analog 030300
(excerpt from anagram containing in it 64 pictures 2 go along with this text)

click here for an airport mouseover bANAnza

i went outside today for several hours. it was 56 degrees. it was HEAVEN!
i listened 2 the Las in my walkman. i have found it's impossible for me 2 take pix with my laptop while outdorrs because any amount of outdoor light makes it impossible for me 2 see my monitor. it would take me 5 minutes just to find the cursor! this makes me sad because there are lot of things out there i'd love to take pix up. so the abstract ones in this anagram happned by sheer "beautiful accident"
i tried covering the monitor with my coat, or by going in the shade, nothing could make me see it. so the whole time i was out i pointed the cam blindly at things, hoping something good might come of it. and i do have some very cool other pix, and i wish i could show them, if i new for certain they wouldn't fall into the hands of some crazy psycho stalker who thnks he is communicating with me with telepathy through the browser!
but when i move out of here someday, or if i suddenly have the power of invincibility, i will make many pages of pix from outside my home. i am really excited to start getting a huge compilation of pix outside my home! but i need to see the frickin monitor to do this, y'know?
any suggestions?

i hope it will be nice tomorrow, too. i have spring fever BIG time! and i need to get my flabby winter body into some sort of shape!i can't even walk up 2 flights of stairs without being out of breath.

i can't believe i made it through another winter! yayayayayay!!!!!
maybe in a month the dandelions will be out! my favourite flower! :)

for ana2 members only:

sorry i have not done the raffle yet for the 38 free isa passes! i will soon!
and not only that, but soon all ana2 members will have free access into interotique for one month! :) i hope that'll make ya happy :)
there will be a link that ana2 members can click on 2 get 2 interotique's member's section! and there is LOTS 2 look at over there! LOTS! :)
i will keep u updated. as 2 where the link will be...most likely i'll put the link on the no frills menu.
i had something else 2 tell u now, but now i've forgotten it. i think it's just that my dreams are still stuck in my head from last night. they weren't too bad this time. still uncomfortable, but i did win i won a million dollar lottery that someone else had entered me into it without my knowledge. and i just starting crying with joy and kept saying "ohmigod I CAN BUY A HOUSE! I CAN BUY A HOUSE!"

:) i wish

things bought today:
one bottle of diet pepsi for a buck.

i am digging my hair being shoulder length. i am still gonna dye it pink. i'm just being a chicken. but the urge will win, as always :) soon....

i smell like the outdoors, u know that smell u get from the wind? the smell of your skin changes? it makes me happy :)

please, universe, let it be sunny and 56 degrees out tomorrow, too! PLEASE!



i have no energy to type much. i was on the phone for so long today with the people who deal with my merchant account # and credit card billing and all that jazz. everything was totally fuct, and no one was returning my calls for weeks and i was threatening to get my lawyer. it was such a mess , i can't even go into it because it's so draining. but i THINK now, it might be worked out. i'm not sure. they said it was all fine now. now i'll have to see if the money will actually go into the right account or what. it's been a struggle that has been on going for month and months. and the struggle to get the merchant account # in my name has been going on for years. it has been a trying time for me to extricate myself from the binds of so many people and so many contracts. i am finally nearing the last third of it, and everything is finally in my name. and everything now is in the business name of "who is rachael olson? " which cracks me so much :)
now what is left is for me to finish paying zachary off and then his 20% for a year, then his 10% for a year.
and jason is getting too busy to process the credit cards anymore and deal with all that stuff, so he is going 2 teach me how to do that within the next few months, which is good to know anyhow, because if anything should happen to him, i wouldn't know how to process the credit cards everyday. tho i'm scared to learn it all since i have the fear of math and i already put so many hours into anacam, that once i started doing that i'm afraid it would be too overwhelming for me to do it. and jason says i must learn unix and microsoft office. and also i need to learn quickbooks. so i am overwhelmed already just thinking about it. but i'll take one day at a time and hopefully it wil all be ok and will work out. it will good to know how to run my entire business, although i still wouldn't know how to fix programmes jaosn made, like the sleep station, if anything should go wrong.
jason has an interview to get into graduate school on the 20th. so chaotic. and jason and i are both leaving for texas almost on the same days! except he'll be in dallas and i'll be in austin. how weird! so i'm gonna ask carolyn if she can check up on the dogs. there are only two days they'll be alone.

and then i decided to chop my hair today. winter gets to me. nothing moves. nothing budges. i can't change anything, so i change my hair :) as soon as i chopped it i felt so much better. i liked it long when there was hair on the sides of my head, but with this semi mohawk thing, i do not like it super long. then i bleached my roots, and tomorrow i'm going to...well,

here's a post about it i made today:

Posted by ANA on March 02, 2000 at 16:06:27:

In Reply to: Go pink ANA posted by rdsc on March 02, 2000 at 15:58:35:
i just chopped 1/2 off. now i'm attempting to bleach my roots with this crappy bleach kit, dunno how well that'll work. i usually use straight hair bleach u have 2 buy at a beauty store. but i wasn't near one, so i bought this clairol ultra light thing or something.
then i am gonna attempt 2 dye my hair red or pink. the extensions won't get very coloured, probably just a very small tint. but if i keep tinting them, maybe it'll stay more and more.
then i am going to tie red and pink rags into my hair :)

about the hair i cut off. i was thinking of stuffing a stuffed animal with it perhaps. i have a bunch of ideas of what i want to do with all my old extensions. but i haven't decided on exactly the thing i want to do yet.


so that's that. tomorrow i'll try the pink or red or some kind of red :) i feel like a red head right now. i need some red headed energy. i need to have red hair and big boots and black eyeliner and kick some ass. yesssirree.
not that couldn't kick ass in blonde hair...but..u know what i mean :) oh ya, and put gel medium, which is a clear acrylic paint on the tips of my hair to stop them from unraveling , and it's working like a charm so far :)

today i bought:

3 beef jerky sticks
a can of chefboyardee ravioli
and a dozen eggs

i don't know how much it was 'cause jason didn't get a receipt.
i think it was about 6 dollars