analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.03.99

the wind is making the unnerving whistling noises through my windows. various layers of screens and glass rattling. started working on a little bit of tax stuff. augh. it's so awful I don't even want 2 talk about it. I'm sure u understand. this month all the money that came in from ana2 did not make all the bills, that's why I'm selling another painting. I should sell a whole bunch. I should make more. I decided that, hate is as I do, I think anacam cannot survive without them. so I've made the refresh rate 7 minutes instead of 15, 'cause I like the #7, and by making the picture refresh more, I'll get more hits …therefore that will be a better selling point to get banners. augh. I hope I can find banners of places I actually like. I'm trying 2 think of how banners could be done in a way that wasn't annoying, or at least humourous, or something. I dunno. the day was an ok day. I finally watched the movie "fear ,anxiety and depression" and I recommend it. it's almost 1am now. I wish I was more tired. there is a cool article on me at: I think I'll go wash my face now and brush my teeth and put on comfortable clothes to sleep in. I don't really have official pajamas. I sleep mostly in leggings and a long sleeved shirt of some kind. then sometimes in those beautiful vintage nightgowns if it's warm enough. which it mostly isn't these days. tried the new pepsi one. I knew it was just diet pepsi under a new name :) I hope the dogs be quiet for the entire night so jason and I can get a decent night's sleep. we put them in the litchen and put a cardboard fence on the door..held up by two chairs. but lately pooka has figure out how 2 jump it, and if pooka isn't in there..deiter barks like crazy. but pooka starts to whine like mad in there if left alone for the night, then he freaks out and jumps the fence. I need a soundproof room 2 put them in. if they r around us, pooka is a soundless dog. sigh. dreams from last night are rolling around in my head. I was in a very strange ornate rundown place. I wish I could explain it 2 u..but I can't put it into words. it makes me feel intrigued and uncomfortable.