analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.21.99
today wasn't a good day for cool cam pix. I was working on other things. more designs for anacam and ana2. jason and I got the "ana-art" section going. go check it out if you haven't. they look so cool all together like that. the art is from anagrams, but there are two in there that haven't been used in an anagram.
tori amos was on vh1 tonight and it was SO DAMN GOOD! every time I hear her music I want 2 cry. I made my little tori collage from pix off the tv.
here are some pix of me when I was younger. one where I'm playing my guitar at first avenue with my band the blue ?. I think that was 5 years ago? I'm not sure. bobby z, my manager, "discovered" me that night. the story of that night is cool. renee, the drummer, went to go see a friend's band before we played that night. it was glam slam, prince's club..only a few blocks away from first avenue..the club that purple rain was filmed in. anyway, when renee walked out the club, she saw an angel postcard laying on the sidewalk. an angel playing a music instrument. renee took this as a good omen that our show would go well and picked the postcard off the sidewalk( it was in perfect condition) and brought it back to us at first avenue. we agreed it was a good omen and the three of us ( renee, carolyn, and I) kissed the postcard and I put the card in front of my microphone stand on stage, facing me, so I could look down on it while I was playing. that night I saw this "mysterious dark and handsome " man that did not appear that he belonged at first ave. too well groomed or something. that man was bobby z, x-drummer of prince and the revolution. long story short..(right)…he has been with me ever since and is my manager and producer of my last two records :) and he IS an angel! :)
ok…and the other picture is me when I was six. I hold that picture up in the little video I made that was included on the cd and I say" I hate that dress". I do hate that dress. it was totally itchy and uncomfortable. I scanned those photos at jason's parent's for the A&E thing.
and here is a post a made in anarchy today in reply to cydniey's dismay at her natural breasts:
"oh cydniey! what i wouldn't give for REAL breasts!!!! real breasts are soft!!! u can SHAPE then in any shape u want! think about it! whatever bra u decide to wear, your breasts will mold into that shape! u have infinite shapes to be! bullet bra, push up bra..etc.. mine are ONE shape. that's it. they do not MOVE, or JIGGLE! what i wouldn't give for the sexy bounce that real breasts have. i'm JUST as self conscious about mine...because they do NOT move! they are like android breasts( which are cool in their own right). i could go on and on. i mean i'm very happy i had them done, and i don't regret it..but it's still a self-conscious thing that when i hug people, i wonder if they are noticing how hard my breasts are and wondering what's up with that. i don't even like to hug people now because i'm so self-conscious about it! plus there are other weirdnesses. like i am so thin that the texture of the implants can be seen through on my skin! they are textured in ripples, to adhere to the skin inside better, but because i have no fat on my upper body, u can see these ripples in my cleavage. god, i'm so happy i can even SAY i have cleavage now...but these ripples are very weird. i'm constantly adjusting myself so that they cannot be seen. plus my nipples now point upwards and outwards. how weird is that? AND one of the implants has shifted so now one of my breasts is sort of lopsided from the other one. PLUS...i'm all freaked about a million other little body things..the other big thing is this scar i have on the right hand corner of my mouth, which makes it look like i have a big line that makes me look tired and crabby. i'm always trying to get the lighting right so that line goes away, but it's impossible to always do that. and right now i'm bloated out SO MUCH, it looks like i'm pregnant! i kid u not. i should just take pictures of all this stuff so u know what i mean. i had a day like that once, where i put the camera on all my flaws. i'll do it again. PLUS...the most popular cam is jenni, and she isn't thin! and she's the most popular! so there u have it! god, i love rubinesque women! i think it's totally sexy! think fat is one of the most underrated sensual pleasure on earth. i can't believe that it isn't highly acclaimed! but i know what u mean, this society is fuct. and i'm not "letting it all hang out" either, as much as u think i am. i mean, i WISH i could get that comfortable, but i'm not. perhaps i never will be. i don't know. but anyway, be GLAD u have real breasts. what a treasure! "
and one more thing: also, just in case u didn't know....check the anagrams each day for new ones. i'm not going to write"new anagram up" in my caption anymore, 'cause it'd be there all the time, which it was. but i'll put it in the caption if a few days go by without a new anagram. but there has been one for everyday this week. i'm just not sure if you knew that or not. :)