( excerpt from anagram on that contains with it 32 pictures that go along with this text )

check out this NEW absolutely twisted and amazing new interactive flash animation anadoll #2 acedia made:

and i am gonna keep writing in here to please vote for me here if u haven't already:
thank uuuuuu :)))))


a post i made:

Posted by ANA on February 19, 2000 at 22:09:35:

isabella from is making a limited edition "care package" with a 2 hour vhs of videos she's made plus a mold of her nipple/breast and also a cassette of her reading erotica! plus a ton more goodies!
it gave me a concrete idea that i could mold my is what i just wrote to her regarding that:

your molding of your nipple gave me a great idea

i have been wanting to make paper weight molds of my breasts for a long time :)
but that is such a big project, i know nothing of molding
but i didn't think of making little molds of just my nipples!
and jaosn got me this paraffin wax thing..u dip your hands or feet into the wax and let it sit for 20 minutes, it makes your skin really soft and it feels VERY cool
after u peel the wax off, it still says very very soft...softer than play dough..and i've been wanting to make anadolls from this fimo clay i have..but that is an emormous task and fimo is very very hard...but u can make a mold with fimo then use that to make more fimo molded things, which is how i'll do my anadoll someday
but as i was playing with this paraffin, it so easily molded into my fingers with the slightest pressure and stayed perfect
but i'd never be able to press hard fimo clay against that to make a mold from it,
but i had the idea to stick it in the freezer to make it hard, and it does get rock solid that way.

so what i can do is press the paraffin against my nipple then stick it in the freezer!
then press the fimo into that and there will be a mold of my nipple with fimo
then i'll bake the fimo and it will be completely solid forever.
then i can press more fimo into that to make another negative mold
then i'll stick that in the oven and make it permanent
then from THAT i can press more fimo into it and start making little fimo nipples!
and after that i can drill a hole into it somewhere and put a keychain thing in there
and voila! keychain ana nipples!
and i have transparent pink and i can put glittre in there so i can have transparent pink glitter ana nipple keychains!
they'd be so easy to make after all the initial process and i could sell then really cheaply

but of course now my mind is getting bigger with this and i thought of an entire canvas with nipples glued to it all over!
the possibilties are endless! :)

oh, i could do my lips, too!

nipples refrigerator magnets, nipple checkers! :)



and jennifer typed me out this from a book she has called The Secret Language of Birthdays.
i think it's almost pretty right on, except that i'm not a tradionalist, and even though i have struggles
with my mom, i don't think it's like what is described in this book. and i'm not THAT quarrellsome..or maybe i am :) also i have made a fool of myself in public, although i really hate when i do that! ( who wouldn't? )and i don't have fights or accidents to the head or face, or anywhere else for that matter. jennifer's description of her, tho, sounds right on the money ( as far as i know her ), u can read her's here:

here is mine:

April 18th, Day of Vigorous Defense

Strengths: Honorable, Vigorous Fair

Weaknesses: Unrealistic, Pugnacious, Emotionally Unstable

Those born on April 18 are vigorous defenders of the faith. They are
protectors not only of their own interests, but of those of the less
fortunate as well. Often the causes they champion and the new ideas
they seek to implement are right at the forefront of the times in which
they live. Those born on this day are often known as progressive
thinkers who fight for their beliefs. Yet they are not radicals; at
heart they are traditionalists who wish to apply their experience and
thorough knowledge of what has gone before to the present situation.

April 18 people are aware of their appearance and their public image how
others see them in daily life is very important to them. Consequently,
they will rarely if ever be caught making fools of themselves in public.
In like manner, they are extremely careful to present themselves to
their business associates or co-workers in a sober and reasonable light.
It is also important to them that their families not only love them but
respect them as well.

All April 18 people carry a certain nobility about them. If this aura
of nobility and honor is in any way besmirched, they will suffer very
deeply and will stop at nothing to put it right. However, during this
period of suffering they may get quite deeply depressed and it can be
quite some time before they have regained the energy and composure
needed to take action.

Those born on this day have a strong sense of loyalty and their
defensive instincts extend not only to friends and family but to
professional colleagues or clients as well. They should beware of
making enemies this way, and sometimes must allow others to fight their
own battles.

April 18 people often have an emotionally deep and complex bond with one
of their parents (usually a boy with his mother or a girl with her
father). They may indeed depend very heavily on the moral support and
approval of this parent. It is on the basis of this very important bond
that the child will form his/her ideas of morality as well as how to
behave in society while growing up. It is therefore of the greatest
importance that problems (for it is often a difficult and stormy
relationship with this parent) be worked out by adolescence so that
those born on this day can get on with their lives and not get stuck psychologically.

A crucial area of growth for April 18 people lies in fully unlocking
intimate affections and love. If love is bottled up, an embittered
personality may result that will always feel a victim of the blows of
the world. If, on the other hand, love and affection are free flowing,
there is no limit to the positive energy April 18 people can bestow on
those around them.

Numbers and Planets:
Those born on the 18th of the month are ruled by the number 9, and by
the forceful planet Mars. Since the sign of Aires is also ruled by
Mars, April 18 people have to beware of their aggressiveness getting the
better of them, and since quarreling can make enemies, they should avoid
conflict when possible. In addition, the excess martian energy of those
born on this day means that they may be apt to lead themselves and their
companions off in a wrong direction. Perhaps they can somehow keep a
handle on impulsive urges, yet find healthy outlets for their
considerable energies.

The 18th card of the Major Arcana is The Moon, which primarily
represents the world of dreams, emotions, and the unconscious. The Moon
is traditionally the symbol of feminine forces, as well as of emotions.
Positive attributes include sensitivity, empathy and emotional
understanding. Negative qualities include emotional malleability,
passivity and lack of ego. The highly imaginative influences of the
Moon can create illusions and set all kinds of traps, ambushes and
deceptions for those born April 18.

Mental balance should be of the utmost concern to April 18 people.
Since their strengths lie in the areas of forcefulness, will and
imagination, rather than reason, their willingness to submit to a
rigorous mental training of some kind is essential. In order to keep in
good health, those born on this day would do well to order and structure
their lives so that energy can be put to use constructively, rather than
dissipating itself in idle pursuits and wasted energies. In the same
way that regular work habits and exercise patterns can structure the
will and imagination of April 18 people, so can regular meals of a
well-balanced nature produce beneficial effects. If the wilder energies
of April 18 people are not channeled they can lead to fights and
accidents at particular risk are the head and face. Moderate exercise,
on a fixed schedule, will do wonders to keep those born on this day relaxed.

Don't be too defensive or eager to sort things out. Allow yourself to
be more trusting and relaxed. Be as accepting of others as possible,
and if they don't bother you just let them be. Keep a lid on your anger.

Never take anything too seriously


and i'm going to repeat this again because it is so important:

i want 2 bring 2 everyone's attention a very incredible place that is helping homeless people with aids. they would REALLY appreciate it if u would send them cards of love and support and cheer to here:

The Richard M. Cohen Residence
220 Dolores Street
San Francisco, CA

this place was brought to my attention by jennifer from jennicam :)
and so i wrote them and told them i'd like to also help out in the ways that i can, so part of that is telling everyone on here about this place!
here is the email i recieved back from them that tells more about this wonderful place:

From: Daniela <>
To: ana c voog
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 09:49:38 -0800
Subject: Re: from ana of anacam
hi, ana!

thanks for writing us.. it's wonderful of you to offer to spread the
word about the residence. we'd love to get some postcards from your

our address is:
The Richard M. Cohen Residence
220 Dolores Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

we are a 10-bed, 24-hour residence for homeless people disabled by AIDS.
we provide private rooms, meals, medication, transportation, social work
case management and counseling, and a lot of fun activities. the program
is located in a gorgeous victorian house in the mission district,
completely non-institutional and filled with so much love. i feel like
both the staff and residents are part of my family, and i know they feel
the same way. this place is a celebration of life - filled with people
so grateful that their last days are in a comfortable, dignified home,
instead of on the street or in some filthy residential hotel.

if you'd like to learn more, let me know and i can send you more
details. i love to talk about this place!

thank you, ana. let me know if i can help you in any way.. i really want
these guys to know that people all over the world care for them. nice
strangers are the best! ;)

happy day!
daniela wotke


so there u have it! i hope that will help out!