analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.16.99
i made a roast today. i guessed on how and it turned out perfectly :) yummy! now i'm sitting on the couch digesting it. i made cous cous, too. i'm watching the simpsons. it was hard for me to get motivated today to go out and do errands. it was snowing a bit and it was that wet cold. now i feel like i want to fall asleep again. ever since deiter was gone for 7 hours when he was neutered and the house was so quiet and empty without him, i've had a new appreciation for him. and he does seem a little mellower now. he snuggles a bit more. he doesn't just wriggle away. brain going dead. oh ya, this is what it's like when u digest meat. well, i have nothing interestingto say at the moment. so i'll continue this later.
ok, now it's later. 10:15pm. i still din't have anything to say. i ate some green jello that jason made. watched tv, played with the dogs. just a day. not much to it. i hope i get some motivation tomorrow. i'm in this weird purgatory. maybe winter compounds it.