analog 030400 (excerpt from anagram on )

well, this is a boring anagram from a text point of view.
but the pictures make up for it :)
i had SO much fun today outside! 62 degrees!
i need 2 get some sort of portable battery thing that i can plug my laptop into so that i can play with it outside for longer than 1 hour and 20 minutes. there has to be something like that!
when i was in the parking ramp, i was all alone. maybe because it was sunday.
i love parking ramps ( some of them )
5 kids were riding their bicycles around me like crazy, trying 2 get my attention.
but i had curve blasting on my walkman, and i pretended not to care.
then finally their curiousity got too much for them , and they came over and surrounded me,
which made me nervous.
so i tried 2 explain what i was doing, and they thought it was so cool.
and this one kid was really hamming it for the cam.

i THOUGHT my chillcam was saving these pictures, there were such cute ones of these boys.
but of course, my chillcam decided 2 flake out on my during this, and it recorded nothing.
so i switched over 2 webcam32 to save pictures

it was a wonderful wonderful day, tho!
i love troopsing all over the city with my secret cam missions :)
great contentment!
and the sopranos episode tonight was SOooo good!

tomorrow i'm going out 2 lunch with my dad. i hope i feel talkative, because i haven't been feeling very talkative lately. i haven't even been in my chatroom in maybe over a week. i've been just so far away in my mind.
far far away...

warning, extremely boring financial stuff ( or maybe u are weird and yer into that sort of thing ):

Posted by ANA on March 04, 2000 at 20:41:06:

ok, so this is what stopped me from going outside today, into the beautiful beautiful 58 degree sunny day from heaven. FUK.
trying to figure out this one checking account, and what transpired in it over the past few months so i can turn it in to zachary so he will be satisfied to know that everything is being set in order and i'm not getting money that is due to him, due to my fuk ups in my checkbook. ( i am just AWFUL, but i really am learning A LOT about my finances and how to manage them by these terrible mistakes i've made in the past, by not balancing my checkbook.)

so here is what i did today and i sent this off to both jason and zachary to see if it makes any sense to them. or if not, do i have to go to the bank and order copies of everything for the past 3 months and sort through that.

so this is the product of my day: 2pm-7:30pm

what this email consists of: ( i would read part three before i'd read part two or your brain will explode)

PART ONE: things to be reimbursed from february

PART TWO: the long winded extremely confusing account of my fucked up check book and the total i might owe to be paid back to anacam

PART THREE: the much more simple version of the same things that comes to almost the same conclusion


things i paid for in february out of my own personal money, from my personal checking account
to be reimbursed for:

renewal of p.o. box 22.00
janey's ( main isp): 209.90
dsl( 2 months worth ) 346.28
electric bill( two months worth ) 265.55
isp: 87.80
more isp: 245.00 ( 2 months worth ....190=55)

for a grand total of:


what happened to the 1,000? ( the million dollar question )
this is about how there was supposed to be 1,000 even in this bank account on jan.1st, 2000
but money was missing right away due to the fact that this "pseudo biz account" was really my old personal checking account that i switched over to be a business account. now i've opened up a REAL biz account and i'll be closing this one soon )

i wrote:

check #1941 01/01 ISP 24.90
check #1942 01/01 DSL 50.48

then i found out that the balance was 540.57 a short time after that ( that is the mystery)

-24.90 (isp)
-50.48 (dsl)
=924.62 ( what the balance should have been )

924.62-( what the balance should have been )
540.47=( what the balance really was, according to the bank) )

348.15 ( the amount of the missing money )

*************so 348.15 is the missing amount of $ at that point******************(the amount i think i owe)

, this is what else happened after that:

01/03/00 i deposited 360.00 (from checks received for ana2)
but on that day i discovered my balance was: 226.64
360.00+ ( my deposit)
226.64= ( the current balance according to the bank )
586.64 current balance on 01/03/00, (according to me)

540.57- ( what the balance was up there )
226.64= ( the balance according to the bank)
313.19 ( missing money again?)

so is 313 .19 also missing mystery money??? i am now getting very confused. ( maybe i owe that? )

so going on that my balance is now 586.64 on 12/03

i wrote check # 1943 on 01/01/00 to janey's for 259.60
( and i have a record NOW, that also wrote ANOTHER check to janey's on 01.31.00 check # 1950 for 133.82...which later bounced in february )

586.64- ( the balance )
259.60= ( the check i wrote to janey's)
327.04 current balance as of 01/01/00 ( i thought , but due to the janey thing it really was 193.22 , in theory..but i won't even go by that since didn't try to cash that until february )

but on 01/05/00
i find out my current balance is: 461.12 ( go figure )

461.12- (the current balance according to the bank)
327.04= (the current balance according to me )
134.08 ( so now i'm up 134.08.....what i owe maybe 661.34-134.08=527.26. so maybe i owe 527.26?)

02/05/00 i wrote check # 1944 to zachary for 53.55
020500 i wrote check # 1945 to jason for 31.50
020500 check # 1946 to myself for 288.78
(monthly split)


then, like an idiot..i found out i wrote a check from the bottom of my checks, i don't know WHY,
i wrote i check to on 1.31.00 for 133.82
whuch then bounced in FEBRUARY, fining me, 25.00
then they resubmitted it, it bounced again, and i got fined another 25.00

50.00 in fines=

then i deposited $150 of my own money in there in case they tried to resubmit it again ( maybe that is what i owe?)

so in theory i have 187.24 in there..that's what i'm going on as of last week. ( which still wouldn't cover it, go figure..but they don't resubmit it so i'm ok.)

using my card i pay for the renewal of for 35.00 on 02/11/00


but i called today 030400 and my current balance is:

so if i owe 377.26
and i take off 187.83=189.43

and part of the missing money is recurring billing

for my other isp each month: 10.00
for my subscription= 10.00
plus cardservices bill for january was 49.76 ( start up fee plus other things. i have the bill if u wanna see it )
monthly instant cash and check card fee: 1.25
and a fee to get my checks returned to me each month: 5.00

so 189.43
-2 months of my other isp : 20.00
-2 monthly card fees: 2.50
-2 monthly fees to have my checks returned: 10.00
-the card services bill: 49.76=

107.47 i owe ( or i owe 348.15...the first conclusion in the beginning of january way up there at the start of part two , which seems maybe more likely?)


OR, we can take this route
1,000 subtracting all the things i have noted in the balance part of the checkbook that i wrote stuff for:
(plus the deposit of 360.00 on 010400 subtracting the 150.00 i put in there of my personal money to stop the janey check from bouncing a third time)

things i paid for in january and february out of the pseudo biz account:
isp: 24.90
dsl: 50.58
janey: 259.60
zachary: 53.55
jason: 31.50
me: 288.78
network solutions: 35.00
2 months of my other isp: 20.00
2 monthly card fees: 2.50
2 monthly fees to have my checks returned: 10.00
the card services bill: 49.76
(all that equals 816.17)

so 1,210.00-816.17=

393.83 is the amount i owe, which is VERY close to the original 348.15 that was missing in the very beginning of january 2000

so i will pay the amount which is the most: $393.83
and put that into the REAL business account, IF that is satisfactory 2 u

OR if u wanted to subtract the money i should get reimbursed for in february, which would be easier all around:

(money owed to me) 1176.53-
(money i owe) 393.83=

782.70 is the amount i should be reimbursed for and then i owe nothing back to anacam
and it's all even.


ok, my head hurts now :P


Posted by ANA on March 04, 2000 at 20:58:43:

In Reply to: brain meltdown! posted by ANA on March 04, 2000 at 20:41:06:
i'm writing this here so i don't forget:

what i have in my checking account 030400:


what i have in my other checking account that was my personal one, then got changed to business, now is going to be shut down that caused all the confusion:


checks i wrote from my personal checking account, because there is no money in my business one yet, ( 'cause i only got it functioning finally the other day)

jason: 22.50
zachary: 38.25

plus i bought one dr.pepper for one dollar
because i needed the suagr after dealing with finance hell all day.

but all in all i'm in a good mood. but i still have lot more to sort through.


today i bought:

1 diet pepsi for one dollar
1 diet mountain dew for one dollar
and two mini altoids tins that came to: 2.75 (i couldn't resist! they were so cute!)

yesterday i bought a thing for 7 dollars where u can view your credit, i haven't received the word about my credit tho, yet.