universal sorrow
[31 Jan 2002|07:54am]
ok, i made a new anagram and now i'm going to bed, i hope....
i feel awkward, uncomfortable, exposed and vulnerable.. i hope i don't have
nightmares about rape like last night.
i must learn to lucid dream. please angels come to me tonight and protect
me with your wings...
[31 Jan 2002|02:50pm]
i feel just empty and defeated. my eyes hurt from crying. it's snowing outside
and it's really pretty. i'm having a dr. pepper for breakfast. i know i'll
be ok, i know i am ok. it feels like a saturday. i can't remember my dreams
from last night, and i'm glad for that. today i just want to snuggle with
the dogs. i wish i had cable tv. jason has cable but i want to be at my house
today with the mashers ( the dogs ). i need to pick myself up today and get
to the bank and the p.o. maybe going into the snow will be fun, if it keeps
up. if it's no fun in the snow, in the twin cities we have skyway systems
so that you can pretty much walk almost anywhere important without ever going
outside. like a habitrail for hamsters. it's great for when it's too hot out,
too. the skyway systems would good be a cool place for a movie to take place.
the streets can be totally empty and you go up there and that's where everything
is. it's a whole another city one floor up...consisting mostly of banks and
carmelcorn stands and hair salons and weird little boring businesses and lots
of women who wear suits but then wear tennis shoes on the bottom. oh and lots
of little stores filled with knick knacks. don't go up there drunk or you'll
come back with beanie babies and a bag of caramel corn. there are also lots
of drifter guys up there and unruly children who like to say hey baby hey
baby hey.
i have a real eagle feather that i got off an old hat of one of my uncles.
it's about 2 feet long. i smuggled it across the border from canada. i think
i will wear it in my hair as my symbol of strength and freedom. i think i
should even put on some warpaint later and play madonna. i wish madonna would
come and pick me up in her car today, like in the music video for her song
"music" and we could go kick it old skool ( like jason sez :)
thank you everyone
for your support. it's really helping me get through this. it's good to know
that you are here. it's good to have you acknowledge that i'm trying really
darn hard and that i'm not crazy when it comes to my mom.
[01 Feb 2002|10:38am]
i'm downloading a bmwfilm ( http://www.bmwfilms.com
then i think i will go back to bed and stay there all day. or at least for
quite a bit of the day. i just want to be in a cocoon.
[01 Feb 2002|04:56pm]
i'm soooo glad i have my dogs
[01 Feb 2002|07:53pm]
cydniey's back!! :)
[02 Feb 2002|12:26am]
does no one really know what happened to meredith of camgirl.com? i have a
hard time believing that no one knows???
thank you knightchick for making me a cute sock monkey that has my dreads and faerie wings :) what a nice surprise! :)
i just discovered
looks cool! :)
[02 Feb 2002|01:25am]
ok, i think i may just have to start taking people off my friends list and
starting over...because there are so new people and communities that i want
to add to my friend s list, but i can't...because i am over my limit on how
many friends i can have on. augh. this sucks so much. so, i am just going
to start deleting a lot of people and please do not be offended if this is
you. i am going to delete the people that i don't know...at least i don't
know by the LJ names...or...i don't see you posting in my LJ much so i don't
even know if you are around...or....y'know? after i delete the people that
i THINK i don't know much...then i will start readding again. k?
ok...i'm looking
at tvguide online and ot looks like the superbowl is not today...i don't think.
i know nothing of football.
[02 Feb 2002|05:32pm]
i'm working on my little books and polaroids
in other news,
i've been going through piles of paper in the thing room for taxes. blech
moe tucker :) [03 Feb 2002|01:18pm]
thanks stacy for the link!
set back on books.... [03 Feb 2002|04:56pm]
i can't believe this. i started working on everyone's deiter and pussy books
individually...printing them out on my printer then hand cutting out each
picture...but they couldn't be double sided...and i didn't leave enough room
to punch holes on the sides to tie them together. plus, printing them on my
printer costs just as much as getting a colour xerox....and if i worked on
each one like that i wouldn't be done until the year 2013. so i started then
working on one copy of each book that would be the main copy that i could
bring to kinkos to print out double sided and i improved the look and added
room for holes to be punched. i JUST finished glueing the pages of the pussy
tv book together. i started out with a glue stick..but ran out so i switched
to elmers. well, as i was pressing them flat with a stone after gluing them...the
glue from the elmers soaked through...ruining a bunch of the pictures and
now i have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. i am so bummed. this was hours and hours
and hours and hours and hours or work. not to mention expensive because i
did it all in very expensive glossy paper so it would be the best possible
quality picture. fuck. plus the ink. man. this sucks. *sigh*
i need to get to best buy again for more ink and more paper and start all over again with the pussy book. but at least the deiter book is not ruined becuse i only used glue stick on that one.
unreal , tho. just augh. live and learn.
ok, wait...i
don't have to redo EVERY single page...just the ones that were ruined....ok....think
this through..............nope...looking at it now...it's 1/2 ruined...so
may as well start over :/
[03 Feb 2002|06:03pm]
everything happens for a reason
colour xerox machine operator! [03 Feb 2002|06:25pm]
do have have access to a colour xerox machine? and could you make me some
free copies in return for free ana2 or ? anyone out there willing to make
a deal? email me at : ana101@hotmail.com
re: the superbowl...
paul mccartney singing hard days night with that commentator....nightmare.
like a bad chris farley sat nite live sketch?
u2...GREAT! those names going up on that long screen like they were going to heaven was VERY effective and striking!
re: the rest of the superbowl. *HURL*
i hate sports.
i saw moulin
rouge finally. it was visually amazing...but ya..those medleys SUCKED. but
thank god they mostly did it with a campy sense of humour!
i wonder what kurt cobain would have thought of his song being in one of those
medlies? i think he would have laughed his ass off, imo