analog (an
excerpt taken from the anagram on
) 01.27.99
hi :) jason bought a cam but the next day it didn't work….so he is still trying 2 figure that out. he has an ear infection, too, so he has 2 take antibiotics and this stuff with ephedrine in it which makes him shaky and hard for him 2 sleep :( I still haven't gotten my period headache, but I feel a tiny one right now and I hope that it's not the beginning of one. I bought PSP, finally, but still haven't been drawing with it. I don't know what is the deal. just don't have a lot of energy lately. maybe 'cause it's been super grey days and I have my period. dunno.
bought a new connectix for the laptop..i thought it would solve the problem of it going on the fritz like it does..y'know those times when the picture just freaks out in all those staticy colours. I'm waiting 4 isabella 2 go on, there is a beautiful picture on there now from her last nights show where she is covered in day glo paint. gorgeous! in case some of u don't ana2 members u can receive ten dollars off of her membership fee. details are in anarchy …it's the 1st big post in there. hmmmm…well, I guess I'm still not in a very conversational mode, as u can tell, I did not even write in the last anagram, and I haven't been posting much in anarchy either. I'm just not very talkative, I hope u don't mind. it's not cause of anything bad, I just don't feel like it..but I'm sure that will change very soon, 'cause usually I'm a typing madwoman!
also, I want 2 start drawing again. I think I haven't done it in awhile 'cause I kept getting pickier and pickier about what I drew. I should just "doodle" as was the plan in the beginning. it's too much to do an elaborate piece each day.
I will draw one simple thing each day that begins with the letters of the alphabet. a-z. that should get me jump started again! even if it just a very small extremely easy doodle, I'll do it! so there. ok, I shall now go draw something that begins with the letter "a"