analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 03.01.99
wow, I wrote so much today, I'm written out. went on a hug rant-o-thesis in anarchy. then I complied all my mailing list emails and anarchy posts into a HUGE analog that jason has yet to put up since he's been so busy all day moving anarchy over to a different server so u don't have to enter your password twice, and making it look prettier too, and doing all this business stuff like coordinating the next banner to go up and then all his regular day stuff like processing credit cards and answer the email from confused people. and I just wrote and wrote and wrote. I don't know..maybe I was a bit too ranty..too impassioned..i just let it ALL out. I think it's the full moon today. maybe that explains partially while I feel so intense today. just on a typing rampage. writing to people that I'd never write back to. some guy complaining that my image was I wrote back and said please type that over to me using an arabic typewriter as that would please me better. stuff like that. usually I let all of that slide. but today I was on a typing rampage. now it's past 11 and I'm not even close to being tired. I think it was that incredible espresso thing with condensed milk I had at one of my favourite yummy restaurants. today I discovered that ALL MY LIFE I having been spelling the word "february" wrong!!! can u believe?? man. weird. I also rediscovered that I had forgotten that I want to start collecting typewriters that have different arabic, chinese and braille. oh rats, I forgot to add that to the analog. I think the next analog coming up could go down in anacam history as being the longest one yet! it's totally ridiculous. I wonder how many people will actually make it through? if u belong to the mailing list ( the moderated) and read anarchy, then u don't even need to read it…I've just cut and pasted a million things together. cause why type it twice? sorry if I'm bugging the crap out of u by using 5 trillion filters lately..but I;m so enamoured with my new toy I have 2 tinker away with it until I calm down :) so bear with me please..or not. I just love filters! what can I say? why be flesh coloured when u can be purple? or did I say that already before. I have a tendency to repeat myself. ok, I better stop typing now, but I'm almost afraid to stop…like I'm on this roll, like I'm fidgeting here…my fingers need to tippity type type away . I cannnnnn't stop! help! errrrrr. I ..i…I'm addicted to typing. it's a nervous hyper habit. erk. stop it. stop typing stop stop s.t.o.p. ok bi.