analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 02.09.99
"analyze" is now up
and running :) 57 articles are in it that are about me, or i'm in the article's only the articles that i've gathered online. there are
a bunch more that i only have paper versions of that i'll type out,
to read them, click on "menu" then click on "analyze". in other news, deiter
got snipped( neutered) today. poor little dogster. he is a bit groggy, but other
than that, he is just fine.deiter and pooka got all their shots, and deiter
now weighs more than pooka..and still growing. i hope that the now less hormonally
charged deiter-dog will settle down some! we are pampering him tonight..heck
we pamper him EVER night! :)i haven't felt very social with the cam the last
few days. my anxiety has increased do to a bunch of things...and i was taking
more xanax than i had allotted to me per day ( .25 milligrams 3 times per day
is my allotment)so i started taking some sinequan that also reduces anxiety,
but then those make me very groggy, so that's partly to blame while i'm not
doing much with the cam the last few days.i've had anxiety all my life. when
i was in kindergarten i was taken to the mayo clinic where they did extensive
tests on me. i used to faint a lot. they didn't find anything wrong with's
just that i have anxiety. i hope someday to be rid of it. but for now,i'm glad
there is xanax. saves my life!i've been trying to cut down on sugar by drinking
diet pop, which i suppose is worse than the sugar. ya, i know. *sigh*today was
super grey and rainy, but warm. I'd write more but I must give this to jason
now to put up before he goes to sleep! so that is it for now..peace,ana