analog 021402

[12 Feb 2002|01:05pm]
i'm in a much much much better mood today, and i hope it stays that way. i think i released a lot of sadness and anger from my system yesterday and so, i feel lighter today. i'm sure there will be more bad days re: " all that" ...but for now....i'm relieved to wake up and feel actually normal today. i think it also cheered me up to put my songs in here, as it was something positive to concentrate on. i'll put more up later :)
today , i think, will be a cleaning day...i hope. i also have a few errands to do outside and to get out there and get my blood moving will be a very good thing for me, i know.
i haven't been able to leave the house for days as i was too overwhelmed and depressed. but today i know i can manage it and i look forward to it.
first thing on my list is to get to the post office where i am going to mail off the first wave of the polaroids project because i have the energy to go out there plus i have the $ for the postage. then i still have 14 people left to do ( and emmettsl you aren't one of them, so don't get excited yet :)
i also have a big package to mail of to duckydoo that has lots of wigs in it and an oversized spoon and fork for her clownery.
i wish i had a little red wagon to put all these packages on 'cause i don't know if i can carry all of them at once....but i'm going to try even if that means stopping to put them down each block. they aren't really's just that i'm small. :)

i have "don't go breaking my heart" with elton john and whatshername in my head right now. i dunno why. i will have to wash that out of my head RIGHT now with some radiohead.
me singing don't go breaking my heart:
(somebody slap me!)
i can't wait for the paper and ink that i ordered to come so i can start printing up my little books! it should come any day now. altho...with both books...i am adding some pictures because i found more and i have to make each page into one large jpeg instead of an html page in order for them to print out evenly when i do them double sided...that's just the only way i've figured out so far to get them to line up!
i'm gonna go take a really quick splash in the bathtub and get dressed and get going!

i already have plans to make more little books, and i know what the themes will be, but out of interest i want to ask you...what would YOU like to see me make into a little book? :)

[12 Feb 2002|03:17pm]
windows media player vs. realplayer. oooo. pisses me off!
i went to ego plum's site so that i could hear this track he wanted me to listen to ( the ballad of erno rubik ) that he made and to see if i would be interested in singing something along with that ( which i DO! )...and i downloaded the ram fille...but it would not play on my computer. so i had to open up the realplayer and make it find the file on my computer...then it would play it.
but NOW when i click on my wav files in my LJ that i made....the windows media player comes up...and it looks like it's playing it...but no sound! what's the deal??
i've closed the realplayer..and i still can't hear my wav files now. it makes me want to delete either the realplayer or the windows media player because do they conflict or something? will the windows media player play a ram file? when i downloaded the song it automatically had that realplayer logo on it...grrrr. the wonderful and so frustrating.

ok, wait..nevermind...i rebooted my computer and now i can hear my wav files! i just hope now that i can hear the ego plum ram file without having this happen again. i just want to make it so the windows media player can play the ram file...
yes, i AM getting ready to go outside! i am such a procrastinator! but now in 20 minutes oprah is on...and it's gonna be dr. phil tellin' it like it is to "bad mothers" and i dunno if i can miss that :)
i know i know thingie you hate dr. phil. but i really don't think he is a cult leader. * i must watch dr. phil...i must watch dr. phil....i must watch dr. phil....*

wire's 154 [12 Feb 2002|03:59pm]
is what i'll be listening to in my walkman when i'm outside....which is in 2 seconds. i can never leave without my walkman. i need a new one....ok wait...i have to watch's about verbally abusive mother's. i'll leave after this.

[12 Feb 2002|04:29pm]
it's so strange how SO often...whatever the topic on oprah will mirror the issue i am struggling with that week or day. more often than not this happens. the universe works in cool ways :) i really want to get a transcript or tape of this particular show and give it to my mom...but i don't think she would watch it or read it. i don't want to assume that...maybe she would...i don't know. no...i am not going to do that. it's not my responsibility.

i do want a copy of this transcript for myself

[12 Feb 2002|05:53pm]
this growing pigs thing so that they can be donors for humans is really really disturbing to me. but then, i eat bacon, so i guess that is hypocritical of me to be disturbed. still...i am disturbed.

maximum bjork [12 Feb 2002|06:27pm]
what is this import cd called maximum bjork?
here are the song titles:

1. Intro- A Sense Of Wonder
2. Chaos And Order
3. Punk Years
4. Strange Pop
5. Dissolving
6. Rebirth
7. Into It All
8. More Of Everything
9. Big Crash
10. Looking Around
11. Here We Are

it hurts me. [12 Feb 2002|06:33pm]
go see this bjork video immediately!

is there a way to download and save quicktime videos? [12 Feb 2002|11:04pm]
like this one "hunter" by bjork

( which you have to log in to her site to's free )

i'm having fun watching all these videos i have never seen :)

[13 Feb 2002|12:14am]
i need an owl. godddamnit.

[13 Feb 2002|03:19am]


reminder: buy ladytron cd

[13 Feb 2002|03:50am]
how do you plug your vcr into your computer to make a quicktime movie or some sort of other format movie thing for computers?

bjork's site [13 Feb 2002|04:58am]
i have to know WHO made this crystal headpiece???

is this not one of THEE most beautiful pictures of bjork as well as one of the coolest haute couture ensembles you have ever seen????

you cannot believe how many hours and how much stuff i downloaded at bjork's site!
her site is SO content filled it toatlly kicks asss over tori's(sorry tori) and bowie's! you can download or look at hundreds of scans from almost all the articles she's been in from magazines all over the world, for one thing...which are scanned big so you can print them out and are full of GORGEOUS pictures! she has a calendar you can print can watch all her videos...there is mucho info about everything! i give her site a huge thumbs up. i haven't ever come across a musician's site that actually had CONTENT and not just pretty flash!
she even has tons of fan art like i do...which is so large i haven't gone through it gobs of wallpapers that fans made that i've only barely touched but some of it is very very cool :) and she has a calendar you can download :)

when you go to and go to the wallpaper section...there is a bjork loop.
here i am singing along with it :) a strange little dissonant thing :)

[13 Feb 2002|03:02pm]
well, i bought one of those cd lense cleaners for my 5 cd changer but it didn't work. my cd player skips from cd to cd as if no cd is even there. and it did the same thing to the lense cleaner cd. such a bummer.

yesterday i had so much ambition. and got so much done and felt excited about things. today i have no ambition and feel absolutely discontent and blah. ooo, i hate this yo yo-ing all around.

and it's even nice and sunny today!

i got some iron on transfers for my printer to try that out. and i bought some magnet sheets for my printer and some for clear decals. i am excited about trying those out. i hope that they aren't too thick to put through my printer. for everyone who ordered a little book so far, i want to include a little ana magnet of some kind as a treat. i hope they work out :)

what are you doing for valentine's day tomorrow?

i'm going to go out now and buy some food...i think that some food will put my mind in a better order.

morrissey a cutter? [13 Feb 2002|03:31pm]
on "the best of morrissey" cd...jason brought to my notice that in the cover photos...he has three very precise, seemingly deeply cut, scarred over marks on his arm. i wonder if he is a cutter? he also has something written on his wrist ...the first word is "withdraw" and i can't make out the 2nd one.
he always wears that necklace that says "1 oz.". i wonder what that means to him?

i don't think the magnet sheets are going to fit through my printer. they are too thick.

[13 Feb 2002|04:32pm]
does anyone have a tape of that whole skating thing? i i am so sad that i missed seeing the people skate. ans i really want to see the russion skaters and the canadian skaters and the chinese skaters. :(

[13 Feb 2002|05:31pm]
vanilla caramel brownie ice cream by haagen the answer.

[14 Feb 2002|12:04pm]
wow, i just opened up this letter from a bank right now, that is not my bank...i thought it might be just a snail mail spam or something...but it was a cheque for $500 bucks from my deceased aunt...she left me that in her will. i feel so odd! this is the first thing i have ever received from anyone's will, officially. there was nothing in either of my grandparents will on either side to me, but i did receive things of memorobelia through my parents. i just feel so grateful for this money but i feel so sad to get it, too. it is a bittersweet thing. it makes me want to cry.
i was thinking about her yesterday, as i do almost everyday....and realized that i did not ever know much about HER...she was a closed person in many respects. i knew a lot about what she did with her lief. i knew her likes and dislikes. i knew her opinions on many issues. i could tell who she was by the way she carried herself and by the things she said and did. but now i wish i could have her back to ask her things of a more personal nature. like why did she never marry? and what was the deal between her and mr. f? and what was it like to go to japan in the 40's all by herself and teach english? and live through wars? and why did she never keep a diary? and what were her greatest fears and loves? although, i think i can tell by the way she lived her life what she loved...which was to travel and learn.
same with my grandpa on my dad's side. he was so shy and reserved, but i felt more close to him that to any relative except for my aunt. but only as he neared death and he visited me in my dreams and i helped him deal with his upcoming death. he also visited me in my dreams after his death a few times to show me what a good time he was having.
i haven't dreamt at all about my aunt. i don't think she is the kind to stick around. she is a traveler. she probably zipped right out of here to find mr. f first thing and off she went exploring, i'm sure.
i know i will see me grandpa again someday, tho...i think...there was something between us at the end and i think there were perhaps a lot of missed oppurtunities for some great conversations. or maybe not. maybe that is just wishful thinking on my part.
now this makes me think of my mom, and i cannot bear the thoughtof her death...or any of my parent's death. life is indeed short.
but i know there is more to life than just this life and that time is an illusion.
that doesn't mean , tho, that i take for granted time. or this life. it is all precious. which makes everything very confusing and also very clear at the same time.
ok, now i have thoroughly confused myself. which is easy to do. so i'll stop here.
haven't heard a word from my dad in awhile. i just emailed him to see wahts' up. haven't heard from my either...which is no surprise to me.

happy valentine's day everyone :) [14 Feb 2002|01:41pm]

here are 3 songs for you that i wrote. they are about unrequited love ( sorry for the horrid fake strings in "gone" they wouldn't give me $ for real ones. plus the mix is el crappola...we had to use a rough mix since the guy we hired to mix it was drunk the day he was supposed to mix it and he fuct the whole thing up and the label didn't give us another day. grrrr ) :
right click on them and "save target as"

telepathic you:
"you banana undastanda comprehend my silly manna copa copa go cabana filly really glam japania i you my eye on you truly true do be do allah flora you telepathic you mya name est paradoxia eloquente belle intoxia hypnotize a way you blinker me dolphin mantara keytastrophe i you my eye on you silver hue back to you magicka knew telepathic you alphabeta tete surpriser 01010 compriser tricky ballet day enhancer don't you get it i'm a dancer i you my eye on you truly true do be do magick anew telepathic you"

"they can bury all my words poke my eyes with little birds stick their fingers up in there and bring their friends for all i care 'cause i'm gone brandishing complete control i throw my head into a hole drown my feelings in the seas for my love is more than these and i'm gone innocently obsessed maybe absolutely real fragile balancing this wish for a delicate kiss temperance was never my forte every night the stars in me entwine the trees with songs for thee get me drunk on shitty wine for i found my valentine and i'm gone "

"you are the darker star that makes me breathe vaster 'til i feel i could fall into light alabaster you are a circular i wish i could painter over and over her beyond very later i'm terrified later i'm terrified i'd draw you on into my bath to the ceiling then trace every circular with wild flying feeling i call on the wind of the east to please carry my message of loveliness from the heart of a faerie i'm terrified very terrified i could go on and on about this but it won't do any good at all it's a long story so i guess all i can do is just count until it's over "

be my unvalentine :) [14 Feb 2002|04:40pm]
if you would like to receive an unvalentine from me ( for members only )
email me your username so i can verify that you are an ana2 member and also your SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS to: