analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.07.99

I forgot 2 mention that 2 days ago, I went out and watched the milo fine free jazz ensemble. and jason was playing with on his synthesizer. it was truly inspiring and only 3 people showed up( including me)!. it felt luxurious 2 hear this beautiful spontaneous music being made before me in such an intimate setting. I drew the mayan-like drawing as I listened in my little spice girls notebook :) then yesterday I took a pic of it and today I expanded upon it in PSP. I hope u like it. I have an idea for us. it would be like the old mail art in a way. the idea is this. I start a could be a drawing or photo or both..then I send it 2 the next person and that person then paints over it/chops it up/renders it/interprets it how s/he wants..then sends it 2 the next person who in turn does their "thing" onto it. then when it has finally made the rounds 2 each person, I will put up each person's version in the succession that it happened, and we can see what it turned into..from 1st to last :) wouldn't that be cool 2 see? we could do this once a month. if u are interested, email me at and I'll see how many people are interested in participating :) I guess how it would work is that as soon as you've ( if u r a participant) finished your version, u send it to me, as well as sending it to the next person, that way I'll make sure 2 get them all and save them. any suggestions as 2 what we could call this new section, if people want to give it a go?

right now I'm anxiously anticipating the new CONSPIRACY x-files! YES! I haven't seen a conspiracy episode since the movie!!! aaa!!!! I'm dying 2 know!!! today I got up and went out 2 lunch with jason and his mom and dad and aunt. then we went to his parent' where his dad tried to fix the cable tv. I tried 2 scan my hand on their scanner, but jason and I couldn't find the programme. that's the next thing I want 2 buy really really really bad is a scanner. I could put SO MUCH stuff in the anagrams if I had a scanner! argh!! want want!

then we took his dad 2 the airport 'cause he flies around a lot for his job. I arrived home and started working on this anagram right away and x-files is in an hour. so that's my day so far.

started working with the dreamweaver programme yesterday and I'm getting all my press together 2 stick in "analyze". I think I have about 70 articles! and that's only the ones that were online! and that I KNOW about! SO MUCH!

thank u everyone for all your posts in anarchy, helping me out with the dog problems and giving moral support :) I appreciate it greatly!

tonight , I'm sure will be another sleepless night as I try 2 whip these dogs into shape.