analog 012102

2002-01-19 00:07 (from (link)
Are you an artist?
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2002-01-19 00:18 (from (link)
why do you ask this question?
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2002-01-19 00:38 (from (link)
I'm just curious if you classify what you do as 'art' or something else.

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2002-01-19 07:21 (from (link)
i'm curious as to why you are curious.
what do you classify it/me as?
why even classify? why is that important to you?
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2002-01-19 10:58 (from (link)
I was just interested in how you perceived your own work. Forget it, it's not important.

I was just thinking about this idea of using the self or the image of the self as a product. In your case the product being 'ana voog. This notion of the 'self' as artist and art-work is a recent phenomenon. There is definetly a history to it and goes back to the days of Warhol if not earlier to even some of Duchamps' work. I don' think there is anything wrong with calssifying what you do. I make films, I call myself a filmmaker. I do other work as well so people may just perceive what I do as 'art'. That's fine. But it's too broad of a definition. You can cast the umbrella of art over everything. I think it's great that you can market and sell what you do. I can't. But what I have is not practical like what you offer. I don't sell T-shirts and coffee mugs. But I like the idea of making art that is accessible to the public. It seems very American.
On the train the other day I read a poem that was placed between all the ads for hair products and movies. It was a short poem that was part of some arts grant that the city was behind. What was striking about this was that it did not ask for anything. It was a gift. There was no catchy line, or manipulative image to get you to buy a product. It was simply there for us to enjoy. That was remarkable becuase so little of what we see or read in public space is there for us to enjoy. It's always asking for something, usually money.
I'm interested in that relationship between the struggle to make art work that is from the soul and the need to market ones work and live a decent life as an artist.

That's all, making small talk.

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am i an artist ( part 1 )
2002-01-19 12:06 (from (link)
what you have written here is something i have thought about a lot. i wanted to know your intent behind asking that question because i'm quite a guarded person when it comes to discussing "what is art and what isn't art" since i've discussed it now at great lengths online with thousands of people for 4 years, and i'm , frankly, drained from the whole experience of that discussion.

for me, asking "what is art: is like asking "does god exist?"...another question i do not ask mysekf anymore because it simply cannot be answered , for me, in mere communication is this kind.
for me, god DOES exist...and i know this because i feel god. could i be hallucinating? perhaps. and for me god is the universe....literally we are all parts of god makiing up god. i do not see it as a god "out there somewhere". anyway...i don't feel a need to prove if there is a god anymore because it can't be least it cannot be done by i let that go.

the same with this art question. to answer your question ( which i will now answer because it SEEMS you truly want to know even though you are trying to be all nonchalant about it by saying " it's not important" and this is "small talk"...which in many contexts it IS small's all about the person'e intent..but i know you already know that )...

is that..yes, i consider myself an artist. is EVERYTHING i do art? yes and no.
i think that 99% of the people who look at my site and ask themselves " is this art"....they are taking it picture by picture. if you take each of my photos and ask "is this photo art?" then some may be art...some may not be can you tell which is art and which is not? well, you just knowing if there is a god or not. a better question is maybe WHAT is art...but that is a subject that TOTALLY drains me..and takes away , for ME, the joy of i just don't go there anymore. i feel that, for me, if i question TOO much ( whih once again, thsi is a paradox because i question everything to death and then some ) can take the joy of creating out for me. so i'd rather just DO.

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Re: am i an artist ( part 2 )
2002-01-19 12:06 (from (link)
anacam, my intent of anacam, is that the ENTIRE thing is an art project. it's not just the photos. it's the whole "event"'s everything that surrounds anacam, all the "hoopla" all my writing..all of everyone else's writing about it...all the photos, the FACT THAT I'M DOING IT, the process, the event. it's more of a verb than a noun. it's not done yet. it won't be done until i die, and i suspect that it will actually not even be done when i die because it will echo on in other forms take on it's own life ( the way it does now ).
so TIME is a major component to my art, just as much as the photos or the writing are. and PERCEIVING and INTERACTION, and FEELING are all part of this. even if sometimes the feeling is utter boredom. this entire event/thing that i humourously and affectionately call the "anaverse" is my intentional "art project" ...the meaning of it ever changing each year and minute and the importance or stupidity factor also mutating.
the "product" would SEEM to be me, but i do not consider this so...i'm IN there, most obviously, but i feel more like i am just a motor or channel keeping things running. i think that when people look back on this, it will seem more obvious than it does now that this wasn't really about me, as i've been saying all along, but more about the person viewing/interacting with this. at least that's what i think right now. it could change.

when i paint or draw i usually have no idea what i'm about to paint or draw..i don't know what it will be or what it means....sometimes it takes me years until i figure out what was up with that. i just try to let things come natually and let whatever wants to come out come out.

as you can see, this is a huge answer that doesn't answer much, which is why when people i don't know ask me " are you an artist?", i do not immediaitely spit out an answer for them ask this takes a lot of effort and i don't want to do this for someone who was just asking that question frivolously to me.
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Re: am i an artist ( part 2 )
2002-01-19 12:30 (from (link)
you said:"like i am just a motor or channel keeping things running. i think that when people look back on this, it will seem more obvious than it does now that this wasn't really about me, as i've been saying all along, but more about the person viewing/interacting with this. at least that's what i think right now. it could change."

The idea of the work being more about the "person viewing/interacting" is very similar to how we decide what symbols and images mean to us as viewers. This is also something I'm fascinated with when showing one of my films. The viewing of the art becomes the final execution of the work not the work in and within itself. I suppose what you have is a universe with a port or entry that is the screen/the net...that depends very much on the viewer and their response(?).

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Re: am i an artist ( part 2 )
2002-01-19 12:32 (from (link)
But thanks for taking the time to answer. I should have phrased the question better. Asking you if you are an artist is pretty vague and inane on my part.



[21 Jan 2002|10:05pm]
was over at jason's for a day hanging out. he had today off :) i worked a lot on my little books as we watched a lot of cable tv.

i have to reboot this computer literally almost every minute now because the mouse freezes up.

i bought my mom a book on amazon called "daughters and mothers". is a photography book. i hope she will like it.

i'm gonna go snuggle in bed with my dogs now and watch david letteman

i need to get a pcmcia ethernet card for my sony vaio now that i know it can use one of those. i don't know what kind to get that will go with my sony vaio sr33...maybe they all work? at least i think it could use one...there is a pcmcia slot...yet they do not list any ethernet thing as an accessory for this seems that my only option is to buy this VAIO® Wireless LAN Card (PCWA-C100) $149.00 " which then would require me to buy this "VAIO Wireless LAN Pro Access Point (PCWA-A200) $299.00" or the "VAIO Wireless LAN Access Point and LAN card (PCWA-A100) $499.00"

i am so confuse about this. advice welcomed on this issue as i am truly lost.
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anna may wong [21 Jan 2002|11:05pm]

i want to BE her! maybe i was!
thanks to suburbangothic for showing me this :)
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i didn't know this place was still up :) [21 Jan 2002|11:11pm]

i found this on there:

April 18, 1966
11:56 AM
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun position is 28 deg. 14 min. of Ari
Moon position is 4 deg. 17 min. of Ari
(rising/ascendant is leo)
Mercury position is 0 deg. 50 min. of Ari
Venus position is 12 deg. 18 min. of Pis
Mars position is 0 deg. 40 min. of Tau
Jupiter position is 26 deg. 59 min. of Gem
Saturn position is 24 deg. 29 min. of Pis
Uranus position is 16 deg. 00 min. of Vir
Neptune position is 21 deg. 25 min. of Sco
Pluto position is 16 deg. 11 min. of Vir
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[21 Jan 2002|11:32pm]
if i had a baby and raised it on cam. what would you think of that?

[22 Jan 2002|02:47am]
i'm working on a "who in the anacam household are you?" test :)
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random word picture game :) [22 Jan 2002|02:56am]
y'know the random words that appear above the cam? thingie has been doing this great idea where he draws pictures of his favourite ones. they end up very surreal just as the 4 random words appear. i think it would be fun if when people saw a good random, more people would draw what they see in their head when they read those 4 words :) or just post your favourite randoms here...and perhaps someone else will draw a picture of it :) post it here or send your drawing to: