot of friends i hadn't seen in a long time, so that was also very nice :)
ousia had neon tubing that went down their suits and blinked off and on, and cool white robot face masks and with the fog machine and laser lights it all looked so beautiful and eery and calm. their were white baloons everywhere and mylar on the walls and tables up front with candles on them, so it made a nice comfy atmosphere.
and afterwards eebomb gave me a ride home and she came over briefly to visit to puplets :)

i dont know what i'll do today. i'm still waking up, and since i have no fridge, i am drinking a warm coke. yuck.