[11 Feb 2002|08:17pm]
it sounds like a storm is coming. this makes me happy because it is fitting.
song about
my love for xtc ( the band )
i wrote this song as a tribute to them. this is the collin moulding
version...i have an andy partridge version, too :) this is jason's least
favourite song i've ever written, but i love it because it's like the old
andrews sisters thing, too..which i really love and he really hates.
blasting xtc
i'll get the
lyrics written in here as i listen to it. those of you familiar
with xtc will recognize all the xtc references i put in here. and i'm
especially proud of the way my guitar part weaves all around with the bass
part that i also played and wrote :)
will never ever leave
windy grass from which they weave
tells of gardens i believe
drowning in their blackest sea
headphones blasting xtc
and a thousand umbrellas with ladybirds all in flame
lit a runaway rocket that hissed as it hit the train
spilling mermaids and alchemists kissing inside my brain
i fly how far it flows
surround with sound that grows
into a tiger kite that blows away
as i'll ever be
to language spoken into me
wake me up with n-r-g
sgt rock will set me free
headphones blasting xtc
a thousand umbrellas with ladybirds all in flame
lit a runaway rocket that hissed as it hit the train
spilling mermaids and alchemists kissing inside my brain
my senses never stop
when i hear this pop
i dance to my stereo blasting xtc!
this is pop!
( an intermission )
i love to
make little "snippets" that i put in between my songs on my
records. i like it all to flow like it's telling a story. right now, of
course, you are not hearing it in order at all....but...i am telling you a
story :) i love the sound of old 78's and i'm never gonna stop putting them
in my songs, no matter how trendy it gets :) because those old 78's are part
of me. and the lovely cracks and snaps of vinyl records. so comforting :)
(i think that
is doris day?) i was especially fortunate to find that sample
since the name of my cd was "cake and eat it" before this one was
out (
spool forka dish ) so by singing "cake and eat it, too.." it was
saying cake
and it 2.
i guess i really wanted to make it clear that the whole cake thing was mine.
i have this really huge thing for cake. i mean...cake is universal..and now
there is a band called cake..and then there was a magazine called cake,
..etc etc...
and there was courtney love who said she was "the girl with the most
but that lyric was influenced from me, and i know this because she told me
herself. so i think that is pretty cool, and it's wild how the world is all
so small and how we all influence each other in little ways. god knows, i'm
influenced by courtney :) ( and kat b. )
another word i use a lot in my lyrics. a word that i am very fond of.
when i sang this song i swear it was more channelled out of me than
we were all pretty astounded at the intensity of it.
i love those times when the universe moves through you and you feel really
clicked in.
this song
seems to be the continuing theme of my life. it could actually be
my theme song , really. i'll be glad when i've moved on to another
song...but it's a good song to be at. and it really needs to be said to so
many people who hide their light. especially me.
lyrics coming
i really HATE separating the lyrics from the music because the lyrics are
not meant to be separate from the music. thy aren't poems and they do not
stand on their own just like taking a bass part out and letting it sit there
by itself. but i write the lyrics down now because i guess i am finally over
my shyness that my lyrics might suck. i think i'm getting better at them.
making friends with words was hard for me. now i like to play with them :)
ashes in my hair
lashes in my stare
faeries never tell
cherries red as hell
you can't tell me how and where to shine
i'll dance in the broken room
naked as the wind in bloom
diving down the hole
finding what i stole
crayons red and green
drawing into me
you can't tell me how and where to shine
i'll dance in the broken room
naked as the wind in bloom
i dress up in velvet and plastic jewels
lipstick smears and eyeshadow shoes
i lift up my dress and trip on the stares
i smile incorrectly at tigers and bears
i reach for the crayons but pull out a gun
i shoot at my brother who's blocking the sun
i search for my sister but find my daughter
i spill all the glitter back to the water
stories in my eye
lightning makes me sigh
chalice turns to rust
treasure in the dust
you can't tell me how and where to shine
i'll dance in the broken room naked as the wind in bloom
sugar and gold
this was the first song on an album of mine that had NO guitars in it. i
really do hate playing guitar. this song was kind of a forshadowing of what
the next album would be....however...with anavoog.com we didn't have the
time or money to make it sound as grand and expensive ( and it WAS
expensive!!!) as this song:) recorded as paisley park. we transcribed by
guitar parts into these parts here.
laughs at lakes of glassy silver
she laughs at light smiling to fill her
she laughs at dark dying to still
nothing matters to her now but centipedes and glitter
amber cake and stories told
sugar and gold!
laughs at games disguised to scare her
she laughs at ghosts whispering compare her
she laughs as spider webs ensnare her
matters to her now but television dishes
crystal cups hold ice cream cold
sugar and gold!
up in green light
fly out the door
cherry coated screams
remote control dreams
telephone in all you see
sing ladadadadadada de!
put on the back light
call up for more
automatic stars
streamlined divine cars
telephone in all you see
sing ladadadadada-de!
laughs as rain falls through her ceiling
she laughs when at a business meeting
she laughs at most of what she's feeling
matters to her now
but cellular laced wishes
shiny china things to hold
sugar and gold!
that was my song where you can see i was gettinga bit disenfranchised from
the whole biz of it...but still saw the beautiful dreams. this one would
have made such a nice video :)
and the paradox of having these elaborate dreams but rain falling through
the cracks of my ceiling in my poor little run down room.
and i love
futurism as seen still with old telephones mixed with cellular
things to come. it's pretty new wave, i guess :) i'm just a total fururistic
new waver :)
spoons for seven
ok now THIS would be the song that if i had to leave only one song
behind...this would be the one i'd leave to represent me. because this is
who i REALLY am inside...after you get past the politics...after you get
past the scars and the i am an artist or i am this or
that...basically...this is just my essential soul. wanting to have a picnic
with cutlerly :)
i'm just hello kitty dammit. let all go to heaven and have a picnic...even
the inanimate objects that i believe are also sentient creatures.
but the irony
of this song is...if you play it backwards...you can hear me
over and over say, " i'm nervous". i didn't PUT that there. but
i find it
ironic that this is the place i want to be. the place to be calm and safe.
but .....always...the truth of the matter is..."i'm nervous"
live all my daydreams outloud
turn this silent firefly to sound
stars stones soup silk snakes
see to heaven
knives forks plates cups spoons
set for seven
i live all my daydreams outloud
turn this silent firefly to sound
frogs fruit flies fish fans
free for heaven
knives forks plates cups spoons
set for seven
set for seven
live all my daydreams outloud
turn this silent firefly to sound
cats ants hats wax bats
laugh in heaven
knives forks plates cups spoons
set for 11
i always see this as one of those old cartoons from the 40's where
everything is bouncy and rubbery and we are all on this esculator going up
to heaven through the clouds and at the top is this perfect green picnic
and for all
you kind and gentle souls..
more songs
and stories tomorrow :)
g'night :)