analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.26.99
today I had to go in search of a tax form 1096. yucko. the thing has to be in by monday. then I had to get it a special envelope 'cause u can't fold it. I have a total phobia of government buildings ever since I had such bad experiences with them, such as getting food stamps, welfare, and restraining orders. so it was very hard 4 me 2 get out there and do that, but I did. then I came home and played with bubbles, but the bubbles were too watered down to get any really good ones going…but I did manage to get a few pictures of them . I forgot how to make the bubble stuff myself. I need a thicker formula! then I cleaned the kitchen furiously. and sorted through livegrab and made this anagram. I'm totally hyper, I don't know why, maybe it's because I took excedrin. started compliling ana dreams for my ana dream section. so if you have had a dream about me or my cam that you'd like to be included, please send it to me at:
my brain is going to fast right now to sufficeintly write anything…so I'll end it here!
oh wait…P.S. I just added this !!!! hahah! ya! now that i have both anacam and ana2 running from the same video card, because i have the chillcam...i have my snappy left over 2 use! SO..i opened up webcam32 to use the snappy and changed the size to the biggest size ( 800 by 600)!! so NOW ana2 has a MAJOR BIG pic 2 use! it refreshes once every 5 minutes to save on bandwidth, and also, i don't think a picture of that size could load every 30 seconds :) so's FUN! and it'll be great for anapix! yay! if i figure out to get chillcam to recognize the snappy, then i'll probably use the chillcam, 'cause i love the filters on that..
but hey , new thing :) hope u like it and have fun :) to get to it go 2 the menu and click on the BIG button that sez "HERE" :) yay!
the big picture I've included in this anagram is from the BIG page :)