analog (an excerpt taken from the anagram on ) 02.01.99

it's 3:30am. I think it's a full moon tonight. at least it looked like it was. maybe that's where I'm getting all my energy tonight. went through the pictures from the other day and selected the ones I want in arcana. but then there were so many that were not good enough 4 arcana but I didn't want them 2 go 2 waste..'cause they weren't terrible either….so I'm including them in here. I couldn't get a lot of the pictures how I wanted them because as I was making them I was clear across the room from my monitor, and that is where I can see what the pictures really look like before they ftp 2 the site. so I would squint across the room and they looked ok from far away…but certain details didn't get right then. and I love the details. it's when u get that last little finger in the right position and the light hitting your eye just right and the shadows in my face 2 b how I like and the colours and contrast and brightness and saturation and tint just so…that's when it's the best. I have 2 figure out how 2 have a monitor near me when I'm doing stuff…whatever room I'm in. I still haven't figured that out yet. at least not 4 cheap.

then I fiddled around with paint shop pro and made 2 cool "anapix". the one that is blue with the mirrored images is called "airplane11" and the one that has the orange rectangles in it is called "making a lightbody". how new age, eh? I like that one 'cause I look so much like an android mannequin. and u know those are 2 of my fetishes! :) both the anapix were made from pictures of when I was "stairmastering" on a pile of yellow pages for exercise. I love how as the sun goes down, the whole mood of the pictures changes. I like pictures that show a series of things. like looking at a filmstrip. I love looking at my whole day of pictures saved, especially when it's just me laying on the couch or sleeping, and when u have all the pictures tiled up together very small, u can see the subtle movement.

I think that my art is not always in each picture separately, but it's in the series of pictures. it would b so amazing 2 see an entire years worth of pictures from my cam in the order that it happened, all together taking up each bit of space in a big warehouse space. I think then some people who didn't think that laying on the couch was "art" would then be able to see it as that context. the big picture. joy in repetition.

so I'm breaking up this anagram into 4 pages( for ease of loading!). 1) making a lightbody 2) airplane 3) 12 pix 4) 12 more pix

the fetik3 cam is still down. jason's computer wants 2 do weird things with the video capture card, so he has 2 call up the makers of it and get it worked out. big drag.

as deiter gets bigger, he is turning into a little vandal. I still love him, but I wish he was not as strong as he is, and I wish he had the grace and gentleness of pooka. deiter is not much of a snuggler. he just wants 2 wrestle and chew and wriggle. that's another thing I call him "the wriggler". I hope this is just a puppy phase and he'll mellow out after awhile. it's fun 2 watch him grow and get smarter, and it'll be very cool 2 see what he's going 2 look like when he gets all his fluffy fur. I'm going 2 take him 2 the vet pretty soon and get him "fixed". strange word 2 use 4 that! hmm.

(next day...)

jason and I went 2 a friend's house for a small party where we watched episodes of "the prisoner". I ate way too many bbq flavoured potato chips ( ack.) and I fell in love with the cat named "stimpy". I think it's the fattest cat in the whole world…just about. that's all I did all day, that and make this anagram and the anagram before it. I didn't want 2 include this anagram in the other anagram, 'cause the other one was already 4 pages! I think I am anagramed out now, and it's almost 5am. and I'm still hyper. dang full moon.