analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.25.99

I'm having so much fun with the filters on the chillcam! the only thing that is sucking about it is that it gives me broken pictures sometimes. so I've written to the guy who made it and hopefully he can work that bug out. he's a really nice guy and he's very helpful! if anyone is freaking out over the broken pictures, let me know at :

here are some posts I've done in anarchy. the first one is in response to jacqui's pain over a cow that had to be put to sleep because he broke his hip in a car accident. the next one is in response to isabella about how it is easier to write about pain than joy.

post #1:

"i used 2 feel like that until i read this one quote from annie sprinkle in "angry women". shesaid something 2 the affect that whenever she heard of any pain in the world, war..etc... she would go off and have sex or do something add to the pleasure in the universe to balance off the pain, and not add to the pain. 'cause what good does it do the cows to cry? but it does do good for the entire universe to keep adding more joy , as much as possible. annie sprinkle sees it as her duty to the universe to have as much joy as possible in order for people to tap into that. she calls herself "a pleasure activist" so next time u get upset over something...maybe u SHOULD go into the room and jack off..and visually send that joy and "sexual healing" TO the cows..or to the universe..and to yourself. :) another way to go about things... anyway, when i read that, it was a total revelation to me"


"i totally agree that writing about positive things is FAR more difficult than writing about the negative things! writing a song about pure JOY is SO much harder than writing about a break -up of a relationship for example. why is that? is it because when i am truly joyful is because of some abstract THING...rather than something " i hate YOU". i find that when i am the most happy it's such an abstract and delicate thing..having to do with the smell of fabric softener and the way the light is that day and the way a coke is so carbonated and the way the leaves rustle or a perfect temperature. not because of anything extremely tangible. it sounds dumb to write a sing that goes" i am so happy today i found a pizza parlor that has the best pizza i've ever found and my bicycle pedal wasn't squeaking today, and i road one more mile farther today without getting out of breath and when i arrived home it smelled like fresh laundry and the simpsons were on" i do u do it without sounding like a doof? are we in a society that places intelligence and worth only if the conversation is philosophical about the weight of the world? i mean can u hear a conversation with plato and socrates that goes like: "hey , did u see that cool bird i saw out of my window today? and did u know i came three times this morning in 1 minute without even trying practically? man, it was great! then i made the best oatmeal for breakfast and paid all the bills and i STILL have money left over! want to go shop for records then get a smoothie?" y'know?"

I'm in the week of my period right now. and I'm wishing and hoping and praying so hard that I do not get a migraine! I almost thought I was going 2 get one today, but it went away, thank god! I just got out of the bubblebath, so I'm going to go put on my robe now 'cause I'm getting cold :)