analog 012702

i'm really worried about cydniey [25 Jan 2002|02:25am]
i can't call long distance is shut off plus i've misplaced her #....can anyone get a hold of her and make sure she is ok? i mean i know she's not OK...but u know what i mean...i'm really worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[25 Jan 2002|04:16am]
must fall asleep now...exhausted.

[25 Jan 2002|01:09pm]
latitude11 found her address, so she was able to dispatch an ambulance to Cydniey's house. she is in the hospital and is stable..she will be fine.

[25 Jan 2002|03:07pm]
paid my electric so it wouldn't get shut off. it's up to $147 a month now! i think i really need to NOT EVER run the heat in here because i cannot afford it! this place is SUPPOSED to have heat's supposed to come through the vents...but in my apartment ( while all other apartment dwellers here complain of being TOO hot and never run their heat ) the heat doesn't come through. i've tried to get them to fix it but i guess there is nothing to fix? i think it must have something to do with where my aprtment is in this place and also the heat going out my windows. although i have the major ones taped up now which helps a lot...and i've shut the doors to the other rooms so i don''t have to heat them. it still gets cold in here but not as cold.
i think for awhile tho i'm just going to have to tough it out and have it cold in here because i cannot be spending 147 bucks a month in electricity. i also have to be more aware to shut off lights. i'm sure my computers being on 24/7 also contributes a lot to the bill.

i need to buy a ceiling fan so that i can blow the littel heat i've got back DOWN on all floats up to the ceiling as it's a 12 foot ceiling. also, i just need a loft built in here so that i can sleep up higher where the heat is!

made partial payments to the phone co. so my phone doesn't get shut off, too. so, my basics are covered now. just gotta get out and get food today then my necessities are set :)

of course, don't cry for me, i just bought a sony
but my business comes first. if i don't keep my business up to par then i'll have NO income and that's BAD. so that is why i had to get that after my main computer bit the dust a few weeks ago. and i've been slowly ftping all my important stuff off this new main computer that jason made for me ( with my old harddrive ) after my other main computer died onto some extra odd computers i had laying around that aren't very powerful for what i need...but i can use them for storage.

what i NEED for storage is THIS:

but if anyone has any candles laying around collecting dust....i don't care if they are partially used or what shape they are, send them to me so that i can burn them for heat at night! ya! :)

i'm now going to get dressed ( i'm actually half nude for the first time in awhile since it's SUNNY and the sun makes it warm in here for those few hours ) , and go to the bank and put in some cheques and then go to the p.o.

always juggling and spinning plates! weeee! :)
but i'm doing alright , maaaaaaaaan :) yessirre bob, can't keep me down! :)

i have been in SUCH a bad mood for two months but yesterday and today i feel much stronger and that i can handle things. i don't know if it's astrological at all, but i think so. also, it's sunny today and i took a xenadrine so i'm all "get up and go!"

i only use xenadrine about 2 or 3 times a month at the most when i really need to have energy to get stuff done. i only take ONE pill. if anyone is ever thinking about using this pill to lose weight....don't bother. all you do is lose water and when you stop taking it it all goes back on. plus, if you took it everyday, you would really screw up your metabolism so that your metabolism would be high when you were on it...but as soon as you go off...your body goes back to a slower metabolism and you will gain back even more weight than you originally had before ou took it. a word to the wise.
so...i only use it sparsely in place of coffee only a few times a month at the most.
i guess it could be a good thing if u had extra water on you that you wanted off for a special occasion or something for ONE day. that is all it should be used for , imo. and never take more than 2 pills...or you'll have an anxiety attack. this has been my experience with this stuff. don't take it while you are out ON your special occasion 'cause it makes you sweat more than usual.

waxing and waning [25 Jan 2002|03:24pm]
is there a place on the internet where i can find out what phase the moon is in...and what astrological sign it is moving through at the present moment?

implants [25 Jan 2002|03:58pm]
i am thinking of implanting some ball bearings and other neat shapes underneath my skin at various points in my body i still have yet to decide....has anyone ever had anything like this done? i want to know if there is a great chance that these things will shift around and not stay in their original place...because if that is so...then i might not want to deal with all that hassle.
i'm going to do some research at i also wanted to ask here :)
(i'm including the whole ridiculus thread to this discussion at the bottom of this page or you can go gere to read it:

caroline myss [25 Jan 2002|05:17pm]
oprah was really wonderful today :) the guest was caroline myss. i recommend checking her out! i added a bunch of her books to my wishlist. very inspiring! it was about finding your purpose in life :)

[25 Jan 2002|06:36pm]
i'm gonna get ready now to go out and see lord of the rings! :) if anyone wants to talk about that movie in here...please don't put in any spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet :) i haven't gone to see a movie on a big screen for quite some time, so i'm excited :)

[25 Jan 2002|06:58pm]
ok, maybe i'm not going to lord of the rings after all. i'm going out with jason and his friend...but his friend is going to be 1/2 an hour we might watch a movie at jason's instead.
this just gives me more time to beautify myself anyway :) stomache is rather gurgly.

actually i got george harrison on the test...but dammit. i have to be yoko :) [26 Jan 2002|01:38am]
Take the Which Beatle Are You? Quiz.


[26 Jan 2002|02:52am]
g'nite all :)

[26 Jan 2002|05:56pm]
went out with jason to buy life's little necessities, etc. bought the pupsters some chews :) gonna make some dinner big deal. a mellow saturday it is :) jason is going to practice with his band for his upcoming show at snowbient ( )

creating money [26 Jan 2002|06:21pm]
artvamp was asking for suggestions on how to make money and i'm copying my reply to her here , too, 'cause money is a tough subject for all of us at one point or another:

"for me, the best way i have found to make money ( or have the things i need in another form ), is good ol' creative visualization :)
doing spells is fun too because it helps you visualize!
whatever you concentrate on is what you're going to get. so i try to make sure that when i'm getting freaked about money or dwelling on things i don't have...then i know it's time for me to start concentrating and being thankful for ther things i DO have. and i write this all down in my paper journal...what i am thankful for and thanking the universe for it. the universe LOVES to get thanked...and in return..whatever you thank it get more of :)

writing things down is a very powerful tool. and the way you word is is essential.

the best ever book i have ever read about how to create is money is "creating money" by sonaya roman and duane packer. at this moment there are 15 used copies of it on amazon..the lowest price...5 bucks. it'll be 5 bucks welll spent, let me tell you!

it's VERY VERY new agey and happy happy joy joy. i don't know if that's your style...but if you follow the suggestions in this book...if they ring true for you...then, it's the best ever book on this subject i've ever come across.

the universe is very mysterious and don't just think that money can come to you by following the obvious. in fact, money can come to you when it appears that you are doing the exact OPPOSITE of what would attract money.

getting really clear on your intent, getting rid of obstacles like fear about whatever...all these things factor in heavily.
as you know, this society is more fucked up about money than sex! so it's really difficult, for me, to let go of a lot of fear i have that revolves around money. especially when we are doing work/play that revolves around sex...the issues get even more intense and confusing. there is a lot of guilt wrapped up in all of it. the whole prostitute thing. you know all this. yada yada yada...

anyway....getting clear on your intent, focusing, creatively visualizing through whatever means you'd like ( make your orgasms magnets for money! ), and BEING THANKFUL and ALWAYS following your heart.

and get the wording right because what you ask for you WILL get!

you probably know all this already...but it never hurts just to reaffirm it :)

this is how i make my living :)"

in an empty rococo theatre
[27 Jan 2002|06:50am]
oh my god it's 7am and i had NO idea!
i've been trying to get computers and cam sworking in different configurations. then, i installed my scanner finally only to find that everything i ftped over to that computer in the kast week left no room to even scan had to go through each folder and file and delete things and that took hours. then i tried scanning and printing soe of my polaroids in super high res and it's SO pretty! oooo :) i'm EXCITED!
now i can finally scan in all my polaroids that i haven't scanned in yet so i can get going on THAT project again. i didn't want to send the polaroids off until i had scanned them for myself. WHAT a huge process it all is! but slowly finally coming together :)
i want to draw and paint on the polaroids that i printed out..the possibilities are...once again...endless! :)

sun's coming up now a bluish tint with slight hints of pink. i'm listening to dead can dance and it's perfect. has anyone ever noticed that the dead can dance singer sounds just like frank sinatra? that's all i can picture...frank sinatra singing in a black suit with his hat on...standing in the center of an empty stage in an empty rococo something from a wim wenders movie

[27 Jan 2002|04:40pm]
i went to sleep at 9:30 am and slept until now, but not really well. jason should be home from practice soon, and then tonight is all our favourite tv shows :) i feel ok about not getting much done today because i do SO much yesterday :)

[27 Jan 2002|04:49pm]
today is my mom's birthday. i really scared to call her. but i am going to call her. wish me luck. i am so nervous!

spooky [27 Jan 2002|05:12pm]
well, she didn't answer the phone either because she doesn't want to talk to me or she is out sonewhere. either way, i guess i'm relieved that i got to talk to the answering machine instead of her. :/ sad.
i just wonder if she was on the other side of the machine not answering and if she was...what went through her mind. probably everything. i hope that she was just out to dinner with her husband. augh. this is all so uncomfortable.

and get this...this is really weird. the night that cydniey was trying to commit suicide, i had written to cydniey telling her to call me so i had my phone on. i usually have the sound off at almost all times and never answer the phone much. but this night i had it on, obviously. i got a call at 4am right after i emailed cyd but the person just hung up. i star 69ed the # and it was a number that seemed out of the area but it wasn't. we recently added some new area codes to the twin cities area and i'd forgotten that particular area code. i did a search on it and it was from here. and the number looked familiar but i couldn't place it.
well, today, as i called my mom, i realized that it was HER #. which is REALLY odd because my mom would not even consider to call me at just wouldn't even be a possibility...since that is a time that people just don't usually call, and she's pretty standard on things like that. nor has my mom EVER called me at any strange time...even midnight. nor would my mom be up at 4am...let alone call me. and then call me but not leave a message? wow, now THAT is a new one. if that really was my mom...which i can't think of who else would call me at her # unless she has poltergeists...then...that is a new one on me! i just don't even know what to think of that! i didn't recognize it as my mom's # 'cause i'm just awful at memorizing numbers. i can hardly remember anyone's telephone #.

then weirdly..and this has nothing to do with my mom....about a little while later someone called me from nevada...i also star 69ed and looked up the area code. i gave the # to thingie for him to call since i have no long distance. but this # wasn't from cyd nor did this person know her.

now...what are the chances that some stranger is going to call me at 4am from nevada right when i was wishing to hear from cyd, who is in nevada. it's just weird.

i'm spooked that my mom called me at 4am that night and hung up. i'm spooked about that whole night still, of course.
this is the latest news re: cydniey...this is posted on her site ( ) by latitude11 who is keeping us up to date. thank you courtney!

"Cydniey's Status
January 26, 2002 - 2:56pm PST.
Cryo and I have set up this spot to keep everyone informed of Cydniey's status. She is currently in ICU, and unable to talk. The nurses hope that she will be able to speak sometime tomorrow, and they have Shrubber and I's home number for her to call collect and let us know how she's doing and what she might need. To everyone that has posted and dropped into chat with your prayers and well wishes... thank you. All we can do now, is trust that the doctors are taking care of her and that she finds peace. I will update again when I find out more.. with love and peace, courtney"

[27 Jan 2002|11:17pm]
where did meredith go? her livejournal is deleted and her site has been gone for days! :(

re: the implant post:

2002-01-25 14:59 (from, via (link)
I remember reading an article about that in 'The Face' magazine about 4yrs ago.
It looked really good altho i can't remember what its actually called or where you could get it done =(
...i will try and find the magazine/article for you...

2002-01-25 15:08 (from (link)
Maybe along the top of your forearm or framing your face might look kind of neat...

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

2002-01-25 15:24 (from (link)
i like to play :)
i don't see it as a detraction. i see it as adornment. my breasts are implants. think those are pretty?

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 15:47:15
but what you think doesn't matter when it comes to my body. what matters is what i think.

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 16:00:32
i asked for input from people who have had these implants or know someone who has them and has intimate knowledge of them. i did not ask for input regarding whether or not anyone found them attractive or not.

2002-01-25 15:40 (from (link)
I agree and will always try to talk people out of getting tattoos, bizarre implants, piercings, etc. Besides religious reasons for my negative view on this stuff, I have basic artistic and pragmatic reasons why I wish people didn't go in for these fads -- IT MAKES YOU LESS BEAUTIFUL than your natural self. Sorry. I just find all tattoos detracting, and I find piercings other than in the ear, distracting. It looks uncomfortable, unhealthy, unnatural and basically ugly.
OK, everyone roll your eyes, please don't flame me.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 15:58:28
you have to understand that we all don't think exactly the way you do. and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. *rolling eyes*
i really don't think you have the right to get down on people's life choices. it's their life to lead, not yours.

2002-01-25 15:33 (from (link)
I've heard its super dangerous to do that
but it is a sweet idea
if your looking for ideas u could always peirce around your nose and mouth for wiskers

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

2002-01-25 16:15 (from (link)
haha :) actually i am in a VERY good mood! i'm just not going to take any bullshit.

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 16:49:36
you can't tell everything about my entire mental state just because i get upset at some posts that i don't agree with. of COURSE i am flawed. we are all flawed. of COURSE i am a "normal" girl. i am glad that you've had that realization because putting people on a pedestal and putting standards upon them that they know one could ever live up to is not healthy for anyone.

i am not a fantasy. and i DO have feelings. i am showing my feelings here, and they are varied.

2002-01-25 16:11 (from (link)
To be honest your breast are not beautiful and I think if I were you I would at least appreciate people who give you their honest opinions instead of those who tell you exactly want you want to hear because heavens forbid, let's not piss ana off.

2002-01-25 16:23 (from (link)
my breasts are not beautiful to YOU. but WHO was asking YOU? was it ME? no. it was not. i asked HER.
i don't need any opinions that are rude that i didn't even ask for. i don't see why that is so hard to understand and accept.

and why WOULD you want to piss me off? how utterly mean of you. what the fuck is that about?
that is a rhetorical question, btw. i do NOT want your reply. in fact, if you say one more thing in here, you're banned because i don't have time for this bullshit.

2002-01-25 16:38 (from (link)
you're missing the point. It seems pretty clear. Im not sure why people are having such a hard time understanding this. This sounds like what ana is saying to me:

she was asking for knowledge and info about the procedure. not about how her tits or possible ball bearing implants would look to other people. the reason she drew attention to her tits earlier was to make a point questioning if there is truly any differentiation between something that is saline and something that is stainless steel implanted inside the body, because they are both artificial modifications. Its just that one is viewed as more "conventional" than the other.

getting any kind of body alteration is about being comfortable in your own skin, not about what someone else thinks. Thats what she was trying to say in this thread. She's not just going willy nilly and reacting to people's opinions. If you read closely, she states very clearly that she is not interested in aesthetic opinions. She is not saying that everybody's opinion in here sucks. She's saying its just not relevant. Its also not what she asked for. The reason she's pissed off is not regarding how she feels about your comments on whether or not she looks good, because she doesnt feel anything about those viewpoints. Like I said, they are irrelevant. Its because you are ignoring her question and instead passing judgement on whether this is something she should do or not. She doesnt give a fuck about whether you think she should do it or not.

I dont see why people are having such a hard time understanding this. She asked a very simple question: Does anybody know anything about this procedure and if the implants will shift? She's not the one reacting here, you guys are.

I honestly dont know myself, ana. But I can ask you-know-who Mr. Badtz Maru for you if you like. He may know something.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 16:53:20
THANK you thingie! that is EXACTLY what is going on here with me! YES! ahhhhhhh, *sigh of relief* you really have SUCH great communications skills with the written word!

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

(no subject) - ana, 2002-01-25 17:10:08
you DID say something negative...but you deleted your post where you said i cannot reiterate to you what it was that made me think that what you said was rather rude and unnecessary.

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-25 17:28:08
its judgemental and irrelevant to her question.

"why would you want to do that?"

why the fuck should she tell you why she wants to do that? You wont even answer or assist her with her question! You dont even have the decency to acknowledge it! You just jump the gun because she might want to try something that you personally dont think is attractive!

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 17:29:46
amen amen!

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-25 17:31:35
and the compliments are back-handed, and crazy making.

"you sure are pretty, why would you want to scar up that pretty little face?" thats basically what people are sounding like in here. its condescending.

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-25 17:24:57
okay, first of all, I never was saying anyone specific was saying anything negative or positive. I was saying that it didnt matter what the opinion was. it wasnt relevant to her question. I never said anything offensive to you or about you or about anybody specific here.

I was commenting on a behavior and a dynamic that I saw happening in this thread. YOU chose to take that on personally, I guess, by that sarcastic comment about "thank you for your kind words about me".

what is this acting like wounded puppies in this thread? ana draws a boundary and states something very clearly, and people are taking it personally and acting like she is attacking you. The minute a woman says something assertive and states very plainly that her body is NOT up for grabs and is NOT existing for the enjoyment of others, all the prior agressiveness from people turns to victimhood, like somehow she has hurt your feelings by standing up for herself. and then people comment on her mood swings and use that tired old "well, there must be some pathology there, since she seems to be acting so irrational. You know ana, gotta take the good with the bad.". What century do you guys live in? People in here are using that same old tired "if a woman draws a boundary lets just point out that she is irrational and crazy" routine. and dont think Im just randomly pulling out some sexism argument. The context in this conversation is so fucking obvious. oh boo hoo, poor us. ana wont be our dolly anymore, that crazy bitch!

am I the only one in here who is seeing this? jesus fucking christ.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 17:29:08
ohmigod thingie! YOU ARE A TREASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I* didn't even see that subtext there but you are SO RIGHT!!! wow!

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-25 17:36:35
I think its amazing how people show their true colors and where they really stand on something if there is any threat to their level of control. the most irritating is that I see this kind of thing all the time with people who consider themselves "progressive".

No, You're not the Only One - howief, 2002-01-25 17:40:23
I agree with everything you've said so far. Basically, Ana wanted knowledge and facts and got questions, like "Why?". This isn't an editorial column. I wish everyone would chill out, though.


Re: No, You're not the Only One - thingie, 2002-01-25 17:46:09

(Deleted post) (soliloquy/solipsism deleted her post)

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-25 18:23:27
and it is so sad that your only tactic is to once again resort to personal attacks based on rumors and malicious gossip that I dont care two craps about. I dont give a shit about any "they". "they" can go fuck themselves, because "they" are not my friends. I would never want friends like that. I know exactly what type of people "they" are, but I can assure you, "they" know NOTHING about me.

You can ask anyone who knows me in real life, Im about as spooky as ice capades. Im probably spooky to you because I call you on your bullshit. I will be the first to admit that I am not right on all issues. But there is no reason for me to feel threatened by people who obviously look at others through their own preconceived notions. People have demonstrated that pretty clear in this post. It doesnt bother me in the slightest. So go ahead and think Im a stalker if it will fill some pathetic void in your life.

I think that ive been very reasonable in the points Ive made and all you have done is just escalated personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. You accuse ana of lacking tact, and me being a mean spooky stalker. talk about name calling! What hypocrisy.

And as to comment regarding grammar nit picking about ana's question about her tits. If you read my original post I said quite clearly that she was making a point of stating that there is no differentiation between that and ball bearing implants. it was a rhetorical question.

Now look. its obvious that for some reason, you take serious issue with whatever, and are only going to make personal attacks. I say feel free to think whatever you want. Im not going to waste my energy any more to dispute it, because it seems pretty fruitless. You only see ana a certain way, why should I or anyone else be any different? (jeez, and Im the one here being accused of sociopathic behavior.) If you want to continue and play the "last word" game. Fine, you win. make the last word. Say whatever flames you want after this, you wont hear a peep out of me. I think Ive been pretty clear.

(no subject) - serendipity, 2002-01-25 21:27:28
If you're spooky, I like you lots, because this cat's name was Spooky.

I think I like you lots, anyway. I just happened upon this thread, and was genuinely impressed by your excellent logic skills. You successfully cut throught the crap. You pulled the Truth from a mess of words that could've become far messier had you not made it clear what was happening here. Even though Ana already expressed her appreciation, I hereby second that.

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-26 12:37:18
Thank you:)
Ive always loved your icon of Spooky. I think its neato. You've totally got that "kitty wink" down. (thats how cats blow you a kiss, ya know. :) )

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 19:56:28
you know, thingie is my FRIEND and a damn good friend at that. so don't even GO there. grrr.
he is one of the most honest, loving, perceptive, engaging, brilliant, compassionate, gutsy, kind, fabulous people i know.

i do not represent your type of "freedom".

(no subject) - lifeiskindacool, 2002-01-26 03:45:22
Hi, I read this whole tread and it was interesting. If you could put ball bearings under your skin, wouldn't it be cool to have a metal Dildo implanted in your forehead that was retractable? Then you could have sex with yourself but I'm not sure if your interested in that, it's just an idea, it's not that wild really. I predict in 5 years a Hollywood movie will show actors actually having sex, penetration style.

I was linked here from site that had pictures of you having sex with a mannequin. Those mannequin pics were pretty interesting. That guys site said rude things about you. He shouldn't use those pics unless you gave him permission, me thinks. Anyway I would try to access your web cam but I'm still computer deficient.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-26 11:22:35
i didn't give him permission

2002-01-25 16:32 (from (link)
ok... so i totally messed that up...

:) sorry! and why is everyone being so down about individuality?

xoxo to ANA!!!

2002-01-25 16:35 (from (link)
thank you :) ya, i don't know what is up with that. it's tragic.

2002-01-25 16:38 (from (link)
aah exactly the anwser that one can expect from the ana who lives in her anaverse where everybody knows shit except for ana.

Your so called friends should have told you this a long time ago, but here it comes from a perfect stranger, GET OVER YOURSELF.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 16:51:02
i'm sorry you are such a bitter person.

Energy - venusenvy, 2002-01-25 18:24:59
Shiromuji although I don't know who YOU are... you are coming off as a bitter soul. I think you should have a bit more respect for the people in this community. In essence you are let into a part of people's lives. You have to be responsible for the things you say. The energy you are putting forth.. You have put out your share of negative energy into this post.

Love and light..

(no subject) - junktheory, 2002-01-25 16:52:34
umm... chill. People get so riled up. Ana, it sounds like an interesting idea, are you talking about the same sort of implants people have in national geographic?

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 16:55:21
yes, there are many tribal cultures who get these implants, as you know :) i think some of them are very beautiful :)

i'm just wondering about the procedure and if these implants stay in place once they're in

(no subject) - wig, 2002-01-25 17:32:44
woah, look at this thread! ana's got the action.

well, ana, i thought that the african folk were using scarification. perhaps that is a less invasive route to the effect you're looking for? the raised skin is due to the way the skin heals and scars.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 19:46:48
ya, there is also scarification. another fascinating type of body modification adornment. but that wasn't what i was referring to :)

I'm Not Much Help
2002-01-25 17:43 (from (link)
I used to have friends in the body piercing world (and SM, etc), but, since my friend Gordon died, I've lost touch with a lot of contacts. I'll try to think of some magazines that would help you.


2002-01-25 18:01 (from, via (link)
I did a search & couldn't find much that wasn't about penis beading, but I did find this site that has pictures & a long explanation. It says that the implants don't move around any more than yr skin does because it's a pretty tight fit after everything heals up. hope it helps! :)

(Deleted post) (franny wentzel deleted her post)

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 20:04:35
you know, a LOT of things we do aren't good from a "medical" standpoint. yet, that hasn't stopped anyone from doing certain things for thousands of years.

i was thinking of doing it REALLY thanks there for that careful advice. i would have never thought to be careful. i was just gonna start shoving objects into my body here and there without any thought to what i am doing.


(no subject) - serendipity, 2002-01-25 21:37:40
Ack, you remind me of a lover who I used to tell to drive home carefully at night (over the windy and sometimes foggy Santa Cruz Mountains). He got mad, saying he had fully intended to drive home recklessly. I learned my lesson and never made such a foolish suggestion again, lol!

2002-01-25 19:15 (from (link)
I read once that men in some latin american country have little plastic ball bearings implanted under the skin on their penis, because the ladies like it or something.

2002-01-25 20:10 (from (link)
on a day-time talk show there was a man who was transforming his body into something closer to that of a reptile, with tattoos, piercings, cutting his tounge in two and having these implants of large bumps along his eyebrows, they may have been plastic plates or something along those lines but they were indeed where they were suppost to be. i taped it and if you want me to go over it for you or if you'd like to borrow it that would be fine. one question though.... do you still have that manniquin head you wanted to give away for free?- i ask because i will be in minneapolis on tuesday ~all day and i wouldn't mind taking it off your hands if you dont want it *cause i do*- i could also give you the video!

2002-01-25 20:37 (from (link)
I think the first exposure I had to implants like ball bearings was "the Enigma" in the Jim Rose Circus side show. Most of them are (or were?) local here in Seattle. I otherwise don't know much about the topic, but I found it fascinating. Wish I knew some informative leads to give you on the subject or people who do it well. Depending on what you've already read or learned on the topic, You might be able to hunt him down or the people who did it for him with some careful web research.

Re: - ana, 2002-01-25 20:59:45
i have met him briefy. he is such a sweet gentle person :) he told me his horns weren't worth the hassle. i didn't have the time to find out why

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-26 12:51:21
oh god, Ive had the hots for the enigma for years! what a yummy being he is!

(Deleted post from soliloquy/solipsism)
(here is the post that she deleted:
"2002-01-26 06:50 (from

I have deleted my posts because I dont wish to be apart of this intentionally cruel forum, not all of course. Thingy, interesting how your so great and protective of her, yet in your obsession you have a link on your page to her home address.... fucked up if you ask me. Ana, Im thankful to my credit card company for the chargebacks I got already and wish you the best of luck dealing with them, which youll probably cave and not persue anyways. Faithful, faithless and mislead readers of Rachael, who cant be herself so MUST be Ana.... were you to bear witness last night to the cruel and irrational nature that IS Ana you now know first hand while she is medicated (I sugest something stronger than Xanax and prozac from now on), why Jason moved out and has so far refused to live with her again, why she has such trouble with her mother and why her only sucessful relationships are with pixel people who validate her online that never have delt with her in real life nor never will. She just cant cope with real life, hell she cant even pay her heating bill on time. Her life is and always will be Ana. and that says it all. Im greatful to be away from this ME world shes created, I was sucked in by someone I thought was light, and NEVER put on a pedestal. Shes ordinary, normal and must create this imaginary world around her because she cant live in the real one. I really pity her, moreso her mother and Jason.. who was wise to move away from her, and wiser more when he refused to move back.

Up the meds Ana, your in desperate need."

reply from venusenvy:
I'm not sure what is going on in your life to make you so very bitter. I hope you get some enlightenment soon. You have some major displaced anger to deal with. Being cruel to someone who is simply sharing part of her being with you is not the answer my friend.


:( - venusenvy, 2002-01-26 10:27:48

Re: - ana, 2002-01-26 11:43:41
that is THEFT!! you are going to STEAL FROM ME?
(no subject) - ana, 2002-01-26 12:26:48
plus, you CLAIM to chargeback but you DON'T request to be unsubscribed. hmmmm. interesting.

(no subject) - thingie, 2002-01-26 13:21:13
oh no, you never called ana crazy, did you? I could have sworn you denied this in an earlier post. But since you removed your evidence by deleting them all (how convenient for you), people can only go off of your most current pathological exhibition. But granted, that in itself, is quite enough.

You are incredibly cruel. I am so glad you have shown your true colors in here, so people arent ever fooled by any facade you attempt to put up of yourself in the future. What a pathetic psychic vampire you are. You truly just enjoy sucking up other people's energy, and give nothing in return. You just dig your hole deeper the more posts you put on this thread, becasue you reveal more and more of your ugliness each time. And the fact that you claim to be the victim in all of this is the most pathetic of all.

***laughs*** Of course I have a link to her homepage you dumbfuck! Its called plugging my friends and supporting my fellow artists! I also always cite my sources for inspiration.
Love and kisses,

(no subject) - ana, 2002-01-26 13:38:37
and this person isn't even a member of ana2!
all that hoopla is all smoke and mirrors.
whatevaaaaaah. what a liar.