analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.02.99
lately, when I wake up, I'm so groggy and have so little energy to get going, that I start out my day watching a movie in bed. I watched "young buddha" with keanu reeves. I liked it. some very good points were made in there and it started my day off on a good note. jason went 2 an ayur-vedic doctor today who told him he had a vata dosha imbalance and to get it rebalanced he has 2 drink aloe vera juice and a special tea. ayur-veda is an ancient indian system of "wellness". it makes a lot of sense. a good book 2 read on it is "perfect health" by deepak chopra. I did my ½ an hour of stairmastering on the yellow pages and have still yet 2 stretch out. I have this goal of wanting 2 b able 2 do the splits by spring, but I don't think that's gonna happen. I used 2 b able 2 do the splits in 10th grade when I was, very briefly, a cheerleader. yes, u heard it here 1st! I did it because I adored the uniforms and the pom poms. I also wanted 2 b finally accepted into a clique. but I was aghast at the cheerleading clique. it was true all they talked about was hair and who had been going out with who for how many days. I never even knew who won the football games afterwards. I never learned a thing about football. I did try to change the school theme songs lyrics from "bring our boys to score" to "bring our team to score". and that idea was shotdown because of "tradition". grrr. that was the one and only time I tried 2 get involved in school. during my cheerleading season., I discovered adam and the ants, gary numan and ultravox and my life was changed forever. I started showing up 2 cheerleading practice in bizarre new wave make up and zebra striped vests. and that was the end of cheerleading for me. I watched a biography on dr. ruth westenheimer ( sp?). what a great woman! I didn't know she was in the holocaust and all that. I read an article in JANE magazine about the women in afghanistan. so the "anapic" I made today pertains 2 that. I'm also selling a painting on, in case u didn't know…I hope it goes for a lot, because I can barely make ends meet this month, since I took down the banners. maybe I will have 2 put banners back up. augh. I don't want 2. but I'm seriously freaking and looking around my house for stuff 2 sell. I know the universe will take care of me, tho, it always does. I always manage somehow :)