analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.20.99

hello :) I still have a cold, but it's not too bad today. I think I made it be a lot better by taking lots of echinacea and zinc right away. still, I don't have a ton of energy, but I still manage to keep on top of things. went out 2 eat today at a yummy asian restaurant with jason and his parent's then we went back to their house and I scanned some 2 photos of me for A&E. and I scanned my hands, too. :) when jason gets time he will put them up on a web page for u to see. I'll put them in an anagram. I can't wait until someday I can get a scanner! argh! I want one that can scan large things. I will be the scanning queen. I have so much to scan to show u, that it's stupid! :)

cartoon channel softly in the background. my nose itches. dogs are playing. I'm drinking "two dogs lemonade brew". an alcoholic drink. it's yummy!

jason is redesigning his site again, I wish I had it in me to learn all that stuff. I'm scared it will be too overwhelming and I'll just scream and give up. but he keeps learning more and more and getting better and better at it. it's remarkable. he creates such beautiful things. it makes me want to redesign my site again.

I keep going back to some cool cams I bookmarked, but no one is ever home. nothing ever updates. but I keep checking just in case. my two fave that don't update much are "calamitycam" and stv(stephaniecam). I can't remember the urls from the top of my head.

I found them by going through the cams at

ok, that's it for now.